Your ultimate guide to starting and ending the year strong in 2023!

It’s 2023! Whoo hoo… It is not a year to rest on your oars, not a year to be complacent because of the level of success you have achieved so far, it is a year for doing more. There is still much work to be done no matter what your life vocation is. This year is bringing you a new opportunity to start (if you are yet to join the moving train of achievers), and to get better at what we do for our best is yet to come. The following steps will set you on the path of getting more done this year. If you know what you want, you will get it easily: Brain Tracy quote aptly puts it this way, “People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine”. I will put the emphasis here on “clear”-you are very sure what it is you want to achieve, you are not indecisive, thus, when you spot an opportunity that links to what you desire, you grab it with your two hands. Focus: You might have given yourself a pat on the back for the various feats you accomplished last year and this year you have so many ideas and you just want to execute them all at once. This might not turn out well and will slow down your productivity. It is important to balance your creativity with wisdom. Not all your beautiful ideas will fly so focus on your competitive advantage (that which you do so well or makes you stand out). See Success as a journey rather than a destination: When you see success as a destination, not only will you be tempted to wait for it to happen instead of working towards its achievement, but there is also the danger of being complacent. After the achievement of one goal, there should be the desire to get another. So don’t spend all your time trying to achieve one thing. Get it done and move on. Stop procrastinating Most of us are guilty of this habit. We push off what we are supposed to do now to a later time, and before you know it, it’s the year 2024. You don’t want to wake up tomorrow and you are a 105 years old; that dream you had when you were fifteen is still in your heart unaccomplished and you will know you have not lived because you will not feel fulfilled. Start working on that dream now so you don’t have regrets tomorrow. Be accountable: Arese Ugwu the author of the smart money woman in the acknowledgment page of the book mentioned that Steve Harris played a huge part in helping her finish the book in time-he kept checking up on her to make sure she was committed to writing her book. I believe if she hadn’t been accountable to him, she would not have finished the book at the time she did. There is this thing about the right time. If the book had not been published at the time it was perhaps the doors she said the book opened for her would not have happened. Find someone you can be accountable to especially if you are not naturally self-motivated or goal-oriented. Stay close to your inspiration: Life is not a walk in the park so are your dreams or things you desire to achieve. You need to stay inspired to reach the finishing line. Read articles regularly here on SLA, you will find stories that will help you learn from other people’s experiences so you can navigate your world better. Attend seminars and conferences aimed at making you improve the way you do things, watch movies that will motivate you, and surround yourself with people who can talk you up just when you need it. Be flexible: You don’t have to stick to one thing or one strategy if things are not working as expected. This year is for getting things done so don’t get stuck, find a new way for life is full of options. Oprah Winfrey puts it this way “Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.” I look forward to a greater you this year 2023!
She Leads Africa partners with Darling (Godrej Africa) to inspire confidence in and improve the self-esteem of young African women through the year-long “Confidence In Action” campaign which begins in August 2021.
Yukabeth Kidenda: I Want To Celebrate And Dignify The Teaching Profession
Teach For Kenya is one of many independent chapters of the Teach For All Non-Profit organization, that is currently being set up in Nairobi, Kenya by Yukabeth Kidenda who is both its CEO and founder. Passionate about education and mentorship, Yukabeth is on a mission to build a movement of ethical leaders to drive reforms in Kenya’s education ecosystem. In this article, Yukabeth talks about her passion for teaching and her dream for education in Kenya. What inspired the Teach For Kenya initiative? Teach for Kenya is not the first of its kind, there are actually 50 other partner networks that exist all over the world. Teach For All was started by Wendy Kopp, an American who actually started it as Teach For America initially. Her inspiration came from coming face to face with the inequities in education in her hometown and feeling a burden in her heart to help bridge those gaps. From the success of that, she decided to replicate the model across other countries. When I was done with college, I decided to take a gap year and went to serve as a teacher in Honduras, Central America. That entire year was 365 of the happiest days of my life. I came back home, but for one and a half years, I couldn’t find a job. That really made me question everything that I had believed. For a long time, I had this belief that education was what gets you to be successful. I questioned that notion a lot and began to think – How come the education that I received didn’t prepare me for this slump on the road? How come this great education made me sit at home for over a year jobless? Why didn’t it help me sell myself to a potential employer? That is when things in my mind changed, I don’t want to just help people get access to education, I want to help them get access to QUALITY education that will enable them to thrive in this 21st century. That’s why I dedicated my life to working in educational organizations. I started with adult learning