Five types of employees you want to fire immediately

We all have that one person in our squad or team that we could live without. They want the worst for you, but you want the best for them. You want a team as synchronized Travel Noire‘s, they want a mosh pit. You’re thinking savings, they’re thinking spending. In short, you two are on different pages. And so you fire them, which is what any reasonable person would do if they cared about saving their business venture. And if you have the below mentioned five employees on your team, please fire them all before they poison the well. 1. The Social Media Butterfly These are people who wake and sleep on social media. Give them a day to research five smoothie ingredients for a new flavour, and all they’ll come with are a bunch of IMDB tab sheets and a desktop background image of Idris Elba. 2. The Raver Everyone has a bad day, but that doesn’t mean we should scream like banshees at work. Home, yes. Work, no. No on wants to work with someone who stresses them all day, every day with strident remarks or caustic put-downs. 3. The Warlord These are career trouble makers, and all-around instigators. They’re ready to fight at the slightest perceived provocation, sowing seeds of discord in the office. If you dream of fostering a collaborative and friendly work environment, then caution them to cut it out, and if they don’t, give them the sack. 4. The Know-It-All Spews a never-ending stream of suggestions and unsolicited advice, but barely listens to second opinions nor take corrections. This kind of attitude breeds resentment and could spell trouble for your company if they’re their job requires them to liaise with clients. Encyclopedias are books, as in inanimate objects. So if your employee fancies themselves one, you have every right to be worried. And what do we do with worrisome employees? We fire them. That’s right, we fire them. 5. The Indecisive is afraid of mistakes and wants to run every full stop by you. They can’t take any initiative, and need constant reassurance and feedback. If you enjoy baby-sitting adults, keep them. If not, let them go or you’ll be doing their job and yours. Who else will you fire? Any personalities we didn’t mention? Care making a list?