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Christine Sesay: Make the right financial choices, choices that you can live with

When Christine Sesay decided to study mathematics, her parents were not enthused, as they believed she would never find a job in Africa in this career field. Christine however did not want to part with her love for Mathematics so she convinced her parents to allow her pursue a career in Accounting and Finance which was an easy sell as they were very supportive of her decision. Upon attaining a Masters in Finance, Christine went on to work with a construction /maintenance company in Dublin as an Account Assistant, then an accountancy practice where she progressed from the Real Estate accountant to the Financial Controller over a 4-year period. At this time, she wanted to move back to Africa but there were not many jobs available so she had to take an Assistant financial controller role with an Irish Organization in Niamey. Within 4 months, she was working in the capacity of the Financial Controller managing €5 million projects then progressed to take charge of all operations within a year.   While working on a nutrition and livelihoods project in Niger, Christine was shocked by the abject poverty that people lived and her desire was to change the situation. But as there was a security situation in Niger, she had to move back to her birth country Sierra Leone where she started Africa’s Moneypreneur to bring about financial freedom to all Africans. She believes that individuals would be more interested in talking money and finances when it is made easy and fun.  As a determined and driven leader who is passionate about wealth management, she wanted to make sure that her African brothers and sisters started taking money seriously. When she started the financial literacy blog, she hosted a few events for women but no one attended as they were not interested. To overcome that challenge, she moved on to open a facebook page where she featured different women and hosted 12-days of Christmas challenge. These different pieces created traction and landed her some features on a few publications addressing the different areas of finance, a workshop on business finance tips for teenage mothers at the Aberdeen Women’s Center, teamed up with SheVestor for their training materials and wrote several articles in magazines mostly locally in Sierra Leone. Christine hopes to teach others how to implement effective financial strategies that support the lifestyle they aspire and deserve. [bctt tweet=”Christine Sesay’s “@AMoneypreneur” seeks to challenge Africa’s views about money & Poverty, and help individuals enjoy life” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What are your views about Africa and money? Do you believe our way of thinking has forced us into poverty?   Like most things in life, if we are not educated, we will tend to misuse it. Financial education is a major part of life in the western world as people are aware that until they make conscious decisions about what they want for their lives and start early, it will be difficult to live fulfilled lives. For example, it’s almost second nature to see that after a man has worked for many years, he could have nothing saved up a pension for retirement. Instead of enjoying old age, they are forced to work for longer and sometimes end up dying miserably. There are also choices that are being made in terms of choosing to make the right choice now, with the future in mind. Personally, I started early! While studying finance, I learned how the multiplier effect works on finance saved over long periods. I made conscious efforts to have pension funds and also started a college fund for my kids (nope they are not here yet!). How can we become financially free? Would you say being financially educated is the first step to financial freedom?   There are quite a number of areas that could be covered when we talk about financial freedom. I think even before we get educated, there is the need to have a shift in mindset. The way we think about our finances. People consciously paint a picture of how they want to currently lead their lives and what the future needs to look like. Charting the course of your life, like anything else helps you decide what decisions you may need to make now. Once that picture is clear, then seek financial education. Make the right choices, choices that you can live with. Avoid looking at what others have done and try to emulate those choices. Your risk appetites and pocket sizes may differ. Why do you believe Africa needs a platform to challenge our views about money and poverty levels?   I find that at the moment we are comfortable. People are happy to continue working, spend without the future in mind and hope that a family member will eventually foot their bills. Things are changing and as we are emulating the behaviors of others cultures we also need to develop our own culture when it comes to financial planning.  At Africa’s Moneypreneur, we want to be at the forefront of those changes. We currently use our platform to:       Provide financial advice for youth, start-ups and Women-owned business in Africa       Developing communities for youth and women to engage them in making informed financial choices       Sharing success stories relating to women in finance and in business        Discussing personal stories relating to work-life balance and family, travel etc. to give a personal touch        Introducing current events relating to the brand areas, like finance and pop culture events, Lifestyle etc.       Embracing African roots and culture as it relates to finance management With these efforts, we hope that the next generations of African families can help pull Africa out of poverty. [bctt tweet=”Knowing exactly what you spend your money on is important to have a solid financial plan and a healthy attitude towards your finances – Christine Sesay” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How do you intend to make discussing money and finance fun? What are you currently working on?   I think the first thing we need

