Webinar with Ehime Akindele: Expanding your business and sustaining growth (Apr 22)

As an entrepreneur, having the funding and knowledge you need to get your business rolling is one thing, surviving the fierce competition and unpredictable economy is another. But as a true #MotherlandMogul, when the going gets good, you know it’s time to expand. Now what’s your game plan? Relax, we gon’ show you the way. Join us on Saturday April 22nd as we discuss the steps to owning and sustaining multiple businesses. We’ll be chatting with Ehime Akindele, CEO of Sweet Kiwi frozen yogurt who founded Your Way Foods and set up three businesses all under age 30. [bctt tweet=”Learn the skills and abilities you need to survive in business. Webinar with CEO of @sweetkiwie ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] To survive in this changing world, there are some business rules you need to follow. Ehime left her banking career and decided to start her own business in Nigeria, launching the first frozen yogurt company in the country. This webinar will teach you everything you need to know about business sustainability and capacity building. Register below to get the exclusive link to the webinar. Some of the topics we’ll cover: Capacity building: The skills and abilities you need to survive in business What you need to know before expanding your business 6 ways to sustain business growth 5 do’s and don’t for female entrepreneurs looking to expand Webinar Details: Date: Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 Time: 8:00am TX USA // 2:00pm Lagos // 3:00pm Johannesburg Watch here: About Ehime Ehime Eigbe-Akindele is the founder and managing director of Sweet Kiwi Frozen Yogurt. She has a BA (Honors) from London metropolitan university in Business Information Technology and International relations. She began her career with Amnesty International, then moved to Citigroup in Dallas, Texas and worked in their banking group, before she moved back to Nigeria and founded Sweet Kiwi. Ehime is a Goldman Sachs 10,000 women scholar, a public speaker and has taken part in several motivational speaking events to inspire youths and not-for-profit organization called ‘Hands in Lagos’ with an objective to foster the spirit of volunteerism in the country.