Who you’ll meet at SheHive London – Lausanne Kimbidima

As we continue our countdown to SheHive London, we talked with Lausanne Kimbidima, globe-trotter, all-round travel enthusiast and founder of Good Africa. Lausanne shared a bit about her initiative and why she’ll be attending SheHive London. Thanks for speaking with us. Can you please introduce yourself, tell us who you are and what you do? My name is Lausanne Kimbidima – my family is originally from Brazzaville, Congo, from which my parents moved to Paris in their twenties. I have always loved travel. I first left France at age 8 when my family decided to leave our small town, which was about a 45 minute drive from Paris. We moved to London, where I learnt English within 6 months, and years later, ended up studying for a Communications degree in the West Midlands. Is this where you thought you would end up? Growing up over 300 miles from the majority of my family, led me to travel often. I would train-travel on my own when I was as young as 15 years old. Later I travelled Europe with friends but I became mostly curious about experiencing Africa. Although I was working towards a career in Media & Communication (I had worked on projects for Disney, and British cinema film releases), I pursued my travel ambitions. Prior to my first trip to Senegal, people told me to observe and take notes so I could brainstorm enterprising initiatives to boost the economy. However, when I got there and submerged myself in the diverse city lifestyles, the wealth of culture was undeniable. So upon my return, I launched an Instagram page called @wearegoodafrica, to share this vision of contemporary Africa, and we now have over 3,000 followers. What’s your big idea that you’re looking to achieve in the next 5 years? We are building a curated platform dedicated to African lifestyle which will provide insight into the new travel habits of millennials, as well as the everyday lives of the locals. Good Africa will feature tips, guides and reviews from travellers worldwide. As Good Africa was born due to a lack of resources on authentic 360 African lifestyle —work, and travel included— we are also developing an inclusive programme, where travellers will be invited to a transformative travel experience. Good Africa is an advocate for freedom. We believe every moment you wake up and decide that you want to experience work and lifestyle anywhere else in the world, this should be possible. This is what drives our mission. What professional organisations are you associated with and in what ways? I am a School of Media, Birmingham City University Alumni, and a proud Good Africa ambassador! What made you want to attend SheHive London? Prior to moving into the next phase of Good Africa, I am excited to connect with other individuals in the travel sector and just anyone determined making their mark on the world. Who are you looking to network with and meet at SheHive London? I am 100% open to what this experience will bring – and look forward to insightful conversations with business owners to investors and travel enthusiasts. What skill are you most proud of that you believe can add value to another attendee at the event? I am bilingual! I’m also an eternal optimist. I hope to motivate and inspire other attendees to start their journey, and add value to others. Meet Lausanne at SheHive London! Buy your pass here!