and corporate training, then worked with Microsoft with their education team to push ICT training and certification. Thereafter I joined Metis where I was running a fellowship program for educators across all sectors and went on to work with the African Leadership Group as a leadership facilitator and now getting ready to launch Teach For Kenya. I had been mulling over this with one of my mentors, Kennedy Odede for about one and a half years and by the beginning of 2019, I just decided to get on with it and actually do something. I think right now the country is ripe for such a great innovation and I’m glad to be at the forefront of it. Why is education important to you? I have a vast background in education, all the way back to my time in high school when my mother was diagnosed with cancer. My parents really valued education a lot and still do, my siblings and I all went to very good schools. My mother’s illness did take a financial toll on the family but one thing I took note of, was that my father did not make us switch schools at any point. We could have saved so much money by going to other schools that were not as costly and I could not understand why he chose to make that sacrifice. As I got older I realized the kind of doors that getting a good education and being exposed to that kind of learning could open for me. During my university years, I approached my dad and told him that I want to support other people who don’t have people rooting for them the way he rooted for us. My dad and I soon started doing a lot of projects in the community, going out to various areas, providing books, toiletries, things that just make the learning environment more habitable and more comfortable for the students. That really generated the passion I have had since then to do more in the education field. 3. How is it going with putting together the launch? It’s been a scary, engaging, challenging but exciting process all the same. One thing that has worked in my favor, is that this is my dream job. I’ve always wanted to work with people who don’t have anybody cheering them on and supporting them. Teach For Kenya puts me in that unique position where I have basically taken the responsibility to run this organization that will help mentor recent graduates and put them in a position where they come face to face with the challenges facing their community, transitioning them on to the alumni face of the program and watching them go out into the world to impact and join initiatives that are seeking to address these challenges. So I’d say right now that the education space in Kenya is very ripe. There are so many people who are very receptive to the idea of Teach For Kenya, and think it’s been a long time coming so the support has been overwhelming in a good way. I plan to pilot this program with our first 20 fellows in January 2021 so what I’m focusing on right now is doing community research and going out into the areas where we will potentially get to speak to the communities, the teachers, students, and parents and find out what their needs are and how our skills can best match those needs. It’s a lot of work but I feel like all of us as citizens of this country and this continent needs to do our part, this is me right now choosing to do my part. I hope this encourages anyone who may think that their part may be too small – we’re all pieces in a puzzle of a beautiful bigger picture and by doing our part, we
Meet the 3 Kenyan Women in fashion collaborating for the culture
By Ruth Mbugua In 2009, Nelly Tuikong was a nurse in America but there was something tugging at her heart about makeup for the African woman. Her entrepreneurial instincts kicked in after looking around stores for makeup that suited her African skin and didn’t find any. With no prior knowledge in manufacturing makeup, but armed with a passion, Nelly started her journey that birthed Pauline Cosmetics (named after her mother) after three years of learning, research, and trials. Pauline Cosmetics is a makeup brand that designs, develops and manufactures makeup products with the African woman in mind. The brand has now grown to become an established makeup brand with a line of lipstick, lip-gloss, eye shadow, and mascara. Enter Caroline Mutoko, a celebrated renowned media personality, a woman of her own caliber. With more than 20 years of experience in the media, her name speaks for her in the Kenyan entertainment industry. Caroline Mutoko also has a YouTube channel where she takes the spotlight that is on her and shines it on you. In 2017, she was featuring Kenyan women who were making strides and shattering glass ceilings on her YouTube channel. One of these women happened to be Nelly Tuikong of Pauline Cosmetics. In November 2018, Caroline Mutoko challenged Nelly to work with her to come up with a lipstick line for all the women who are ‘becoming, women in different spaces and phases of their lives and for every woman in you. This brought about the I AM limited edition lipstick. To add more synergy to this powerful collaboration, these two amazing women, Pauline, and Caroline Mutoko, didn’t just stop there. They collaborated with Wandia Gichuru of Vivo Woman to distribute the limited edition lipstick in 8 of the Vivo Woman stores in Nairobi. Wandia Gichuru has rewritten the narrative of modern day fashion. She founded Vivo active wear in 2011 to offer comfortable casual wear for the sporty woman and official clothing for the professional woman. Here are the 5 things I have learned from the partnership of these three glamorous women. 1. Collaborate instead of compete An African proverb says “If you want to go fast if you want to go far, go together”. Nothing is better than working with other women who get your perspective and challenges you face as a woman in business. 