She Leads Africa

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Nobuntu Webster: I let go of the parts of my business that were not aligned with my purpose and values

Nobuntu Webster is Director of African Pursuit, a social enterprise using media and story for economic and social development and Avad Media, a content production, content distribution, and content marketing company. She has extensive leadership experience in development organizations such as the International Women’s Forum, Businesswomen’s Association of SA and KZN Youth Chamber of Commerce. She holds a BPhil Honours degree and postgraduate qualifications in Strategic Leadership and International Trade Management. Nobuntu Webster expresses her joy of living out her purpose through her business and career and contributing to meaningful work on the continent. In this interview, we asked her how other aspiring Motherland Moguls can use their businesses and careers to do work that fulfills them and impacts lives.  What is your purpose and how are you using your career and business to fulfill it? I’m a storyteller and I am moved by injustice. I want to see economic justice, economic equality, and social justice. You’ll find me using stories to create narratives for justice and to bring in new thinking and ideas. I develop Media strategies and content for social justice and economic inclusion through African Pursuit. I am also perturbed by distorted narratives. With Avad Media, we create content that challenges people to question the narratives that we have been taught. My heart is for Africa, so we create platforms and content to engage, grow and build Africa. [bctt tweet=”We are building towards an Africa that has enough for its people – @NobuntuSA” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What steps did you take to turn your career and business to fulfill a purpose? My faith drove me to pursue purpose. The first step was looking to God and growing my faith. The second step was to sacrifice. I had to let go of the parts of my business that were not aligned with my purpose and values. The next step was going for it! I discovered that where my purpose would be fulfilled is in Media. I had to make the bold, courageous steps towards Media. Go boldly into what and where your purpose is. Be humble and willing to learn from others if you’re getting into a new craft. Learn the technicalities of the craft, and know what your specialty is. Also, know what the business model looks like in that craft and then think about how you turn that craft into a profitable business. Using business for a purpose is a long journey, you have to be willing to be in it for the long-haul. It is going to unravel layer by layer, you just have to keep taking the steps as you discover them. [bctt tweet=”Learn the technicalities of your craft, and know what your specialty is – @NobuntuSA” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What meaningful work on the continent have you been able to contribute to and which have you found most fulfilling?  One of the projects I am working on currently is Abundant Africa. We are building a narrative for a restorative economy in Africa; saying, ‘how do we create an economy that is influenced by our own unique African values? How do we go back to Ubuntu and create an economy that is good for people; to making sure that the poor are given opportunities to pull out of poverty?’ I am part of building teams that create content that moves from policy ideas to stories that people can relate to. We are building towards an Africa that has enough for its people and that protects its environment. How does one discover their purpose and identify meaningful work they can contribute to, as a business? The clues to knowing your purpose are in the things that you do without trying hard; things that you would be willing to do for free. To identify meaningful work you can contribute to, you have to know your calling. Ask yourself, ‘what moves me?’ What can you not ignore? What do you want to change? [bctt tweet=”There is so much need on the continent and that need is an opportunity – @NobuntuSA” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How do we grow from a survival and profit mindset to a service and purpose mindset? There is so much need on the continent and that need is an opportunity, and you can still have a profitable business. Every entrepreneur should have a service and purpose mindset. As Africans, we are people of ‘Ubuntu’. If we go back to who we are and we go back to the need around us, we easily move to a service and purpose mindset and build sustainable businesses that contribute to the continent. How do you turn your business to fulfill purpose without losing profitability and your current clients? I had to let go of clients whose work did not align with my values. There is always a risk in these kinds of bold and courageous steps. The greatest rewards in life come with sacrifice. There are things that you are likely to lose. How do you secure your team’s buy-in into the new purpose and vision of your business? A great leader is someone who is able to bring the people that they lead with them on the journey and get them to buy into the vision and own it. People though are also on their own journey. Give them the option to come along on the journey or not. The new direction of the business might not feed into their purpose and career. I had to relocate anyway so I had to start new teams that are passionate and that buy into the new vision. [bctt tweet=”Go boldly into what and where your purpose is – @NobuntuSA” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] “I have the blessing of living my childhood dream… It looks completely different than I thought it would but it is so much more meaningful!” – Nobuntu Webster  How are you growing and glowing this month? We want to share your story! Click here to share.

