Cynthia Okuwashaka: Everyone has a talent inherent they can work on

[bctt tweet=”I try as much as possible to come with something new to make myself stand out” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Cynthia Okwuashaka craving her own financial independence started out as an apprentice in a nail studio. Thereafter, she went on to acquire training in hair making and makeup artistry. All these skills she acquired while studying the English Language in University. A few years later, she enrolled at the Opral Benson beauty school and has now become a certified massage therapist. Cynthia worked in several beauty lounges and finally at Four Points before resigning to start her own business Spaquil Beauty Therapy, a mobile spa, and wellness business in November 2015. Since then, she hasn’t looked back. For Cynthia, she finds peace and fulfillment when she is able to help her clients get relief from aches they feel before the session. In addition, earning her own income in a decent way brings even more fulfillment. How did you come about the knowledge that you could self-sponsor yourself through the university rather than be financially dependent on anyone? I had the opportunity of meeting a friend’s sister who told me she supported herself through school fixing false nails. So I said to myself if she could do it so I can. That’s how I started working at a nail studio and went on to learn hair making too. Why did you leave your job at Four Points to start your own business? Four Points for me was a phase I knew from the onset will pass so when the time came, I had to leave. I have always pictured myself as my own boss and my years there were to gain experience so when it’s time for me to setup mine I will do it and be successful at it. [bctt tweet=”…there’s so much fulfillment in making your own money in a decent way” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How do you manage competition in your business? Knowledge they say is power, I try as much as possible to come up with something new to make myself stand out. You are a graduate of English language, how does your discipline impact your business? In the area of communication, my discipline has given me an edge as people see therapists as secondary school drop outs. When I have a conversation with my clients, they get to see a different side of me. Sometimes, they then ask why I had to settle for a therapist instead of working in line with what I studied in school. I tell them I have a passion for therapy. [bctt tweet=”I know for sure one step at a time gets me closer to my goal.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What plans do you have for the future? Like I said, knowledge is power so am working very hard to get more training in my field of practice. What is your advice for girls from indigent homes who feel they can only survive by being financially dependent on men? Where do they start from? First of all, they will need to make a decision about the kind of life they want and work towards it. Dependency cripples, and there’s so much fulfillment in making your own money in a decent way. Crafts pay off in the long run and everyone has a talent inherent they can work on and pray as well for God to bless and prosper. The journey of starting one’s own business and growing it is a very tough one, where do you get the inspiration to continue in down times? I would say my passion for massage therapy is what keeps me going, Spaquil Beauty Therapy was birthed in November 2015 and I have had the opportunity of traveling to South Africa for training in less than 2 years of starting up. And when I think of the difference I can make in the lives of people with my healing touch I keep going no matter what. I know for sure one step at a time gets me closer to my goal. You moved from making hair and being a nail technician to a makeup artist and now a massage therapist. It seems you have worked longer as a massage therapist. Is it that you are passionate about this than the other trades and why? Massage for me is my sole calling in life, it goes beyond touch, I find peace and fulfillment when am able to help my clients get relieved of aches they feel before the session. I see myself as a small doctor (lol). How do your parents feel about your accomplishments so far being a certified therapist and running a successful business at 29? My parents have always given me support. In fact, my father who is very educationally inclined actually gave me the go ahead to learn vocational skills while I was still at the university. Today, they are happy and proud of me which is the joy of every parent to see their child or children succeed in life. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.