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Humbulani Ravhura: I would love to make yoga more accessible to black people

Humbulani Ravhura

[bctt tweet=”Humbulani Ravhura: The African dream will not happen if our bodies are dying” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Some of us are very familiar with the struggle between keeping fit and registering at an expensive gym. Humbulani Ravhura learned yoga from a DVD and enjoyed it so much she went on to train as a yoga teacher. Now […]

Congratulations!! Here is your degree and 15 extra pounds

[bctt tweet=”We were warned about the Freshman 15. It was the Senior 15 that no one told us about.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Am I the only one who wants a special refund from my alma mater for the additional pounds it added to my body? I can’t be the only one…please tell me you guys understand the […]