She Leads Africa

4 Reasons why an effective On-boarding process will help you keep your employees

On-boarding is a process of integrating a new employee into the organization. We all mistake Induction for On-boarding, while the former ends in one day. Onboarding usually lasts for about six months till a year depending on the company. [bctt tweet=”Empowering an employee through an effective onboarding process to think and act like the CEO would go a long way in retention and business growth.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Here are some things to note about onboarding:    1. A good Induction is the first step to retaining your employee. Induction shouldn’t be just a storytelling session about the company rather it should integrate the staff to the company’s vision which will enable them to run with it. You would save yourself a lot of headache in micromanaging your employees if you can ensure they are well aligned with the vision. Induction shouldn’t be one-off, there should be a frequent induction program which should cascade to each department and roles. 2. It helps employees think like a business owner Empowering an employee through an effective onboarding process to think and act like the CEO would go a long way in retention and business growth. The mindset of a CEO is much more than completing tasks or meeting up with deadlines; it’s about the growth of the business. Each employee should be able to align their functions with the growth and success of the company.    3. It protects and improves your company culture A good company culture improves employee productivity which in turns drives business growth. An underlying factor for an organization’s culture lies in its Values and purpose. I’m talking about the REAL core value that forms the basis of major decisions and strategy. A proper communication during the onboarding process will prevent future cluelessness by an employee in the future. 4. Having a documented process to drive uniformity makes it more effective. It’s not enough to assume to think that line managers are helping the employees integrate better. Documenting the process starting from the induction and ensuring line managers are held accountable for following the process makes it effective. I have realized that the competency of the person managing the process goes a long way so Training is advised. With this points of mine, I hope I’ve been able to convince you why you need to revisit your onboarding process or create one if you never one before now. This article was written by Yewande Jinadu.   Interested in contributing for She Leads Africa? Click here.

8 Great Ways For Bosses To Treat Employees Better

Everyone wants to be treated well. This is most especially at work – all employers want to have great treatment from their bosses. Nobody wants to be treated as though they are not human. Toxic environments as a result of disorganized hierarchies and office politics make it hard for employees to be productive.  Therefore, to ensure your employees don’t quite faster than you hired them, you need to make sure that you treat them well. Here are 8 great ways to treat your employees better and make them feel dignified.  [bctt tweet=”Hire people that are hardworking, have a positive attitude, that will bring positive vibes to your organization” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 1. Hire and fire employees on attitude, not ability We all know that there is no remedy for a bad attitude. No matter how much you invest in training people to change their attitude, it will most likely not happen. What is worse, is that a bad attitude is contagious. Though it will start with one person, a bad attitude will soon spread throughout your company. To ensure your company culture remains positive, you start at the beginning. This means hiring people who have great, hardworking and positive attitudes that will bring positive vibes. 2. Treat them as if they are better than you No one is an island of knowledge. We all learn new things from babies, toddlers, little children, beggars and even from animals! With each new person you meet or each new experience, you get an opportunity to learn something new. So, treat your employees with the same curiosity and respect that you had towards your teachers. Even if they criticize you, do not be defensive and wield your ‘super boss power’. Take a step back and really listen to their feedback. If an employee is brave enough to speak up, its because they care about you and your business. 3. Discourage gossip about anyone Though gossip may start with one person, it can become very dangerous. The first thing is when you spread gossip, the person you are talking to may begin to have a negative perception of your personality. Once they develop this perception, it may be very hard for them to trust you again with information. Therefore, to ensure that your employees are the most productive, try to discourage a spirit of gossip in the company. Instead of discussing people’s weaknesses behind their backs, train your employees to have open and safe feedback sessions. 4. Show them what it means to establish a business How do you do this? Expose your employees to the tough decisions, choices, and situations they need to experience to start their own businesses. Give them a sense of ownership and responsibility. Guide them to see the importance of adding value to their work and the people around them. Be a source of inspiration and role model for them to look up to. While they might leave you eventually, they will always look back and appreciate you for all you’ve taught and done for them.  [bctt tweet=”Please treat your employees like you would please a client” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 5. Surprise them Who doesn’t like surprises? Please treat your employees like you would please a client. Surprises can range from monetary gifts to even offering afternoon offs. As they say, it is the thought and effort that matters when it comes to surprises. Remember, your employees are there to not only increase your wealth but to also help you build on your dreams. Therefore, it is important to show them appreciation and ultimately support them on their journey’s to becoming successful. 6. Teach them how to sell Your employees need to know how to market products or services even if they’re introverts and aren’t too keen on talking to potential clients. Introverts are most times deemed as trustworthy and professionals by clients/ therefore, bring them to your meetings. You’ll be amazed at how they listen best and ask more questions. All these are qualities to look out for in the best salespeople. 7. Show them respect If there is another thing that everyone wants, is to be treated with respect. Respect not only makes employees happy, but it also helps you avoid unnecessary disrespect. Treating your employees with respect begins with common courtesy, politeness, and kindness. It then progresses towards encouraging them to express their opinions and ideas. While doing so, they should not feel underestimated or insulted because of what they say. Building on this, you can even use and credit these opinions and ideas expressed. It is also important to be equal and fair in the treatment of your employees. Though they may fail sometimes, do not constantly criticize everything they do. Instead, try and give everyone an equal opportunity to express their ideas irrespective of their characteristics. 8. Picture every employee calling their mother at night When we were little, our mothers used to ask us how our days were at night. Now imagine if your employees would be called by their mothers and asked: “how was your day at work?” You would, of course, want them to give a genuinely positive response.  Try to make sure that every day you positively challenge and strengthen your employees. If you treat your employees well, then you can rest knowing their mothers are wishing you well. Want to become an SLA contributor? Send an email to