The power of connections & community

At the beginning of 2016, I found myself in an unmotivated space filled with uncertainty and a lack of fulfillment. I knew that I needed a boost of encouragement and inspiration but I wasn’t sure where it would come from. I wanted to feel empowered; like I was doing something impactful. Five months ago, I was scrolling through my Instagram timeline and came across the SheHive NYC event posted by one of my favorite African bloggers. I did a little research on the organization and quickly decided to attend. I was impressed by the lineup of speakers and felt a strong need to connect with African women. Being born and raised in Sweden to African parents, I always had a strong urge to get involved at some capacity in Africa and diaspora. As expected, so many inspiring and accomplished women spoke during the conference, but there was one talk in particular that struck me. Bisila Bokoko took the stage and immediately caught my attention. All I kept thinking was…how can I get 20 minutes with this powerful woman? After she completed her presentation, the ladies at the event swarmed around her so I decided to approach her differently. Connecting out of the box The next day, I sent her a message through LinkedIn and asked if I could take her out to lunch. She agreed, and our lunch turned into an impactful two hours of sharing ideas, stories and goals. After our meeting, Bisila invited me to collaborate on BB Knows Best ——her seminar series aiming to influence, empower and advise women to pursue their dreams and goals. Our true passion for empowering women of all ages led to this to this event which took place in New York City on October 19th, 2016. There is immense power in connecting and communicating; especially for young women in business as we are a minority that is vastly growing. The need for building genuine connections and a meaningful network is imperative. A simple elevator conversation can turn into a successful collaboration or partnership. Contrary to my state earlier this year, I am now on the path to achieving my personal and professional goals. That wouldn’t have happened if I didn’t take the opportunity to enter into an unknown space and connect with the wonderful women at SheHive NYC. Bisila and I are looking forward to encouraging more women to step out confidently and connect.