2. Have a defined purpose and vision When you have every partner pulling in different directions, there is bound to be no progress. To collaborate, you need to have a clear and shared vision and an agreed direction on how to achieve it. 3. Bring a unique value Each partner should bring a differentiating factor into the equation. This helps to ensure that you do not view each other as competition. 4. Have mutual benefits The partnership should be beneficial to all partners. This removes the perception that one person is bearing a bigger load than the other. 5. There is room for more than one queen There is no winner takes all award in entrepreneurship. As women, we need to get over this attitude and view women as a community to help each other grow and not competition. “My advice to girls is always this: Be supportive of each other. I can’t say this enough. We have to be our best friends, each other. That means we cannot be catty, we cannot compete and see one person’s failure as our success. We can all rise together, we can all win! We’re sometimes taught in our societies that we have to compete and we have to hold each other back in order for one of us to succeed. That is not true. We need each other. And all over the world, we have to be a team of women and girls who love each other and value each other and cherish one another. Because if we don’t cherish each other, no one else will,” – Michelle Obama
CHARLENE MACHARIA: As Africans in the diaspora, we’re shaped by our experiences on the motherland
In the last two decades, there has been an increase in the number of platforms that are providing opportunities for women to develop their leadership skills. Platforms like TEDx, for example, create a space where women can present their ideas and thoughts freely using slideshows and speeches that have gone on to inspire other women around the world. More specifically, platforms that provide a space for African women in and out of the diaspora have begun to increase as well. I recently had the chance to interview Kenyan-born, Charlene Macharia who is the Program Coordinator at UCSB Academic Initiatives to discuss the importance of such platforms. We also spoke about her experience with the Women’s Economic Forum as the All Ladies League (ALL) -a women’s empowerment non-profit based in India with chapters around the world. Being the chairperson in Santa Barbara, she also highlights the reasons why there should be more platforms that give African Women a voice. How did you get involved with the All Ladies League and become a member? All Ladies League (ALL) is a women’s empowerment non-profit based in India with chapters around the world. ALL hosts a conference which takes place annually in India. I am a Gates Millennium Scholar and I found out about this conference and organization through a fellow scholar, Kaity Yang. She had posted on our Facebook group that she was in India doing her own research when she got the opportunity to meet the founder and global chairperson of ALL, Dr. Harbeen Arora and her partner Dr. Vinay Rai. They were impressed to hear about the Gates Millennium scholarship program and they extended the invitation for 10 gates scholars to attend the very first Conference. They generously waived our conference registration and lodging fee so all we needed to pay was for our flights. When I heard about this incredible opportunity I was very interested in attending. I didn’t know how I would come up with the funds for the round trip flight but Kaity Yang was helpful by giving me ideas for fundraising like using GoFundMe and also requesting a travel grant from my school. Ms. Kaity also connected me with Dr. Harbeen Arora who answered my questions about the organization and encouraged me to join my local chapter. Since there was no chapter in Santa Barbara, where I currently live, she challenged me to start one. She actually appointed me as the chapter chair right then and even sent me business cards and gave me a social media platform. Just like that! I was really humbled and honored that she would entrust me with leading a local chapter so I accepted and this motivated me to make it out to the conference to find out what I was really getting myself into. [bctt tweet=”As Africans in the diaspora, we must rise and share our stories, paint a picture of the world we would like to see and let our light shine by all means, and on our own terms.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How has the platform impacted you as a woman and as a young African in the diaspora? Participating in this has been really impactful to me by validating my voice and my experiences as a young African woman in the diaspora. It does this by providing the space for anyone to lead a workshop, give a talk, or participate in a panel discussion. My first time attending the conference I just decided to attend as a delegate since I mostly wanted to listen and observe but in my second and third time attending the conference I decided to participate as a speaker. This allowed me to share my perspectives on topics I am passionate about such as education and spirituality, and to also share my personal experiences. This is such good practice for public speaking and communicating clearly. I have challenged myself each of those times to attend as a speaker not because I’m a pro but because even as a young woman I have something to share, and this is an opportunity for growth. Do you think there should be more platforms that give a voice to African women in the diaspora specifically? YES! I definitely think that there should be more platforms that amplify the voices of African women in the diaspora. But I think it’s up to us to be proactive in creating them or in utilizing the platforms that already exist. We can’t afford to wait around for the rest of the world to put the spotlight on us -that rarely happens. So we must rise and share our stories, paint a picture of the world we would like to see, and just let our light shine by all means, and on our own terms. What is the significance of platforms that allow you to share ideas