Joy Kendi: Your 20’s are not for chilling. Work hard now, so you can relax later
Joy Kendi is a lifestyle blogger, vlogger and content creator who covers everything from fashion, beauty, and travel. She has built her creative career from the ground up, constantly teaching herself along the way to allow for continuous growth in her profession. Joy is a SLAYboss and runs things on her own terms earning her global recognition and her story below tells us that this journey is only the beginning of far greater things to come. When did you first get into blogging? I’ve always been interested in fashion, ever since I was a young girl. I wanted to get into design after high school but most of the schools I applied to didn’t offer scholarships and I don’t come from a wealthy family so I had to scrap that idea. I took up styling right after college for about six months and I hated it. So I quit that and the blogging bug hit me. Back then, when blogging was still quite relevant and at the time it was just a hobby, I had been following a few blogs. Never thought I could make money off of it, until about a year later when Nancie Mwai (popular blogger in Kenya) got the opportunity to go to Germany because of her blog and my entire mindset on it changed. Then I decided to focus on it more and figure out how to make it more of a business. I knew nothing at the time but I just hit the ground running, going to different offices, telling them about me and what I can offer them. That’s really how I learned most of the stuff I know now, through trying and getting rejected. Weirdly enough, everything didn’t change until I shaved my head and I’m not sure why but going bald was the first step in getting people to see me as a different person and not just a regular blogger. [bctt tweet=”Your 20s are not for chilling, work yourself to the core now – @justjoykendi” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] I realized that fashion is very limiting, especially in Kenya, so I started to expand more into beauty. Then tried travel and food and all that turned into a lifestyle direction for me. Less than two years ago, lifestyle blogging opened a lot of doors for me because it meant I could do anything – be it advertising phones, makeup, hotels, restaurants, airlines, even countries! What three things do you consider while creating content and/or partnering up with a brand? My biggest thing to consider when I’m partnering up with a brand is to answer the question – do I or will I actually use the said product? If I do use it, does it go with my brand? And third, will this propel me in a positive or a negative direction? When it comes to content creation, I think about: 1. How much work is it and how much time will it take on my end because that’s how I figure out my rate. 2. What have other content creators within the continent done in regards to the product that I need to create content for? 3. Is there a possibility of collaboration with others? If I know a friend or fellow blogger who can do it too, I will always try to bring them in and we both benefit from the job. Was this your career of choice? What would you be if you hadn’t gone the blogging route? If I wasn’t doing this I’d probably still be working in TV/film production. When I was still in school, I was interning at a local TV network, KTN and I was also working in a production company, behind the scenes doing things like writing scripts. I got burnt out for a while though, which is why I eventually quit at the beginning of this year and solely focused on content creation. [bctt tweet=”I went to the University of YouTube and watched how other people do photoshoots and edits” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] You take 90% of your images, manages your blog and brand on your own. Is there a particular reason why you chose to be a one-woman team? Well when I first started out, my boyfriend would take my pictures. Due to our different schedules though, I realized I needed to learn how to do this on my own. When starting out you don’t usually have a flowing income to be able to pay photographers so they would usually do it as a favor to build their portfolio as you build yours. If they get a paying gig, they will pick that over you thus leaving you stranded once again, so getting a photographer wasn’t an option for me. I went to the University of YouTube and watched how other people would do things like editing, photo shoots, what cameras to use, what kind of specs to look for and with that information, I slowly started to invest in myself. [bctt tweet=”I write all my proposals, attend meetings, create content, and do my own accounts” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] I saved any money I got to buy my own equipment i.e. camera and lighting equipment, a laptop, computer programmes etc. It is important that I have a say in what I do, and have control over what goes on with my work such as the editing process. Before now, I used to have a manager who was actually very nice but sometimes we’d bump heads over things like working with certain companies so these among other reasons is why I decided it’s better to learn and do everything myself. It’s a very stressful job I can’t lie – I write all my own proposals, attend all the meetings, create the content, send to the client, wait for approval, do my own accounts… It’s so much work but it’s how I prefer to work and also means I don’t have to pay anyone else. What challenges have you faced as a blogger so far? Getting
