Tania Omotayo: Watching my father work so hard, I couldn’t imagine doing less

[bctt tweet=”Discover @TaniaOmotayo’s #MotherlandMogul and boss side in this interview” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Tania Omotayo is officially our WCW and general #MotherlandMogul goals. The half-Nigerian and half-Austrian beauty is a well-known personality in the Nigerian entertainment scene. Like many enterprising young women, Tania Omotayo does not put her hustle in one basket. On one hand, she is a Senior Creative Analyst at the Temple Management Company (TMC), a leading talent management and events company. On the other, Tania is a model and an entrepreneur. She never stops moving forward and we can thank her dad for that. If you’ve heard of Tania Omotayo and always wanted to know more, or if you’re curious to know the insights of working in the Nigerian entertainment industry, what are you waiting for? Read on! What would you like the world to know about Tania? I would like the world to know that I am a hard-working and focused young woman. I am a Senior Creative Analyst at the Temple Management Company (TMC) which is a leading talent management and events company. Also, I am a model and an entrepreneur. I don’t think I ever stop. If it doesn’t have something to do with my regular 9-5 job then it’s my personal business. I am always up to something. I learnt from my father, watching him work so hard my whole life, I couldn’t imagine doing less. And it is something I am extremely proud of. [bctt tweet=”Tania Omotayo: If it’s not my 9-5 job then it’s my personal business. I am always up to something” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What legacy do you see yourself leaving in this world? It’s weird because it’s not something I spend a great deal of time thinking about. But I do hope to leave my mark on this planet in some way. I hope to be remembered as one of the pioneers at the Temple Management Company, that brought change to the Nigerian entertainment industry. I hope to be remembered for doing amazing things for charity, impacting people’s lives and for genuinely making a difference. Tell us more about the Temple Management Company. How did it come about? The Temple Management Company was founded by Mr. Idris Olorunnimbe at the start of 2016. TMC is a child of necessity, the company was started to bring structure and change to our entertainment industry. We are a 360 full-service talent agency and talent management company. We specialize in the representation of personalities with African heritage from all over the globe in the entertainment, sports, media, public and arts sectors. Also, we specialize in the management of events in the entertainment, sports, media, public and arts sectors. I am proud to say that I am part of the nucleus group that helped build the company from the very beginning. [bctt tweet=”@TaniaOmotayo hopes to be a pioneer that brought change to the Nigerian entertainment industry” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How do you plan to scale up the Temple Management company in the next few years? We have so many big plans and projects we are working on. I think the main thing is we are focused on changing the game, and we do things differently and properly. We have a lot of extension plans which we have already started with South Africa, Kenya, United Kingdom and the United States. So, in a few years I am sure we will be leaving our footprint worldwide. What’s one thing about the industry you work in that you would like to change? If I had to change one thing, it would be to create a platform so that we have the same structure in place as the rest of the world. Nigeria is one of the few countries in which talents do not really get royalties or adequate compensation from our hard work. I think it is unfair and dispiriting. If I only had one thing to change, it would definitely be to improve the welfare of our talents when compared with the rest of the world. [bctt tweet=”If I only had one thing to change, it would definitely be to improve the welfare of our talents @TaniaOmotayo” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What’s a typical day like for you? I actually do not have a typical day. My weekdays are completely different from my weekends. I have crazy weekdays, and more chilled days. On my crazy days, it can be waking up at 5 am and finishing work at 10pm, on days like that I really can’t do anything else. But on my more chilled days, I start work at 9 am and finish between 5 and 7pm. On days like that, I have time to watch a favourite TV show or a movie. On the weekends I like to sleep as much as I can so I am fresh for the week. So I usually spend most of it in bed. What motto(s) do you live by? I have so many, but these are some of my favourites and I’ll explain why: “Someone else is happy with less than what you have” – This helps me to remember to appreciate what I have. “Success is the best revenge”- This is pretty self explanatory when people don’t believe in you or try and water down your dreams, the best way to get them back is to succeed at it. “Happiness is yours to choose or reject. So embrace it.” – This took me a while to fully understand but now I am a pro at choosing to be happy. You should never let other people ruin your happiness. What can we expect from you in 2017? For 2017 you can expect a lot from me. Outside of working for Temple, I am working on a really exciting fashion project that I cannot wait to reveal. It is something that I have been working on for over a year now and I am super excited. I am also working to solidify my brand as a model and I have some projects coming up that I