The easiest way to improve your life: Positive thinking

[bctt tweet=”Negative energy is just not healthy for you, better start with positive thinking” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Picture it: Monday morning. You sit in traffic for 45 minutes just to go 10 miles. You pass your work place as you head to a parking lot which is 5 blocks south of your office block because the usual lot is full. As you pull up, you glance at the clock and you are now 3 minutes late; despite waking up early and leaving your house 10 minutes ahead of schedule. As you walk out your heel gets stuck and as you try to save the Jimmy Choo, the heel breaks. On your walk into work, you’re reminded that the country you live in just elected a cartoon character to be its next president (I live in the U.S., if you couldn’t tell). You walk into work, someone looks at you and allows the door to slam in your face. As if that was not enough for one morning, you get to your desk and your co-worker calls you by the wrong name. Now, as your irritation increases, you need to sit yourself down and breath it all out. Then you fix your attitude because someone didn’t have the opportunity to see this same Monday, although it just tried to steal your shine. Positivity is something so simple, yet overlooked when it comes to our lives. In The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho the author writes, “…when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Imagine after you didn’t receive the promotion you wanted or life went unplanned, you were able to move forward because you kept a positive outlook. There’s a reason why countless essays and books have been written about it, an entire field of study is dedicated to it, and the most successful figures in history swear by it. So why don’t you? These 5 simple steps will upgrade you from basic to a positive thinking boss in no time. Smile There is truth in the Science of Smiling. Research has shown that by simply forcing yourself to smile naturally increases happiness. Any time you are getting in a bad mood, immediately work up a smile; even if it’s forced. If you look in the mirror at how ridiculous you look faking a smile, chances are you’ll laugh at yourself and boost endorphins. It’s a win, win! Choose a mantra Everyone needs a go-to statement on deck to fight off bad vibes. Once you’ve decided what works best for you, write it down and make it visible. Write out your personal mantra in lipstick on your mirror so you can start your day off right. I personally have a reminder set every day on my phone to love others. Mantras can be simple or extremely detailed, as long as it’s positive you’ll be good to go. [bctt tweet=”Everyone needs an all time statement to fight off bad vibes, use yours to remain positive” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Give back When I was in college, just like other students in their twenties, I went back and forth with feelings of depression. Therefore, to get out of my funk I started volunteering at The Homeless Children’s Playtime Project. Once a week, I went to a women and children’s shelter and played with babies while their mothers took classes. It was one of the best experiences of my life and it instantly lifted my spirits. There is always someone that could use your help in the world, someone who will need you to be their voice so get to lookin’! Count your blessings Every night before you go to sleep, identify and list all the amazing things that you have to be thankful for. When you wake up, read that list. Keep in mind that you always have something to be positive about. Simply taking your next breath is plenty to be thankful for. It’s those little things we think we have a right to that we should be grateful for. Eliminate negative people from your life You know that ‘friend’ who doesn’t clap when you win? The one that always has someone to talk about? That friend who leaves you feeling emotionally drained after hanging out with her? It’s time for her to go. As harsh as it sounds, NO negative energy is better for your life. It’s unhealthy and counteractive for you and your new positive lifestyle.
Discover your passion with these 6 commandments

For some, identifying their passion is a walk in the park. They don’t need the help of a guardian counsellor to point them to the rainbow’s end because they already know where it is. This category of people know what drives them —an awareness they discovered in the womb or accidentally stumbled upon early on in life. Either way, they’ve been spared the trouble of having to find where their heart lies. The rest of us, however, are stuck with hours of self-reflection, countless meetings with a career coach and general cluelessness. The very question; ‘what are you passionate about?’ elicits the same level of dread as having one’s tooth pulled without anaesthesia, because society expects us to know what it is. If you fall in the latter category, fear not, kiddo, for these six commandments have got you covered. 1. Thou shall quit your job Staying on a job you hate and griping about how much you hate isn’t going to lead to a light bulb moment. Trust me, it won’t. But quitting will. Transitioning from employed to unemployed will likely make finding your passion more urgent… and, yes, uncomfortable considering the scary economy and unemployment statistics. But with the new extra time, you can channel your energy into discovering the gritty stuff you’re made of by following the next commandment. 2. Thou shall experiment Breaking out of a routine is one way to find your passion. Grab at new opportunities wherever you find them. This could mean helping a colleague complete a task at work, volunteering in the accounting department in your local church, or watching a play, even if it’s not your thing. You’d be surprised at what tickles your interest, and in return your passion could be unlocked. 3. Thou shall ask questions Self-reflection and asking questions offer illuminating insight. What would you be doing with your time if you were filthy rich with no worries in the world? If failure wasn’t an option, what would you do? Or, if you didn’t give a damn about social approval? What are willing to suffer for or readily do for free for the next six months with a smile on your face? Be truthful with your answers (even those you think might cause your friends and family to give you the stink eye), then write them all down, evaluating each candidly. Pay attention to what you enjoy talking about, your favourite novels, songs and movies. How do you spend your days off? A common theme should connect them all. If so, find a way of incorporating it into your current job or converting it into a business. For example, if you love travelling (both physically and through art), you could start a culture blog featuring photography, book reviews and travel articles —and possibly make money from it. 4. Thou shall consult other human beings No (wo)man is born an island, and that’s why you need to reach out to those living out their passion for help. Search the web for articles about how others found their passion. Read memoirs of successful business people and those you admire for inspiration. Ask your family, co-workers or friends who are likely to support you to highlight your best qualities or talents, and use the information to clue you in on what makes you tick. 5. Thou shall take a trip down memory lane As a kid, what were the things you did for hours on end that never grew tiring or boring? What classes were a delight before mum and dad forced you to become a doctor, lawyer or an engineer? Your passion may lie in those lousy poems you wrote in junior secondary that no one read, the games you enjoyed playing, or in that book with dog-eared pages and a cracked spine. Making a list of all the things that brought you joy at age 7 would help resurrect forgotten passions to life. And if all fails… 6. Thou shall write an obit That’s right, an obituary. No, I’m not wishing death upon you. If you humour yourself and write what you would like it to read, not only would you be amazed at the things you come up with, the exercise will take you a step closer to the things you’re enthusiastic about.