How to Stay Sane While Being Young and Ambitious
Being a millennial can be exciting and challenging at the same time. We are driven and motivated. The prevalence of media outlets has created opportunities and avenues for us to go after our goals and passions and share our experiences with everyone. We can thus feel as though we constantly need to be on the go. We want to fulfill all our dreams and we also want to live our best lives. Going after our dreams and seeking to live a truly happy life can be an arduous task. It can leave us feeling overwhelmed, burned-out or drained. The key is constantly trying to have some form of balance. You can and should go after your ambitions yet be receptive to enjoying the moment. Here are some tips on how to go about that. [bctt tweet=”The tribe of people you surround yourself with matters because they can have a truly significant impact on your life – @isireflectdaily ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Get a Planner or NotePad There can be a million and one things that you want to do at almost any time. A great way to keep track of your goals and responsibilities is to have a planner or notepad. You can even use your phone to jot things down if you prefer. Getting a planner or notepad keeps your organized. It helps you to remember what it is you aim to do. It’s also a great way to help you be accountable because you are the individual who put down the list of goals and objectives to accomplish. Do Some Form of Physical Activity The misconception around physical activity is that it is only needed for those that want to lose weight and be fit. However, the benefits of physical activity expand further. Physical activity helps to give you focus, clarity and most importantly, it gives you energy. If you consider yourself to be a go-getter and very ambitious, you could easily get burned out from all the things you’re trying to achieve. That’s why having a form of exercise matters the most. It serves as a platform to release stress and fatigue. It boosts your mood and productivity by fueling your energy. Now you don’t have to take in an extreme sport. Research proves that simple activities such as just walking outside for thirty minutes are good exercise. You can find the best thing that works for you. Maybe you like to dance, or swim or cycle? Taking up these activities will keep you energized and of course, healthy and fit. It’s a win-win. [bctt tweet=”Making time for activities you enjoy doing serves as an outlet for you to breathe, enjoy and relax – @isireflectdaily ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Make Time for Activities You Enjoy I understand you want to be your own boss and get on the path to making that six-figure salary. It’s great to aim high but that doesn’t mean you have to neglect to have some fun in your life. Making time for activities you enjoy doing serves as an outlet for you to breathe, enjoy and relax. This will help you to prevent a burnout because if you are working yourself hard 24/7, you become drained and exhausted. You have to make time for the things you like doing. Make time for the movies. Make time to socialize. Make time for self-care activities such as a spa day or a manicure and pedicure. These activities that might seem little compared to your big goals are truly essential because it fuels you to keep moving. Have you heard the saying ‘work hard and play hard.” You’re putting in all that good work so don’t deny yourself the fun and relaxation you deserve. Have a Good Tribe Around You No one makes it all on their own. We all have some form of help and support that makes it possible for us to get to where we want to go. We have mentors who provide us with their valuable time and resources. We have our girlfriends who give us that emotional support and motivation to be our best selves. We have groups and organizations that give us the tools and community we need to better ourselves and take our hustle to great heights. You need to have a good tribe around you in order to achieve your goals and also stay sane in the process. The tribe of people you surround yourself with matters because they can have a truly significant impact on your life. If you don’t have a tribe, you have to consider ways to make this happen. Get involved in organizations and groups that cater to your interests, hobbies, and passions. What helps you to keep going after your goals while living a life that truly feels good? Interested in contributing for She Leads Africa? Click here.
4 important signs you’re in a toxic work environment
Our work environment affects our happiness, productivity, and success. Through my experiences and discussions with colleagues, I understand how different workplaces can affect you positively and negatively. If you’ve been contemplating whether your work environment is the right place for you, here are some key points that could help you: 1. Low Employee Retention If you realize most of the employees at a new workplace are new, this can affect how you fit in. Sometimes, for certain start-up environments, the case of low employee retention is prevalent. The structure in a start-up environment is different. So before you make the decision to join an organization where most of the employees are new, you have to consider what your main goals are and what you hope to achieve at the company. It’s best for you to take this into consideration before you make a decision. You should be prepared for how you can fit into the role and the organization. At one of my former jobs, I noticed that a lot of employees were new. I remember a co-worker told me there was a “revolving door” at the organization. As the months rolled by, I understood why. There was a lot of negativity in the office. After various discussions with my colleagues, I found out that most like myself were unhappy and also seeking other jobs. I eventually left that negative work environment. If you’re about to take a new job, I suggest you ask (in a subtle way of course) how long the former person held the role you’re about to take. Another option would be to ask generally the amount of time their employees stay with the company. 2. Lack of free speech/ expression of ideas One of my favourite work environments was an internship I had back in university. I was an editorial intern for the school magazine. What I enjoyed most about the internship was my experience with my boss. She created a very open environment where I was encouraged to present my ideas and actively participate. Having an encouraing supervisor who supported my progress enabled me to accomplish quite a lot in that job. Now, I’ve also been privy to work environments with a rigid structure, where you don’t feel open to discuss your ideas, and your superiors show no interest in your growth or progress. Though one can still thrive in such an environment, I don’t necessarily believe it helps you be very productive. You may not feel content in your workplace because there’s no good rapport with your colleagues. One way to fix such issues would be speaking up. You will have to make an effort to express your ideas and opinion. This matters because unless somethings are communicated, not everyone will pick up on whether there is a problem or issue to be addressed. Communication is key in contributing to a positive work environment. [bctt tweet=”Communication is key in contributing towards a positive work environment” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] 3. Constant Tension in the Office In any workplace, there are going to be high-pressure days and low-pressure days. Pressure in the workplace is normal because different situations arise and demands have to be met. However, if you’re in a work environment with constant tension among co-workers, that is definitely not a good sign. If there is consistent tension in your workplace, it would be best to bring it up to your supervisor or take it to the Human Resources department. The HR department often addresses the communication issues between the management and staff. They can advise you and your co-workers on how to resolve issues. 4. You Always Leave Work Feeling Emotionally Drained Yes, work is just a part of our lives and adulting really isn’t a vibe sometimes, but if you always feel terribly sad, drained, or anxious at the thought of going to work – that’s even less of a vibe and a major issue. This negative work environment can end up seeping into your personal life and take over your mind. If most days at work are causing you depression, you have to consider if that’s the right environment for you. Word of advice: get a new job sis, you can’t come and die just to meet KPIs. Start looking for a new place of work and do intense research on the environments those companies possess, I promise you when you leave and start afresh, you’ll be much happier. Another option, if the specific work is the problem, communicate with your supervisor about a challenge you might be encountering. They could provide you with some resources to make things efficient. If the negative emotions are due to the people around, also be open to communicate that with a mentor or your HR department. They could best advise you on how to move forward. Have you had experience with problems in the workplace? What were the signs, and how did you rectify such issues? If you’d like to get featured on our Facebook page, click here to share your story with us.