Emilia Dias: I learned to let my work speak for itself early on

[bctt tweet=”Emilia Dias is the only lady as well as the youngest on her board, here’s how she does it” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] The versatility of marketing allows me to navigate into any sector as long as I’m dedicated There must be programs to attract more women to the Telecom sector – Emilia Dias Emilia Dias is an incredibly hard working young woman whose achievements speak volumes. She is a founding partner of Evision Consultores, a start-up focused on strategic consulting and marketing services founded in 2009. Emilia is also a founding partner of the first online consulting portal for entrepreneurs in Angola, ABC do empreendedor. Divided between management, marketing, and entrepreneurship, Emilia left the banking sector 7 years ago to pursue a career in the Telecommunications sector. She currently works as Sales and Marketing Director at Infrasat, a satellite business unit of Angola Telecom. Emilia is a winner of the Star award from Moneygram International for the implementation of the Brand in Angola in 2009 while working for BPC Assessed Moneygram International in Angola. SLA contributor Anelisa Nokoyo recently had the honour of interviewing this dynamic young woman to find out what fuels her drive and passion for life and work. Tell us about yourself, who is Emilia? I’m Emilia Filomena Dias, 36 years old born and raised in Luanda, Angola, with no significant other and with no kids. I’m a very enthusiastic person who believes in the multitasking capabilities of women to change society. My career path started as an intern at BPC, at the time the biggest and oldest state-owned commercial bank in Angola. Later on, I was recruited as a junior marketeer, then promoted to a marketing analyst, and two years later was again promoted as Head of Strategic Marketing. While working on strategic management, I was also part of the team assigned to do the implementation of the microfinance division and was then invited to be part of the FIPED program (financial institutions for private enterprise development) at Harvard university in USA where I got a certificate in Microfinance. What encouraged your foray into the largely male-dominated world of finance and marketing? I consider myself a natural born entrepreneur and marketer, but I went into finance because it was the first option I had after university. Once there, I found that I really enjoyed it and became passionate about my work. The versatility of marketing is a plus, as it allows me to navigate into any sector as long as I’m dedicated and willing to learn and that’s how I went from finance to Telecoms. Both sectors are still male dominated, and I believe there must be a network and programs to attract more women to the Telecom sector. I’m the only lady as well as the youngest on the board. I feel that I have to dedicate more time in everything I do and be proactive, working by anticipating. Most of all I look at each new day as a new chance to be the best I can to inspire and promote young women to enter the Telecom sector through entrepreneurship. [bctt tweet=”Each new day for Emilia Dias is a chance to inspire young women to enter the Telecom sector” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What obstacles have you had to overcome in order to excel the way you have? Being a dedicated Sales Manager in a sector with fierce competition and the need for constant innovation really places a lot of demand on my time, but the drive to make it happen and excel in every project I dedicate myself to has always been strong. [bctt tweet=”Emilia Dias: My drive to excel in every project I dedicate myself to has always been strong” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] On the professional side, I didn’t really face many obstacles as I let my work prove my worth and it happened naturally. People considered me a young woman with no experience and no brain, so early on I learned to let my work speak for itself. Now, it has become easier because I’ve been successful to an extent to build a reputation and I’m taken as the professional that I am. On the entrepreneurial side, I’m still struggling to find my dream team that shares the same vision and will help me achieve my targets and conquer my dreams. My main dream is to have my swimwear brand, +244 Moda Praia, sold beyond Angola as well as having any of the brands I helped to create being recognised worldwide. How do you balance your work and personal life and what challenges have you faced in that arena? I had to put aside some quality time, and really have my time dedicated to my objectives, being employed and working on my personal start-up dream company focusing on different areas from marketing consulting to fashion and software development. I’m still building my dreams, paving my way but feel that I still have a long way to go before I accomplish them. On a candid note, it has had its drawbacks and I won’t lie about it –it can be difficult to keep a relationship alive when you as a woman seem to work more than your partner and when that is misunderstood it proves to be hard on the relationship. This has been a challenge which I feel is not mine to take on alone in a relationship, so here I am still waiting while continuing to do my work. How do you stay disciplined and focused? I try to maintain an equilibrium, I usually define month and weekly goals and have a daily to-do list which I try to stick to (not easy I have to admit). I work non-stop from 8 to 5 for Infrasat and from 6 to 9, as well as on weekends for my personal entrepreneurship projects. What are your other interests outside of finance, marketing and telecommunications? Outside finance, marketing, and Telecom I’m engaged in promoting entrepreneurship. I take part in different events aimed at gathering, assisting and promoting entrepreneurship among youth