She Leads Africa

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How to survive The Big F word — Failure

The moment you hit rock bottom is not a very unique experience. Although the actions were taken after the realization vastly differs from one person to another. For me, it was while watching a very romantic movie, the kind of movie where the guy races through traffic to get to the airport so he can […]

Why you should network with your peers, not just your mentors

why you should network with your peers

We have a tendency to approach a career as a “ladder” –always looking upward to the next promotion or raise. There’s no doubt that networking with advisers has benefits, but it shouldn’t simply be limited to your mentors or role models. When you’re young, “networking” often means meeting people more influential than you are. However, […]

Thembelihle Terry-Lynne Zulu: Every woman needs a big sister

The idea of women helping other women, benefits both parties and demonstrates just how powerful every woman can be with the right support. Thembelihle Terry-Lynne Zulu, through Girl Grandeur Zimbabwe which she co-founded, is going the extra mile to encourage women to pursue their dreams. Here is what she is doing to support other women.  How have you […]