Ms. Ebba Kalondo: Being a black African woman in leadership is not for the faint-hearted
Ms. Ebba Kalondo is the spokesperson in the Chairperson’s office of the African Union Commission. Prior to that, she has held several senior positions in strategic and Risk Communications at the World Health Organization, Foundation Hirondelle, France24, and Reuters. In this interview, Ms. Ebba talks about her work as a leader in the African Union Commission. [bctt tweet=”Be the exception to the rule. Go to that meeting that no one invites you to, sit there like you belong and speak up – @EbbaKalondo” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What was your ambition growing up? Growing up I read a lot and questioned everything around me. I was always inquisitive and analyzing the information presented to me with a desire to learn more. So upon reflection, I must say that my ambition was always to learn more. Would you say your family environment/childhood shaped the person you are today? My parents’ relationship which each other forged my personality. They were and remain a strong united front. They had five daughters and a son. We were always allowed to ask questions and encouraged to read. My mother was soft-spoken but strong. She was a disciplinarian and my father taught us the importance of family. Did you ever think you would end up in international affairs, or at the AU specifically? Yes, I worked in international news and in development with a strong focus on security and the humanitarian industry. With my desire to constantly learn, I grew a desire to ignore the headline and discover the more nuanced reality behind the story. What was your path to working at the AU? What factors helped you along the way? It is the people I met on this path that I walked and the rich experiences that brought me to where I am. I always knew that I wanted to be of service to my continent and I am very fortunate that I have been able to do so. The AU is the platform to do this, and I will always be grateful for the call to be of service. Can you compare the AU with other organizations you have worked with? The AU is a microcosm of the state of its evolving Union – a 55-member Union of nations with different governance systems, varying levels of socio-economic development on a continent that is home to a third of humanity but that is still fighting for its rightful place in the world as a primary actor of its own development and indeed that of the world. Born of a unique history of colonialism not seen in any other continental grouping in contemporary history, the African Union is also the largest intergovernmental in the world. There is no other organization quite like it, that I know of. The AU is currently undergoing a process of institutional and financial reform. Why is the reform of the AU essential? Our continuing existence in the new world we live and engage with depends on making our Organization more fit for purpose to better serve the needs and aspirations of the people of the Continent. This is not a choice, this is a stark existential reality and an obligation to the founding fathers of our Union. Are the reform’s youth and women targets attainable by 2025? (35% of AU staff as a youth and 50% as women). Why should they not be? Self-belief and the ambition we have set out for ourselves is key. What do you say to critics of the AU who point to its bureaucracy and who doubt its capacity to change? The AU Commission is a bureaucracy like other multilateral intergovernmental organizations such as the United Nations and the European Union Commission. And like all institutional bureaucracies, it is a slow-moving ship. It is not as agile as say a start-up. This is not unique to the AUC. What is unique is that unlike the UN and the EU, the AUC has started to implement its reform agenda. Who influenced you the most in your professional life? Not one person in particular. There have been so many people who have, through their experiences, mentored and supported my journey. Have you ever received a painful rejection in your career? How did you handle it? Not rejection per se, but definitely some occasions where I could and should have acted differently. The first thing is taking responsibility and then fixing it and learning to do better. [bctt tweet=”In case of a rejection, the first step is taking responsibility and then fixing it and learning to do better – @EbbaKalondo” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] When have you felt most out of your comfort zone? On the contrary, I actively avoid comfort zones, I feel most comfortable pushing myself outside of comfort zones. Growth has always been more important to me than comfort has. Having worked in war zones where putting oneself in harm’s way is part of the job, I’ve learned that security comes from within. What have you learned in your career about women in leadership? Any advice for women who aspire to leadership positions? Being a woman in leadership is tough, but being a black African woman in leadership is not for the fainthearted. Be the exception to the rule. Go to that meeting that no one invites you to, sit there like you belong and speak up. Your opinion matters. Even if there are other women there, and none are speaking up, be the one that does. Stay informed about everything around and never take the bait of being treated as the “affirmative action” or “gender sensitive” presence. Your results will not be judged on your gender. You got the job, not your gender, so do it. Never fear ridicule. Ever. [bctt tweet=”I’ve learned that security comes from within – @EbbaKalondo” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Have you undertaken any measures to support women in the professional workplace? There is nothing I can teach, but I can share my experiences truthfully and what has worked for me, and what has not. I find that we
