The fourth industrial revolution (4th IR) has many of us in a bit of a tizzy! Because we either do not know how we can keep our skills up to date in our various industry.
Or we are not sure whether we will have jobs once the full-on 4th IR movement takes over.
I would like to zone in on the financial sector, as we have seen cases of some big banks letting staff go in a bid to drive up efficiencies.
They also do this to give a customer-centric offering to their clientele and to meet their shifting expectations.
Gone are the days when your study designation has to be finance-related before you can get a job in the financial sector,
You can acquire both soft and critical skills in various other disciplines such as digital innovation, social media, digital marketing, communications, and PR.
In fact, the list is relatively exhaustive, a simple Google search should have myriad options pop out for you.
We are moving away from the era of traditional disciplines and working in jobs that require only one thing from you.
Now more than before, it works to your advantage to be savvy and knowledgeable in systems outside your focus area.
This not only makes you invaluable as an employee but challenges you to grow sis.
[mailerlite_form form_id=11]We are right on the cusp of digitization and the move for a business to be tech or digital-first, as more customers want to services rendered at the customer’s convenience.
Technological developments in the 4th IR do not necessarily have to translate into job losses and retrenchments in the financial sector, but rather encourage us to think about how we can collaborate and create better solutions to marry human activity with artificial intelligence.
As individuals, the following tips will ensure that not only do you remain competitive in your sector but that you are agile enough to move along with your organization as it expands and moves away from traditional modes of conducting business.
1. Never Stop Learning
You know that saying that says if you’re the most intelligent person in the room, move to another one?
You can never reach the point of ‘knowing it all’ continue advancing yourself and applying your knowledge base, even if it is through short courses. Stay learning, stay on top of your A-Game
2. Identify and Connect with Influencers in your Industry
Nothing beats learning from titans of industry. Identify someone within your business unit that you can shadow or learn on-the-job capabilities from.
This will put you in good stead should you want to take your shot at a different position within the team.
3. Show up for yourself.
Sis, be on time and put in the work. Most importantly, when you have gotten a seat at the table, make your voice heard, do not cower behind self-doubt or allow the dreadful imposter syndrome to cripple you.
Show up for yourself sis, be on time, put in the work. And most importantly, when you have gotten a seat at the table, make your voice heard, do not cower behind self-doubt or allow the dreadful imposter syndrome to cripple you.
4. Create a personal and professional development plan.
Ensure that you have your PBOB (personal board of directors) holding you accountable to keep on smashing those goals out the park!
5. Remember to self-care.
Everybody knows that fatigue ain’t one bit cute. Take time out to do things that rejuvenate your soul and genuinely bring you joy.
You can never underestimate the importance of rebooting in this fast-paced world that we live in.
Go out there babe, and be the corporate maven (or entrepreneurial queen) you know you are and secure the bag! Join the SLA #SecureTheBag challenge.