Lanji Ouko: I believe in second chances

[bctt tweet=”Our objective is to build strong, independent, empowered and self-driven women” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Crevit Mulier is derived from a Greek word ‘Creverit Mulier’ which means grown woman. Here at SLA, we take pride in celebrating grown women being the best version of themselves and Lanji Ouko is a perfect example of just that. A published author, legal consultant and entrepreneur, her company Crevit Mulier, is just one of the very many achievements she has under her belt at the tender age of 25. SLA contributor Diana had a quick chat with Lanji about the come up of her networking society. What is the inspiration behind Crevit Mulier? A rough patch in my life inspired it actually. I dropped out of law school in 2012 after failing a series of modules. After failing contract law again, during my re-sit, my degree was downgraded to a BA in Legal Studies. Being the go-getter I am, I quickly acknowledged my mistakes in the past and dropping out was the only way to continue the story about my journey as a lawyer. Between the period I dropped out and graduated from a totally different institution, a harsh reality hit me. Friends stopped talking to me, there were a lot of whispers within my family and generally a lot of voices in my head causing a lot of personal conflict. By not having a strong group of women surrounding me, to uplift me, root for me, I felt lost and lacked motivation. The idea came about exactly two months after graduation. I thought I should try a one-off event in Nairobi and see what would come out of women below the age of 25 coming together to root for each other. Upon it being a success and noticing a few pitfalls here and there, I decided to make it a members-only club, in order to ensure women involved are on the same wavelength and are equally thirsty for success and to better themselves and their community. How has it contributed to young women’s lives in Kenya? Crevit Mulier has positioned itself as the only ladies club that provides a safe haven for women to brainstorm, think critically and nurture healthy female relationships, which tends to be quite difficult the older we get. The members have become more confident, more powerful, more ambitious. It is a safe haven where people openly discuss rape, bad relationships, financial issues and much more. The goal-friend aspect in the membership has encouraged women to start a number of projects they were procrastinating on. Women have started charities and businesses thanks to the message within the open sessions we have. What sort of activities do you get up to within the group? We pride ourselves in giving women a vibrant and friendly atmosphere. Here, they meet ladies of all ages and from all walks of life, for formal or informal talks on day to day life issues. We recently introduced a co-working space at very affordable rates. This is for young ladies who cannot afford the expensive market rates of hiring meeting rooms or having monthly office space. In addition, we offer a diverse programme of events which has helped established a valuable means of access to top institutions, museums, colleges, corporations and well known retailers. The ladies enjoy spa treats, hair and beauty services from our very own door to door spa company. We also provide wine and cheese tasting, flower arrangement parties, cooking classes, financial classes, mentorship from investors among many more. The club-owned owns an academy, The William Hobsons Academy: School Of Etiquette, Social Protocol and Culture. The academy aims at empowering both boys and girls and training them on African culture and language too. Crevit Mulier believes in empowering the boy child too. This is to have a generation of men who can co-exist with the empowered woman, without feeling threatened. What do you want to ultimately achieve with Crevit? Our objective is to build strong, independent, empowered and self-driven women. We enable ladies to identify, address and resolve certain issues in their day to day lives. We want to position a new example of women for generations to come. This club will soon expand across the continent to work towards giving second chances to women of different tribes and backgrounds. I believe there are more important things in life than just being a beautiful woman. We therefore want to recreate and redefine the renaissance woman. In the future, I hope to establish a second-chances institution in partnership with various safe houses. This is in order for women fleeing from gender-based abuse to have a place to start over. I am what I am today because my family and society gave me a second chance. Inspire us with your story! Let us know how you’ve bounced back and done amazing things here.