and create a space for women to develop their leadership skills? Organizations such as ALL are so significant since just by creating a platform for women to connect, share resources, and develop their leadership skills, they are literally changing the world. There is a leadership imbalance in most sectors of our society and there’s an underlying narrative out there that women are inferior and weak. But now is the time for the empowering of women to fix this imbalance so that together we can create lasting change in our world. What could we learn from the voice of an African diaspora woman? I think that the voice of an African woman in the diaspora is quite unique. We have a unique perspective of life shaped by our experiences on the motherland (for those of us who had that privilege) in comparison or in contrast to our experiences living abroad. These experiences have forced us to grapple with our complex identities, propelled us to create inclusive communities, and to come up with creative ways of problem-solving. [bctt tweet=”I am grateful to have met amazing African women leaders from various African countries and within the diaspora – Charlene Macharia” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What do you enjoy the most about
Fiona Osiro: We’re coming into a male-dominated field ready to prove ourselves and be treated as equals
Unfortunately, it is still our reality as women to face workplace challenges — lack of respect, overt and insidious sexual harassment, man-terruptions — simply because we are women. These challenges are magnified for women working in male-dominated fields. From “bro-culture” to assumptions you don’t know how to do your job on the basis of your gender, women working in these fields go to work every day already saddled with the task of proving their worth and abilities — a weight their male colleagues do not bear. Fiona Osiro is a 26 years old Engineer from Kenya. She has a Bachelors degree in Civil Service Engineering, as well as an MSc in Urban Management and Development. In this interview, she talks about working in a male-dominated field and being good at what she does. How did you get started in your field? When I was younger I really wanted to be a journalist but as I got older my path was redirected mainly due to influence from my parents and uncles. I’m surrounded by many professional Engineers and I followed suit. Working in a male-dominated field, how do you keep yourself pumped daily? The field of Civil Engineering is definitely male dominated, which comes with many challenges. Proving yourself to be as able-bodied both physically and mentally can be a huge barrier. People still get taken aback when I talk about my academic background and career path. People assume that I probably know too much or know too little. So I feel like I’ve had to work twice as hard as my male peers in proving myself which shouldn’t be the case. My desire to make a difference in the world, make my family proud and be an example to the young women who want to venture into the field gets me pumped up for the day. [bctt tweet=”I’ve had to work twice as hard as my male peers in proving myself which shouldn’t be the case. – Fiona Osiro” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What advice would you give to men working with strong females I’d advice men working with strong females to try not to feel the need to “baby” us. I suppose it may come naturally to protect women around them, but at the same time, we’re coming into a male-dominated field ready to prove ourselves and be treated as equals. Because we basically are equals out in the field, probably just with manicured nails occasionally ? What have you learned about yourself over the years and what are some traits that you really had to work on to be successful? I’ve learned to not be so defensive. I initially had the attitude that I had to fight for recognition and acceptance by any means necessary. I also learned that being a woman in such a field is such a unique and blessed opportunity, being able to be an example for others and to add a touch of grace while at it is something I relish. I’ve learned to say no to free lunches. Pay for yourself, especially when everyone else is doing so, this will earn you the respect you deserve especially with your peers in the field. Finally, take every opportunity to learn and grow. Connect with other people in the industry from different organizations, backgrounds, culture, and fields. Take advantage of the unique opportunities set aside for women in male-dominated fields to grow. These opportunities are available and as women who want to make a difference, we should not shy away from making use of them. How do you make your voice heard? I know for sure that I do not have to be loud and aggressive to be heard but I must be very articulate, respectful and firm. I’ve had to sit in meetings where I was the only female and the youngest as well. I already stood out, so I learned to take advantage of that and prove myself. What advice would you give upcoming young women leaders in the industry? I’d advise young women leaders in this industry to have a clear vision of what they’d like to achieve for themselves and for those they serve in their position. Don’t be ashamed to be different, use it as an added advantage. Respect others and finally, put God first. There may be many obstacles to face, but upholding your morals and drawing strength from God will bring down any obstacle. [bctt tweet=”I do not have to be loud and aggressive to be heard but I must be very articulate, respectful and firm. – Fiona Osiro” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] If you could throw a parade of any caliber through your office, what type of parade would it be? Parade? Is there a parade that involves cooking and eating? Because that would be my happy place. ? If you’d like to get featured on our Facebook page, click here to share your story with us.