How to land a job with the African Union Commission

[bctt tweet=”Would you like to work for the AU? Here are some tips on how you can land a job with the AU” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] The African Union Commission, previously the Organisaton of African Unity, is Africa’s biggest and most influential regional body. Its origins span from a time the continent was fighting against colonialism and Apartheid with African heroes such as Kwame Nkrumah, Emperor Hailie Selassie, Muammar Gaddafi, Sekou Touré, Jomo Kenyatta, Julius Nyerere and many others being its founding fathers. It’s 54 years later and the AU has won its fight against colonialism and Apartheid and has shifted its focus to the development of the continent in order to create a prosperous, people-centered Africa which is a key global player. More and more young people want to join the AU and contribute to the development of the continent. Would you like to work for the AU? Besides meeting the requirements of the job description here are some tips on how you can land a job with the AU. Be a Pan Africanist! In order to work for Africa’s largest regional organization, you have to love the continent and be a Pan-Africanist. Pan-Africanism is essentially the belief that African unity is important for the social, political and economic development of the African people. When talking about Pan-Africanism, other theories such as Black Consciousness and Ubuntu come to mind. However, this should not just be a theory, you should genuinely believe in a Pan-African Africa with a strong regional identity. Your belief in Pan-Africanism should be evident in your cover letter, make it known through the interview, and your personal and professional experiences should speak to that. Demonstrate that you have done development work in your community. This is very important. Your previous and current experiences (personal and professional) should demonstrate that you have been active in the African development space, especially in your country of origin and/or its sub-region. This shows that you aware of and can conceptualize the realities that Africa is faced with in different subjects and can make a meaningful contribution as you are in sync with the realities. Be African with an international view The African Union works with a wide variety of organizations and governments worldwide. The pool of AU staff come from different African countries and the diaspora. This means that you will constantly work with people from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds, whose working language is probably different from yours (The AU has four official working languages). You have to be culturally sensitive and be willing to learn from other people’s cultures and backgrounds. You have to demonstrate an international outlook and be forward thinking. Any international experience you might have will work out in your favour. Do not conceptualize ideas within the framework of your country origin but it should have an African and international view. Simply put do not give a single country’s view/perspective to solve continental problems. Be diplomatic Diplomacy plays a huge part in the African Union’s work so you need to be diplomatic. You need to be able to find diplomatic solutions in your work and in all your experiences. Most, if not all, of the work done at the AU is very sensitive so you need to be sensitive to others while so you need to be tactful and consider everyone’s opinions while maintaining your own. Know Agenda 2063 Agenda 2063 is the holy grail of the African Union as it is the continent’s 50-year developmental framework. It is based on seven aspirations which will result in the “Africa We Want”. Agenda 2063 works towards creating a prosperous, peaceful, people-centered Africa with a regional identity. If you want to land a job with the AU you have to know and understand Agenda 2063 and its flagship projects which are currently being implemented. For the first time, the AU’s focus is not only predominantly on peace and security but on the continent’s development and making it a key player in the global arena. Agenda 2063 does not belong to the AU but to all Africans! It relies heavily on its implementation by member states. Every single African has the responsibility to seeing this great plan through in order for the continent to enjoy the fruits of its aspirations. Thousands of people who meet the job description apply for jobs at the AU Commission but it is those who robustly believe in themselves and the continent who get the job. If you would like to get more information on vacancies at the AU Commission visit