She Leads Africa

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How To Create A Holiday Season Strategy

Want to take full advantage of the holiday season for your business? There will always be holiday seasons throughout the year and smart Motherland Moguls know those are the best times to promote your business.  Many businesses make their biggest gains during the holiday season. See why you need to create a strategy? You need […]

Budget Like A Pro This Holiday Season

Don’t want to start the New Year with no money? It is the holiday season and if you’re like us, you’re very excited to buy your friends and loved ones great gifts and go to the best hangouts. And it doesn’t just stop there, you may also be planning a vacation for yourself. You know […]

The SLA Guide to Closing Up Shop

sla guide closing up shop

Ready to end your year the right way for your business? You have worked extremely hard for 12 months and the year is finally coming to an end. It’s time for you to close up and take a break. But wait! You can’t just leave like that! You have to close up the right way. […]

7 C’s To Great Communication

Want some simple tips be a great communicator? Great communication is key in our daily lives and it’s even more important in our businesses and workplaces. There is nothing worse than sharing your ideas and thoughts but no one understands. That is why as a business savvy woman, you should strive to be not just […]

The SLA Gratitude List

Are you excited to see how far you have come and what you have accomplished this year? All too soon, 2016 is coming to an end. This year has been a very interesting yet amazing year. But if we’re keeping it real, there are some Motherland Moguls who feel like they haven’t achieved anything these […]

SLA’s Career Strategy Guide

career strategy guide

Heard about a career strategy but not sure how to go about it? We’ve talked about this before. How can  you not have a career strategy? SLA contributor Tamaan Wilkinson, schooled us on the importance of having a career strategy. You need to know off heart the steps that you’ll be taking to become the […]

Holding on to your business, your day job and your sanity

your business your day job and your sanity

Itching to be an entrepreneur but not ready to give up your day job? Lots of people begin their businesses as a side hustle. It definitely makes sense. When you first start your venture might not be the time to leave your full time job. Or you are still learning from and enjoying your day […]