Jane Karuku: A lot of change is happening in Kenyan Boardrooms
When we talk about Motherland Moguls and #BossGoals, Mrs Jane Karuku is the perfect definition of just that. Currently sitting at the top of the corporate ladder as the Managing Director of Kenya Breweries Limited (KBL), Non-executive director of East African Breweries Limited (EABL) and Barclays Bank Kenya, and a member of prestigious boards such as the Global Sustainability Index board among others. Mrs Jane Karuku has over 20 years of expert experience in the consumer-goods industry and is not looking to slow down anytime soon. Her passion and energy for great leadership tells an enticing story of grit, consistency and sheer hard work. SLA contributor Diana Odero had a quick sit-down with Mrs Karuku to learn about her current role now and what keeps her going in the cut throat business world. As an African woman with over two decades in corporate leadership, what does leadership mean to you? Leadership is getting people to do what’s good for an organization and more importantly what’s good for them. Leadership is unleashing the potential of people. Therefore you need to have great influencing skills for moving anything or anyone from point A to point B. What is the biggest misconception people have about your job? I don’t think there’s much of a misconception. For me, I have never seen myself as just a woman, I just see myself as a leader. Once you see yourself as a leader, you get what you give. Within my job, my career, I consider myself a leader – I see myself as a woman in different places outside the professional aspect. I always tell my fellow women – don’t look for favors because you are a woman and expect diversity to help you. Just turn up and do your job as a human being and you have a better chance to succeed. [bctt tweet=”Jane Karuku from @Diageo_News talks about leadership, her experience in the business world, and manufacturing in #EastAfrica” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Following the production of fake alcoholic products in the Kenyan market, how do you ensure that these illegitimate products do not get into the market especially working with a brand as big as EABL? We try to work with government agencies, there’s no knowledge management because people don’t know. Also, we work very closely with Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and with enforcement agencies just to educate them about our products and the systems we’ve put in place to make sure that these are legitimate products. We also work with IT solutions, which are mobile based so you can check every brand online and see its legitimacy. Our borders are very porous but in Kenya we have different classes. You can have a class of genuine products that come in with no duty paid, and that’s the bigger problem with our brands more than the fakes because we have very serious security features. With lots of surveillance placed around, we can spot something that’s fake and sort it out before it gets to consumers. The only challenge we’ve had so far is the imported products which belong to Diageo and are under-called in duty value therefore underpriced and not able to compete in the market and this in turn loses revenue so it’s quite a big challenge. [bctt tweet=”I always tell my fellow women – don’t look for favors because you are a woman and expect diversity to help you – Jane Karuku ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What do you think are Kenyan’s attitudes towards alcohol and alcohol production? How can we make these attitudes more positive? Kenya is quite interesting in that we have a big population of religious people, both Muslim and Christians so there’s a lot of people who do not take alcohol based on their beliefs. There’s also a big proportion of women who just do not want to drink. I would say that Kenyans are not the biggest consumers of alcohol per capita, we are actually behind other East African countries such Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda and Burundi. But in terms of responsible drinking, we do a lot of work on that. One challenge we have is the presence of so much bad alcohol all over the place, therefore people consume or overuse alcohol which demonizes it. We spend a lot of time on alcohol education, we call it drink IQ – how you should behave and drink responsibly, we press in our campaigns the importance of eating and then drinking, drinking a lot of water after indulging in some alcohol and drinking alcohol within the recommended portions. We don’t advocate for binge drinking but we do advocate for responsible drinking. What are some of your favorite products that you manufacture/market and why? Tusker Cider would be on the top of my list, I think it’s a very good drink and in the spirits section – the Ron Zacapa Rum, it’s a very gentle nice rum. What trends do you see within the East African region that you find interesting? Some new trends would be the places that people drink at first of all. There’s a lot of innovation around bars, a lot of work is going into how bars look – we are starting to get very sophisticated for consumers. Food and alcohol pairing is becoming a very big deal, it’s an enjoyable and social experience. This is mostly throughout Kenya, wherever you go you can find a nice location where you have a good meal and a drink with ease. Another trend I have taken note of is the cocktail culture – it’s interesting to see the many new ways of taking alcohol. It’s exciting and different. This is already a big global phenomenon, East Africa is quickly catching up on that trend. There’s also a lot of innovation in alcohol production with a lot of new alcohol products coming in, we are becoming very globalized which is good progress. What do you think has been most difficult for you to deal with as a woman rising