Ipinayo Ade-Akingboye: Know the difference between a business and a hobby

[bctt tweet=”I wouldn’t say self-taught but I didn’t have any formal training in photography – Ipinayo Ade-Akingboye” via=”no”] Ipinayo Ade-Akingboye likes to think of herself as a creative. The short #MotherlandMogul studied Architecture in the University of Lagos but is currently a wedding and portrait photographer based in Lagos, Nigeria. Ipinayo is often playing Candy Crush but finds time to run her photography hustle. She was a Finalist for the Etisalat photo competition in 2012 and was nominated for Eloy awards Female Photographer of the year. Ipinayo also participated in the Fayrouz L’original competition and her team came second. Was there a specific time when you realised that photography is a viable career choice? Hmm, all I can say for sure is that I really enjoyed every time I was shooting. It became something I didn’t mind doing for the rest of my life. I chose photography as a career choice when I concluded my NYSC. Although I had been shooting for about 3 years professionally, it never really was full time. If I had exams coming up or school obligations, I would not take jobs. But so far, I have been able to start photography full time this year and I am enjoying it. You’re also an architect, how do you combine your knowledge of architecture and photography, if ever? Well, architecture taught me discipline and how to solve problems. Before I start a session or organize one, I ask myself certain questions like; Who is it for, What is it for, What solution or experience is it meant to provide? That’s all from my architectural experience. Are you self-taught or do you have formal training in photography? Would you say one option is better than the other? I wouldn’t say self-taught but I didn’t have any formal training in photography. I have these amazing friends who used to let me follow them about while they were shooting. They helped me a lot when I had questions. How long did you have to learn and perfect your craft before you could earn a living through your photography? I can’t really put a time stamp to that cause we are always learning, I have not stopped learning. I think anyone at any stage can earn money through photography. It all depends on the kind of work you’d like to be known for, the quality you put out and the type of clients you want. How have you worked on differentiating your brand so it stands out? I believe when you are on a journey to find out who you really are, no matter what it is that you do, your work will speak for you. [bctt tweet=”When you’re on a journey to find out who you really are, your work will speak for you” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What’s your dream photography project? My dream project is to travel round Nigeria and shoot a particular subject that comes in different shapes and sizes but all places have them in common. What should a young African woman who’s interested in photography do to make her hustle successful? She has to know the difference between a business and a hobby. She should surround herself with people who don’t think her dreams are too big and most of all, she should stay true to who she really is. With creative people (and that includes many freelancers) the line between a business and hobby can sometime be blurry. Sometimes what started out as a hobby can transition into a business, so it’s very important to understand the rules. A key feature of a business is that it’s operated for profit. You often engage in a hobby for sport or recreation, not to make a profit. To demonstrate a profit motive for your business, first of all make sure that you keep excellent records. It may help your case if you can keep track of some of the following information: The amount of time you put into the business The percentage of your total income that comes from the business The reason for any losses Changes and improvements you’ve made to the business Evidence of your own knowledge in the field A record of any past business successes including any profits made in earlier years The current and anticipated future value of any business assets. Both need to be differentiated because they help you know exactly what you want and where you are headed. There is nothing wrong with making photography a hobby, I mean thats how I started. When I decided I wanted to make a living off it, it became a business for me. [bctt tweet=”It’s important that your client is comfortable around you, it allows you bring out the best” via=”no”] What’s a typical day like for you? I personally try as much as possible to meet my clients before the day of shooting so there is a certain level of comfort already. However, this doesn’t happen all the time. Other times, I try to chat them up when they are getting their make up done and all. It is very important that your client is comfortable around you, it allows you bring out the best in their portraits. Photography is not a cheap hobby, what can a budding photographer do to save money with regards to equipment etc? Get a day job? Lol! I have so many colleagues that have/had day jobs so they could save up to get necessary equipments for them to start on their own. A professional camera costs between N850-N1.5m now, body only. Also, not everyone would get the well paying clients immediately but you have to keep up. You have to be at alert so when its your turn, you are ready with no excuses. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.