Seipati Masango: Passion that transcends into business

[bctt tweet=”@seipatimasango a.k.a Miss Gates shares her passion and beauty secrets here” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Seipati Masango is a 29 year old lady from South Africa currently working in the construction industry. Seipati also owns and manages a beauty product line company called Organic Touch by Miss Gates. Informally known as Miss Gates, Seipati Masango is very loud, crazy “in a good way”, enthusiastic and optimistic. Her passions are not limited to business as she is also politically active and passionate about social development through her work as an African National Congress (ANC) volunteer. What are you most passionate about? I am passionate about people and what they have to offer. Also, I am passionate about beauty and how we as a nation are different and from different cultures. I think that we do not focus on how rich in inner and outer beauty we are as a country. We tend to shy away and do not appreciate the features we have as people, because we care about the ones we are complimented on. What inspired you to start your skin care brand Organic Touch By Miss Gates? This is so funny because, growing up I have always been very inquisitive about everything. Years later, I started using different products especially when seasons changed, because my skin texture would change too. I tried different methods in order to get it soft and smooth again, (using Colgate toothpaste for pimples, egg yolk for texture etc). I used to mix different products to make my own hair mousse to repair my hairline, and loved to use coconut oil on my face as a moisturiser and body. In August, I decided to post on social media the difference these methods made to my skin. I ended up receiving a great response and messages in my inbox for orders. [bctt tweet=”@seipatimasango registered a company before finally finding her passion in making beauty products” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Then two lady friends of mine Nonkululeko and Mzikazi asked why I was sitting on a gold mine and doing nothing about it. They both know I am passionate about beauty. From that point, I started researching about organic homemade beauty products because I did not want to use any chemically affiliated products. And the rest is history. I must say, it was draining and time consuming at first. I was cash strapped too ,but it all turned out well. Months prior, I had registered a company not knowing what to do, but I finally found my passion. Tell me about your work as a clothing brand ambassador for plus size women? I never thought I would be a plus size model. I had actually never heard of big women being models, but the world changes. We see an evolution where plus size clothing ranges find space in the fashion industry. [bctt tweet=”I never thought I would be a plus size model – Seipati Masango” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] I was approached by Pinky Mokgoasane owner of Street Chic, who asked me if I would be interested in being a model for her plus size range. She told me that I would look ravishing in “vintage-inspired wear”, so I gave it a try. Street Chic’s Pinky Clothing Range has attracted so many plus size women who love dressing up. Street Chic’s clients always say to the owner, “if Seipati can rock it so can we”. I don’t regret making the decision to model for Pinky. It has changed me, many woman send me messages telling me how I have inspired them to appreciate their weight. I always say that dressing up for your body type and size will make you feel good and confident. What is the main thing you think women should celebrate about themselves? Mainly, it’s their inner beauty as it is one of the most attractive characters in a woman. Being confident about yourself and loving the person that you are, will easily show on the outside. I have always been a big girl. Growing up, people would tell me how fat I was compared to the last time they saw me, and that would really hurt. I had to grow tough skin towards cyber bullies and negative people. I used to try these yoyo diets and go to the gym just to go back to the woman I was, it never worked. [bctt tweet=”Women across the world should adore their curves, love and squeeze them. Yaaas @seipatimasango!” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] This year, I had a health hazard that required that I make healthier choices because my cholesterol was too high. I made the decision to eat healthier and lose a few kilos, not because of a bully but for a conscious decision I made for my life. I lost 15 kg and now I wear size 40 and happily love my curves, and body. Women across the world should adore their curves, love and squeeze them. They should look in the mirror and just say, “I am beautiful”! They should wear that swimsuit without fear. Stretch marks and cellulite are there but they do not define who you are, or what you have become. Just be you and love yourself. Do you think that there is immense pressure for women in South Africa to look and behave in a certain way? How can we change the social pressures on women? A South Africa “radio personality” recently bashed Noma Khumalo, winner of SA Idols 2016, saying Noma is not idol material because of her weight and that the entertainment industry will not accept her. I was furious —and still am, that we live in such a hypocritical society that refuses to accept how different we are. South Africa is a country rich in heritage and history, and we need to become ourselves. We do not need to conform to mainstream norms and social perceptions of how one should behave or look. We should appreciate what everyone brings to society. Also, we need to understand that women are nurturers and caregivers and they should