6 Beliefs You Need to Abandon to Unlock your Professional Blessings
We’ve all done the negative self-talk at some point in our lives. Sadly, we’ve held onto self- defeating beliefs without knowing it. The SLA team has put together the 6 most defeating beliefs, that if adopted would keep you at the top of your career and yield business success. Your old belief: Only one person can win New belief: We can all win! Your old belief: everyone’s trajectory for success is the same New belief: You have the opportunity to create your own path Your old belief: I am a victim of my circumstances New belief: Your crown has already been paid for Your old belief: I don’t have my own brand of greatness New belief: Being yourself is great enough Your old belief: I need to do everything New belief: I only need to focus on one or two things and do them exceptionally well Your old belief: I have to prove myself to everyone New belief: I only need to prove that I can do it to myself. So which of these self defeating beliefs did you have in 2015? Which ones are you dropping in 2016, and new ones are you adopting in 2016? Share this article with a friend to help keep you on track this year.