Tabitha Wambui: Support For Women In Sports Has To Start With Me
Being a female referee in male-oriented sports such as football is not something you hear of often. Tabitha Wambui, a renowned Kenyan referee and current Guinness Made of Black ambassador is one of the few yet talented African women taking on this position with poise and prowess. Tabitha who is a mother of two and an advocate for women empowerment, tells a story of sheer determination and consistency that got her the job she has always dreamed of. Tell us about your love of football. When did you first get interested in the sport? I started playing football just for fun while I was still in primary school. I’m an only child and I was such a tomboy, I would play football a lot with my uncles. Upon joining high school, I played for the school team for a short while and then joined the Mathare Youth team and played for them until I completed high school. [bctt tweet=”People believed a woman could not officiate a football game as the sport is considered to be a man’s game. I wanted to prove them wrong – Tabitha Wambui ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] What brought about the decision to become a football referee? I would watch a lot of football after high school and once saw a woman officiating in the Kenya Premier league as an assistant referee. Seeing her out there doing something so different yet so intriguing made me say to myself – if she can do it, why can’t I? That’s when I made up my mind to try it out. I took courses in 2004 on being a referee and after completing them all the way to the class 1 level, I became a Fifa Referee. If I wasn’t a referee now, I would have been an athlete because I’ve loved sports my whole life. What is the biggest misconception people have about your job? For over a decade, people believed a woman could not officiate a football game as the sport is considered to be a man’s game. I wanted to prove them wrong. I believe that here in Kenya, it is the women’s football team that will get us into the world cup before the male team. We have already made it to the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) so we are well on our way there. How has the journey been so far as the new Made of Black Guinness Ambassador? It has been a wonderful journey. It has made a lot of people aware of my job and me as an individual. I do my best as a role model of the Guinness brand, I am grateful that after 17 years of referring to football games, I am being appreciated by a huge enterprise such as this one. They have helped expose my position in the football world and my journey to who I am today and this, in turn, has reached a lot of women out there and given them the push they need to get out there to pursue their passion. What challenges have you faced in your journey and how did you overcome them? During my first match as a referee for the Kenya Premier League (KPL), the Gor Mahia and AFC teams had thousands of fans fill the stadium. As I walked out on to the pitch, people were not looking at me as a referee but as a woman. That intimidated me a bit but as soon as the game started, I did what I was there to do – my job and people really appreciated it once the match was over and was not downplaying my position as a female referee. Getting my family to support me on this journey was not easy at first, they didn’t want me to go down this road. They believed that football is a hooligan’s game but I had to make them understand that this is what I wanted to do. Now they are fully on board and have seen how impactful this position has been not only to me but to those around me as well. [bctt tweet=”What are you doing to help support other girls and women in sports? – Tabitha Wambui” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] How can Kenya and its society support more women and girls in sports? The most important thing is to support them and encourage them, never discourage them. If I did what my parents and friends told me I should be, I would have never become the referee I am today. It also has to start within ourselves, what are you doing to help support other girls and women in sports? I train with a small group of women twice every week. I make sure to call them on training days to remind them of our sessions – it has to start with me, then it goes to the community and then it will reach the higher authority like the government. If we wait for the government to provide that support we will not get where we want to go. When I started this journey to become a referee, there were only two of us in the game, now there are over 50 women working towards this same goal. Who are your top 3 role models? My mother. She is the one who made me the woman I am today. Whenever I had a game or any issue to do with my work I would speak to her and she encourages me to keep going. The first lady I ever saw officiating a match – Margaret Omondi, she is now a physical instructor. She is the only person in the football industry that I call and share my highs and lows with in relation to football. Internationally – Thierry Henry. I really loved Thierry and looked up to him even before I got the chance to meet him. I’m not an arsenal fan but whenever he would play I would always watch, he is an inspiration to me. As a mother
