As far as you are concerned, you have given it your all. You have been the best version of yourself. You have been continuously learning even after earning the qualifications you require for your job.
You have been networking, after all, it is said that your network is your net worth. You have said yes to a lot of projects so that you can not only gain as much exposure as possible but also enhance your visibility. You have been working really hard.
You are the go-to person at work to solve problems. Being this person fills you with pride but it has not been enough to take you to the place you aspire to be.
You feel frustrated. You want to give up. You ask yourself why you should work so hard, yet there are no visible results. You feel stuck. You feel confused. You wonder if you should keep at it. You wonder if there are some things you should stop doing or should start doing.
And what are those things anyway?
Motherland mogul, don’t give up just yet! It may not be visible to you yet, but all the work you have put in, all the work you continue to put in, is growing you.
Growth is chaotic. Growth is uncomfortable. The growth path is neither clear nor easy; it is ridden with so many obstacles, so many hurdles. The easiest thing to do is give up and settle for the mediocre.
Our growth journeys can be likened to trees. We usually tend to focus on the final product only, the humongous tree with lots of branches that gives us the perfect shade.
We rarely stop to think how the tree got to be that big and strong. We do not stop to think how the tree remains standing tall, season after season, decade upon decade.
It is no coincidence that it takes very many years for trees to mature. You plant the seed; a small seed. You then water the seed consistently so that it can germinate. It germinates and then it takes not less than ten years, to be a sturdy tree.
What do you think is happening during these years? The tree is literally growing, firming up its roots and its trunk so that it can be able to hold up the final product; the mighty tree.
Dear sister, you say its’ been months, even years of hard work with no visible results. If you search yourself, deep within, you know you are not the same person, you know you have grown.
That you have not attained your goal yet, is a matter of time. You are growing your roots. You are thickening your trunk.
You are setting the right foundation, a strong foundation. So that when that opportunity you have been waiting for comes your way, you will not stumble, you will not stutter, you will grab it because you will be ready.
So keep at it. Evaluate whether what you have been doing is taking you closer to your dream. There are some things you may need to drop. There are some things you may need to start doing.
There are other things that are constants, keep them. But by all means, do not give up!
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