She Leads Africa

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Setting your business up for success – 5 things you must do

It’s a New Year and everyone seems busy penning down their New Year Resolutions. Business owners are also devising strategic means to boost sales and make more profit. It’s a time to sit and reflect on the past year and see what can be done to make the present year a success. As a business […]

Your guide to dressing in the workplace

Dressing matters. Entering the corporate world as a young lady, I struggled finding out what it takes to get ahead. Apart from being good at what I do, I was clueless in terms of being presentable and my dressing. I couldn’t decide if I needed to be sexy and fashionable until it hit me. Did […]

7 inspirational websites you need to follow

Arese Ugwu

The most beautiful thing about being a young professional or career woman today is that your knowledge isn’t limited to what you can find in your neighbourhood or community. The digital world allows you to connect with experts and information from across the globe. Whatever issue you think you might have, there are probably 100 or […]