Twitter Chat with Osayi Emokpae Lasisi: Finding Your Entrepreneurial passion as a new mom (Mar. 31)

Becoming a mother may be the most amazing experience ever. But that being said, what’s next for you? It’s about time you got your groove back and attain those future goals you’ve been dreaming of, by finding your entrepreneurial passion, and most importantly, making money from it. Join us on Friday, Mar. 31st for a Twitter chat with money making mom and virtual summit queen, Osayi Emokpae Lasisi as we discuss ways young moms can find their entrepreneurial passion and be at the top of their game. Osayi helps moms gain the knowledge and experience they need to start and build a successful business through her blog Follow She Leads Africa on twitter and use the hashtag #SLAChats to ask your questions and participate in the discussion. Topics that we’ll cover: Finding your entrepreneurial passion Monetizing your passion Overcoming challenges Figuring out work/life transitions Twitter chat details Date: Friday 31st March Time: 12pm Lagos// 1pm Joburg// 3pm Nairobi Location: Follow She Leads Africa on twitter and use the hashtag #SLAChats Help us spread the word: [bctt tweet=”Join @SheLeadsAfrica & @OsayiLasisi for #SLAChats on Friday Mar. 31st at 12pm GMT+1″ username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] About Osayi Osayi is the Queen of Virtual Summits (online conferences). She is the convener of the MoneyMaking series of Virtual Summits, MoneyMaking Transition, MoneyMaking Book, and the MoneyMaking Blog Virtual Summit. Her book is one of the best resources for those interested in creating their first virtual summit- “Your First Virtual Summit: Everything you need to know.” You can find out more about her and get her free resources. Osayi is also the mommy of the most amazing Toddler, Princess.
Osayi Emokpae Lasisi: I desire freedom and confidence for young moms

[bctt tweet=”MoneyMaking Mommies creates online courses to help moms get comfortable with technology” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Osayi Emokpae Lasisi is the self-proclaimed queen of helping you get attention and make money online. She is the convener of the MoneyMaking Transition Online Conference and host of the MoneyMaking at Home podcast, where she interviews experts from all over the world and helps moms with online business skills. Osayi is also the author of the “Billionaire Mindset (for MoneyMaking Mommies)”, and “7 Days to the MoneyMaking Good Life”. As founder of the MoneyMaking Mommies Academy -now with over 2000 members, Osayi helps women to develop online products that make money. In this chat with SLA, Osayi takes us behind her MoneyMaking brand and shares tips based on her experience. As a business largely based online, what tools have you employed to grow your numbers? I do speaking engagements, and social media marketing. In my experience, speaking engagements have been amazing. Whenever I’m invited to speak, I’m able to share my love for what I do with the audience. It also gives me an opportunity to connect with people, and to invite them to work with me. I’ve always been a great speaker. I enjoyed being part of the debate team at Temple University, and for many years since relocating back to Nigeria people have told me that I need to go on the radio. So when I got opportunities to speak I knew that I needed to take advantage of it and use it to grow my business. From your experience, what’s one way Motherland Moguls can get attention online? Social media marketing is the best way to engage with fans and get attention online. Social media is amazing because you can segment people and send targeted messages to those that are interested in what I have to offer. Not only is social media marketing more precise than ever, it is also extremely affordable. Find the best option that suits your business and roll with it. [bctt tweet=”Osayi Emokpae Lasisi is teaching young Nigerian moms how to generate income online” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Tell us more about the MoneyMaking Transition Virtual Summit. The MoneyMaking Transition Virtual Summit was the first of its kind in Nigeria. It was a 6-day online conference targeted at helping moms transition from employees to business owners so that they can spend more time with their family. Some of our speakers were Dr. Godwin Ehigiamusoe, of LAPO Microfinance Bank, Mrs. Tewa Onasanya of Exquisite Magazine, Stephanie Obi, Bankole Williams. We had over 1400 people register, and between 400-600 people participated online every single day. My approach to the virtual summit is not very different from the norm. The main thing is that I enjoy interviewing people, so those who are invited guest experts enjoy the interview and are willing to also invite their friends. Those who participate and attend the event learn from the interviews as well, without having to spend an arm and a foot. Participants were thankful for the opportunity to learn, and their hope was resurrected, during a time in Nigeria when many people were discouraged. I’ll be having another virtual summit in April. In what ways do you generate revenue from your MoneyMaking venture? We create online courses to help women (moms specifically) get comfortable with technology (using the internet etc.). These virtual summits help us to get the message out there and to help bring knowledge from all over the world to women here in Nigeria. [bctt tweet=”Being comfortable with creating websites spells freedom to Osayi Emokpae Lasisi” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Why did you think it was important to teach moms how to create online stores and get comfortable with the internet? Not so long ago I was asked to resign from my job, and it was challenging. But after I got over being hurt I went and created a website and started selling a product. That helped me to regain my confidence and make some money while I figured out what I wanted to do next. Being comfortable with creating websites and using the internet spells freedom to me -I can be anywhere making money, just because I have the ability to create a website and sell my goods and services. That’s the kind of freedom and confidence I desire for young moms like me. What was surprisingly easy about hosting a virtual summit from Nigeria? I was surprised that people were willing to use their limited internet access (data) to watch these videos. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.