Esther Hahanyu: Helping Kenyan women achieve their weight goals through Social Media
Most modern women, if not all, at one point or another, have struggled with the notion and practice of keeping fit. For some, it is a recommendation from their doctor to avert a looming health danger. However, for a few others, it’s for the purposes of remaining healthy and good looking. Whichever the case, the goal is the same, to lose weight. Esther Hahanyu found herself in the latter category, looking for means to keep fit and look good. When the idea came to her, she had just completed her degree program and was enjoying her career. At that moment, life couldn’t have been any better, save for occasional hip joint and ankle pains, especially after a walk. The pains were not regular, hence, she did not seek any medical opinion. Instead, Ms. Hahanyu tried to avoid activities that caused the discomfort including taking a flight of a few stairs which in the latest months was making her pant heavily. When she started the routines four years ago, she weighed 88 kilograms. In eleven (11) months she had cut down to 68 Kgs. Today, she still observes the routines and structured diets religiously; however, her sole priority now is toning and maintaining the weight which is right for her height and age. All these she has been able to achieve working out at home alone or with her niece. It was not until Hahanyu visited a friend that she realized that the joint pains and panting were as a result of the weight. With this in mind, she wanted to regain her health. She embarked on a plan that has not only helped her to lose the weight but also keep fit while encouraging others to do the same. Hahanyu has chosen to adopt a healthy lifestyle and has taken upon herself to inspire others through the social media. Keeping tabs with social media Upon gathering information that she could regain her health through healthy eating and exercising, Hahanyu invested time and resources to embark on the long journey which she began after a round of research and consultations. On the first day, she took a photo of herself working out and posted on Facebook. A friend came across the post and added her to a ‘closed’ Facebook group whose mission is to support women seeking to lose weight through exercise and structured diet plans. “I am a Facebook fanatic,” says Hahanyu adding that since day one, she felt she needed to share with the world her weight loss journey. “I find it exciting to post my workout routines and meal plans on the social media platforms.” Hahanyu notes that she started by doing simple routines like rope skipping and dancing. “I like working out in front of the mirror too,” she adds. From the reflection, she can see her muscles crunch, and when she breaks a sweat, it excites and motivates her to go the extra mile. Motivating others According to Hahanyu posting the images online is a way to remain accountable to self and to motivate others to keep working harder towards attaining their weight loss goals. Moreover, each and every member of the group is encouraged to post their routines or meal plans as an accountability check and a way to encourage others to do the same. “When I come across a new routine or exercise, I share it with my social media friends,” observes Hahanyu. She posts in three groups on a daily basis. She admits that this is her way of giving back to the online community that welcomed and still supports her in the journey. Of particular interest is a friendship she formed with London based Grace Kasongo. According to Hahanyu she is indebted to Kasongo. While the two have never met in person, (at least not by the time of writing this piece) their friendship has grown from just sending encouraging messages on the social media to exchanging physical gifts across thousands of miles. A few months after making acquaintances, Grace sent Hahanyu a dress from London as an extrinsic motivation for her hard work. “I got to know ‘Favored’ (Hahanyu’s Social Media Pseudonym) through the Facebook weight group,” says Grace in an email. “She was very inspirational and motivating not only to me but to other group members.” Following her active role on the platform, Hahanyu has since been appointed an administrator of two of the online groups. “She has continued to be an inspiration,” Grace says of Hahanyu. “She leads by example by posting challenges, what she eats and her daily routines.” In her words, Grace likes giving gifts to her friends journeying to lose weight as a way to encourage them. Moreover, “it is a way of giving back to the community in efforts to fight obesity and other related diseases,” she adds noting that Hahanyu is “just like my baby sister now.” Through the online support group, Hahanyu has come to learn many things about meal planning and exercising. She currently posts in three online groups each with approximately 18,850; 33,640 and 30, 225 members. She hopes to inspire members to choose healthier lives by eating right and exercising. For Hahanyu, a structured diet plan works perfectly for her. Studies show that structured diet plans yield better results than those that are less planned. Hahanyu observes that dieting and exercising are not for everyone. People must seek professional advice especially if one has pre-existing medical conditions or any other health concerns. What are you doing to help yourself and other people in your community to better themselves? Click here to share your story with us.