Christine Sesay: Africa’s Moneypreneur

Christine Sesay

[bctt tweet=”Christine Sesay: Most Sierra Leonean entrepreneurs are struggling to survive, this lead to the idea of Africa’s Moneypreneur” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] She won’t say money is her hobby but Christine Sesay enjoys advising people on finances. Christine is the founder and CEO of Africa’s Moneyprenuer, a financial education platform created to help make discussing money and finances easy and fun. With a background in accounting, Christine Sesay has always done some accounting —even when she wasn’t working in the field. Her professional interests have taken her across the African continent, Christine has lived in Niger among other countries. However, her career isn’t limited to finances, Christine also works with Sierra Leone’s Ministry of Health and Sanitation, an opportunity that arose during the Ebola epidemic in 2014. Why did you decide to study accounting? Like most high school graduates, there is the insecurity of being unsure of what one wants to do. I started taking an accounting course and enjoyed the different aspects of the course. From that point, I continued to pursue accounting and financial courses in school. I still work in the accounting field, I am in charge of operations in the organization I work and I am responsible for the finance department. Do you feel your careers have always been linked to your degree in accounting? Yes, in my current job I am responsible for all monthly financial accounts as well as final yearly accounts. In past jobs where I was not responsible for day-to-day running of the finance department, I have had budgets that I was expected to manage. Let’s talk about your time in Niamey, Niger. How was life for you as an African living in another African country? What sort of cultural barriers did you have to navigate? I enjoyed my time in Niamey. I have lived in other African countries while growing up and therefore it was no strange idea to move to Niger. So, I am used to living in different places and I adjust quickly to my environment. I found the environment quiet which suited my personality. It was a place ideal for doing my other hobbies such as arts and craft. Niamey had a few spots to hang out and most of the time we had curfews, so I had to find a form of entertainment that was workable. Niamey provided a lot of time I needed to quickly concentrate on communicating better in French but also to grow in my career. What was your main motivation to study French? I have a grandparent who is of Senegalese origin so it somewhere in my lineage. But also, I had a parent that worked in an environment that required the language. Therefore it was an easy motivation for me. How did you come to start working with the Ministry of Health and Sanitation? During the Ebola outbreak, a lot of foreign agencies came to help Sierra Leone and they all had different ways of doing things. The Ministry of Health was unable to determine the best course of action for the country. In the midst of other job offers outside Sierra Leone, I chose the job that avails me the opportunity to work with Ministry and assist with system thus strengthening it. [bctt tweet=”Christine Sesay: With the Ebola epidemic, I was determined to help in whatever way I could” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Why was it not an option for you to leave Sierra Leone when Ebola struck? Sierra Leone is my home. I was devastated to see how things had become within a short period of time with the disease infiltrating the country. Leaving the country at this time, would have been the easy way out. But then, what would I say to my children in the future? I was not in Sierra Leone for the war, and was much younger to make a decision to help. With the Ebola, I was determined to help in whatever way I could. [bctt tweet=”Christine Sesay: In the midst of other job offers outside Sierra Leone, I chose to work with the Ministry of Health” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Why did you start Africa’s Moneypreneur? In what ways can discussing money and finances be fun? While working in private sector, I would talk to small groups of women about their finances and advice on taxation issues. However, due to the demands of my job at the time, I could not continue. In 2015, I watched a lot of families leave Sierra Leone. This was mostly the middle class who could afford to leave Sierra Leone due to Ebola. Therefore, we have a very broken economy once again. Most entrepreneurs are struggling to survive, seeing this, the idea of Africa’s Moneypreneur was born. It is platform that teaches others how to implement effective financial strategies that support the lifestyle they aspire and deserve. For this reason, I am keen to talk to people on their money and finances. Would you say money is your hobby? Advising on finances is one of my hobbies. I also enjoy doing arts and crafts, especially making greeting cards. Want to see women you know featured on SLA? Tell us what amazing things women are doing in your communities here.