Top quotes from SheHive Nairobi

SheHive Nairobi brought together aspiring Motherland Moguls and established speakers and personalities from diverse sectors. Those who missed can only hope for next time. In the meanwhile, these choice quotes from speakers are sure to inspire and motivate. Wanjira Longaeur, Radio and Television host Wanjira is a well-known radio host with Capital FM Kenya and television host with EbonyLife TV’s Moments Kenya. On the last day of SheHive, she spoke on the business of the entertainment industry. – “Do your best you never know who is watching.” – “Mindset helps. I chose to see opportunities everywhere and in everything I do.” – “If people want to tear you down, kill them with kindness.” – “One of the worst things a director can do is to leave their audience bored.” – “Entertainment keeps moving but the camera doesn’t play.” – “Ignorance is a choice. We are in 2016 for Pete’s sake! We have the internet!” Hilda Moraa, Founder and former CEO of Weza Tele Ltd Weza Tele’s industry is tech and at SheHive Nairobi, its founder Hilda shared tips on how to get started in the tech business. – “Failure has been the key ingredient in my success.” – “If you are sitting and thinking that you are a woman in business. Then you have to be at your best to compete.” – “Don’t fear sharing your ideas, sharing could give you much needed feedback. However, protect the uniqueness of your idea, Protect your team, talent, data and execution from competition.” Dr. Helen Gichoci, Managing Director, Equity Group Foundation As an ecologist Helen dished out insights from her experience being president of the African Conservation centre and African Wildlife Foundation. – “You got to have (thick) skin in the game for anything to be of value to you.” – “Form follows function in a business. Find the problem, opportunity and the service you want to offer and the business will follow suit.” Bob Collymore, CEO Safaricom Bob heads East Africa’s fastest growing company. His talk focused specifically on gender equality and inclusion in the workplace. – “Find your purpose, and then you won’t have to work for the rest of your life.” – “What is my personal drive? Trying to make a difference and leaving a positive footprint.” Lindsay Caldwell, Founder One Acre Fund Among her achievements, Lindsay is also an operations management specialist. – “You have to co-opt other ideas for your business to work.” Winnie Mwangi, VC fund Winnie has established her career working with investment companies. At SheHive Nairobi she talked about what investors look for in a business when deciding whether or not they will invest in it, – “When pitching to investors, under promise and over deliver.” – “Gerald George Patton said, ‘If everyone is thinking alike, then someone is not thinking.’” Eunice Nyala, Executive Coach, Etiquette Xllent Company At SheHive Nairobi, Eunice used her coaching experience to teach the audience how to develop leadership styles and how women leaders behave. – “We admire people who have etiquette. If you don’t have it, work on it. Start working on your tone.” – “Women should dress the part, it’s one of the most important visuals we are judged upon.”
Bob Collymore, CEO Safaricom: Women are high achievers

Bob Collymore is a man many people admire. It’s in the simplicity and efficiency with which he runs the fastest growing telecommunications firm in East Africa that draws people’s attention. But just what is his secret in running such an organisation in East Africa? At the recently concluded SheHive Nairobi, Bob dished out some of his secrets. – I pay attention to the micro-inequities to make a significant impact in my organisation by articulating and ensuring that diversity and inclusion is acclimatized for by the organisation. Sadly, after years in the corporate industry I have noticed that women don’t step up for gender roles. The African culture plays a gender bias in the African work place. It’s not that women are few; there is significant gender balance at the workplace. It’s just sad that women didn’t vote for other women. Is it because we don’t trust other women with leadership? I don’t know. – Currently in Africa there are few women in the tech space and in leadership. Imagine you were challenged to list the top 100 women in leadership you know of within five minutes. You would probably start by churning out names fast but by the 25th name, I bet you start scratching your heads. It’s not so obvious. – My disappointment with women in leadership is that the more they ascend the ladder; they tend to adapt masculine behaviour. I already have men around me. I certainly don’t need women acting out as men. I would appreciate women being women. They should maintain their femininity when they hold these positions. – The company’s advertising strategies are geared towards diversity and inclusion. Nowadays we have Kenyans of Indian, Asian, European and American decent in our ads. Unfortunately we have live in a misogynistic society and it’s a shame that in 2016 we still thrive on the same. Women should stop playing the victim game. The society is harsh towards women but the best women can do is to always win. – Safaricom thrives in East Africa by empowering women in all frontiers. We have a nursing home that caters for children of our staff between ages of one and fourteen. Women at Safaricom get more leave days and they get less hours of work after the leave is over. – I am happy that when one of our regions was facing stiffer competition for a fierce competitor, I appointed a lady to head the region. So far she managed to turn things around and that’s the best performing region in the entire organization. I am proud of what she has been able to achieve and if she could do it better than the men then it’s a validation to you women that you are high achievers. My advice to everyone is that you find your purpose and you won’t have to work forth rest of your life. Also acknowledge that where you come from doesn’t define where you will end up in. What drives you?