The Art of Customer Service every business should adopt
As important as branding and advertising are, one of the most important elements of selling a product/service is customer service. Excellent customer service puts your business ahead of the competition as it is something that is often missing from the a lot of countries, especially the Ghanaian business model. Small businesses tend to jump straight to digital marketing or advertising without taking a moment to fully understand their business model and industry and how their product (or service), pricing, place (online store or brick & mortar store) and people (service personnel) intertwine and affect the overall brand and ROI. In case you didn’t know, people are one of the most important aspects of the business, that is service personnel across the production line or yourself if you are running a run man show. Customer service does not begin and end at the point of transaction and as a small business owner, you must consider the pre-purchase experience, purchase experience, and post-purchase experience So what does this mean for your business? Pre-purchase experience This refers to the experience your customer has with your brand before they decide to purchase anything. Is your website appealing? Does it have enough information to allow the customer to make an informed decision – or are your photos outdated? How is your advertising? Are people speaking positively about your brand? Purchase experience This is the actual moment of transaction where you exchange the product (or service) for payment. If you run an online store, you must consider your interface – is your website easy to navigate? How does your customer pay for their purchase – do you have Mobile Money integrated? Can they use a Visa Card? There are many services in Ghana that allow you to develop a website that allows your customers to shop online. A personal favorite is Storefoundry, it works very well for small businesses in Ghana. If you run an actual brick & mortar store, what is the ambiance like? Is it easy for customers to locate the products in your store? Are they on high shelves and do they always need an attendant to help? Is your store so small that your customers can only come in one at a time? Is your shop attendant interactive, willing to help and offer alternatives? Or are they constantly on their phone? Post-purchase experience This covers your follow-ups and interaction with the client after the transaction. Are you bombarding them with irrelevant SMS messages and emails? If you provide a delivery service, was your delivery driver dressed appropriately? Below are practical tips you can put into action to make sure your customer service is top notch. Recruitment & Training – Recruitment and training is the beginning of providing excellent customer service. Even if you are running a run man show, you need to stay up to date on customer relationship trends and train yourself to always put the customer first. If you are hiring others to handle the customer interaction, make sure you hire people who know and understand the vision of the brand and are willing to be brand ambassadors both inside and outside the workplace. Personnel must also be conversant in the industry-speak as well as in the product itself, in order to serve as a salesperson. [bctt tweet=”Hiring the right people will allow you to build the right company culture that is well aligned with the brand” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Go the extra mile – The data you collect from your customers serve many purposes. One of the main ones is to compile a mailing list for your newsletter but another important use would be to study your customer’s purchasing habits and stay a step ahead of them all the time. Group your customers by date of birth and send out a personal message to them via text message or Whatsapp, which has become a popular medium for business communication in Ghana. Get to know your customers personally, are they parents? Do they celebrate religious holidays? Make sure to reach out to them accordingly. [bctt tweet=”Reminding customers that you have them on your mind will make them feel involved with the brand. ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Feedback is key – Receiving feedback from your customers at least once a quarter is important. Simple tools such as Google Forms or Survey Monkey are helpful for designing easy to use surveys which gives you direct feedback from your customers and clients. This way, your clients feel involved with and connected to your brand. Appearance – You and your staff’s appearance is one of the most important elements in building a strong brand. Ensure that staff (and yourself) look the part at all times. Customers appreciate a smile and a helping hand, as difficult as it may be on some occasions. The best way to make sure your customer service is on point is to align the pre-purchase, purchase and post-purchase experience to ensure a smooth transaction! Go forth and provide an excellent service!