Ronelle Steenekamp: Be aware that everywhere can be a learning space

[bctt tweet=”Ronelle Steenekamp: I am just a woman who doesn’t over think & pursue what is in my heart” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Ronelle Steenekamp works in consulting and training but what keeps her motivated is not passion but her sons. As am a mother to two interesting and independent boys, Ronelle keeps motivated, inspired and challenged in many ways. The start-up RSA Consulting breaks boundaries in the workplace through transformation. They design learning programs for employees, advise organizations on learning and development projects and help companies to carry out more effective learning interventions. RSA Consulting also aims to support businesses in designing, delivering and evaluating learning. While building her start-up, Ronelle doesn’t joke with finding time for herself and being in her own space. Self-care is on the top of her list of priorities. With the boys, studies and a business Ronelle Steenekamp still manages to make time for friends and family. What learning techniques have you found are the best to maximise learning? The best learning techniques starts with the acknowledgement that you can learn from anyone, any time. We need to be aware that everywhere can be a learning space full of information, knowledge and lessons learnt. One does not only learn from experts. What are the mindsets that you believe need to be changed in organisations? Why? We need to change the mindset having your own business is incredibly hard and that it is for people more intelligent, more creative, more experienced etc. Yes, having your own business has it’s challenges, but so does working 9-5. If you have a challenge, you also have the solution. If we are going to believe it is so difficult and impossible —it is going to be just that. You might as well just enjoy the journey, bumps and all. [bctt tweet=”One does not only learn from experts – Ronelle Steenekamp” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] You mentioned your sons motivate you. You’re also a divorced single mother, how have you managed to over the challenges of this? I remember making the decision to leave my great job that was comfortable and secure. Then I quickly started to doubt and told myself —Are you crazy?, you are a single mother, two boys, a bond and vehicle to pay. This was a good reason to rather stay in my job and not take the big risk into being an entrepreneur. My kids was a enough reason to stay in a secure job rather than take a risk, right? Wrong! They were the reason why I had to JUMP and pursue my dreams. The challenges I experienced are no different to anyone who takes a big leap of faith. However, I overcome them by knowing that if I have the challenge, I have the solution. Do you have a motto that keeps you through? My personal favourite motto is; Pray then slay. Before pursuing interests, goals and objectives, I pray. Thereafter I boldly pursue with positive energy and confidence; that’s the slaying part. [bctt tweet=”The motto that keeps Ronelle Steenekamp going is, pray then slay!” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Let’s talk about RSA Consulting, what plans have you got brewing for this business? I have plans to expand and have a greater presence nationally and also on the rest of the African continent. Collaborations are key drivers to achieving this! What can we expect from you and RSA Consulting in the next three years? In the next 3 years we want build a stronger foundation. It is important that we spend more time securing the base in order for the building blocks to stand when storms come. This can be done by focusing and maximising the strengths of the organisation. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.