She Leads Africa

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It’s okay, being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone

You know how some women profess to never having felt that maternal urge or instinct and they just know being a mum isn’t for them? Well, not everyone should be an entrepreneur either. I believe more women need to hear this. In this day and age, it almost seems like if you’re not thinking of […]

8 Technology Hacks for your Growing Business

Whether you’re a new business owner or been in the game for a while, you all have one thing in common: you need to be on top of your game. Real talk. This is why I’ve put together eight of some of the easiest tools in this technology-driven world to propel your growing business. Canva […]

Being your own boss as a freelancer

[bctt tweet=”You need to fully get your hustle on and sell yourself whenever you get the chance.” via=”no”] Welcome to the freelance life. First off, I’ve noticed a Nigerian trend where too many young people are obsessed with the title of CEO on their name cards, and less committed to undertaking the hard work that […]