Eyitemi Popo: How I turned my media brand into a lifestyle brand

[bctt tweet=”If you’re an entrepreneur who feels stuck with your business, I hope you find this article at the perfect time and it encourages you to keep pushing.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] After five years of building my online magazine, painstakingly growing a social media following, and nurturing relationships with global brands, I had found a comfortable niche in the media landscape. The night after my magazine’s 5th-anniversary party, I quietly reflected on the journey. I read the congratulatory messages I had received, some reminding me that many online sites and magazines that started with – or even after – Ayiba no longer existed. But was survival enough of an achievement? Making my dream my reality was significant. Building a team to drive that vision forward had significance. I mean, I had gone from shooting the first cover of Ayiba Magazine on my college campus to having celebrity photographers shoot the cover with Hollywood actresses. The growth was undeniable, that had to count for something. And perhaps it did. However, my side hustle was still a side hustle bringing in side hustle revenue. Was that the best I could do? And more importantly, what was next? Almost a year to the date of my quiet contemplation, I have built Girls Trip Tours, a social venture that is a direct manifestation of my magazine’s mission. It leverages Ayiba’s readership, brand equity, and professional network to design unique travel experiences across Africa with a focus on female empowerment. Our trips have the goal of empowering future female leaders through mentorship, while taking in the sites and dining around town in the company of high profile business women and local industry leaders. I like to think of it as ‘Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants’ with less soul-searching and more self-actualization. Where once you could read about Lagos’ nightlife, Nairobi’s startup ecosystem, or Rwandese artisans in the pages of Ayiba, now we can arrange for you to experience these things first-hand through group or solo travel with Girls Trip Tours. The idea came from the opportunity I observed for digital brands to bring online experiences offline and create deeper more meaningful connections with their virtual communities in real life. The concept of Girls Trip Tours emerged from a perceived customer need. Ayiba readers were emailing to ask for travel advice. Our articles had inspired our readers in the diaspora to want to visit the continent and they were looking to us as an expert resource. My mission with Ayiba is to connect Africans in the diaspora with those on the continent through storytelling. I have consistently done this through online and print mediums, but now I have the opportunity to create those connections in real life. [bctt tweet=”Lifestyle brands thrive when they figure out what their customers end goal and design their brand around the experiences that their customers desire – @AyibaMagazine ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Figure out your customers desire, along with the people, places, things, and ideas that inspire them to action. After surveying 100 plus women in Ayiba’s online community, I decided to organize trips to Kenya and Nigeria in 2019. As per their feedback, there are a mix of experiences to satisfy those seeking ancestral travel experiences to West Africa, wildlife and adventure in National Parks, as well as urban exploration in Africa’s most vibrant cities. In addition to satisfying a customer need, by expanding my media brand to include travel experiences, I now have a new avenue for creating content. On each trip, there are multiple opportunities to connect with new talents to feature or more contributors to write. I also will be creatively inspired by my surroundings to shoot video series, photography campaigns, and write OP-EDS on social issues I am confronted with. In the long run, I believe it makes sense for Ayiba to become a lifestyle brand. I am creating a customer journey that can start with exploring content online, which may lead to booking a travel experience or vice versa. The magazine and the trips will feed into one another. In this next phase of my entrepreneurial journey, I look forward to listening to my customers, as well as looking to broader industry trends for my continued evolution. For any entrepreneur that may feel stuck with their businesses, I hope you find this article at the perfect time and it encourages you to keep pushing. If your growth has become stagnant and you are looking for a new direction to go in, observe customer behavior, look to the industry for inspiration, and most importantly, ask your audience what they want/need, then test it out. I did a soft-launch with a Girls Trip to Ghana in July. It was that small group trip, the women I met, and the girls I mentored that gave me the confidence to do more.My advice Consider what other verticals may be profitable before you give up on a business you have put time, money, sweat, and tears into. As tough as it may be, if you have a good foundation: reputable brand and loyal audience, there are many ways you can consider monetizing and scaling up.  Interested in contributing for She Leads Africa? Click here.