10 Things Motherland Moguls would tell their 21 year old self

[bctt tweet=”Keep your head up ladies, so your crown doesn’t fall down” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] We asked our community members what advice they would have give their 21 year old self. We couldn’t keep all that knowledge locked away in an Instagram post for you to never think about again. We’ve compiled all that collectively wisdom here. The collective knowledge of our SLA community fell into 10 different categories and we’ve broken it down for you. So get your pen out and bookmark this page. You’re welcome. Confidence One of the things that truly makes a Motherland Mogul is that she is confident in herself and her abilities. She doesn’t let small minds and mean words hold her back. Keep your head up ladies, so your crown doesn’t fall down. @Marlidiallo: “1. Don’t conform to the norm. 2. Have confidence in yourself.” @Thelady_sek: “Protect your heart. Protect your mind. Don’t take yourself for granted and care less what people think about your hustle.” @Daramolafeyi: “Believe in the God that you serve, believe you can be and do whatever you decide to be. Stop comparing yourself with others. Be hardworking, Don’t be lazy.” Start TODAY There is no time like the present. Our community wants you to know that you shouldn’t sit on those amazing ideas of yours. Don’t wait till you’re the right age. Don’t wait till you have enough money. Heck, don’t even wait till you graduate. Roll up your sleeves and get to work: now, now. @G_mama1: “That it’s good to start mall. Stop waiting for a big capital to start, start with the little you’ve got.” @Imoheboh: “Start this already! Don’t procrastinate.” @Amazinfarie: “It’s not too late.. You can still make it InshaAllah.” @Ms_dinma_o: “There is no better time to start than now. You have more than you need.” @Nalianyalouise: “Don’t procrastinate” @Lamide_ “Just start” [bctt tweet=”The SLA community wants you to know that you shouldn’t sit on those amazing ideas of yours.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] These are the days —give it your all In addition to starting today, your fellow Motherland Moguls want you to go hard! Now in your early 20s is the time to throw your heart and energy into what you do. You likely have fewer commitments & expenses so chase your dreams and chase them tirelessly. @Thealaroro: “This is your season of independence! Maximise it. Do more. See more. Be more.” @Lululingerieng: “Age 17-21 are foundation years. “Suffer then enjoy later,” compromise, have multiple jobs, DON’T just be a student.” @Maa_designz: “Ain’t no time for games darling. Pursue you with all you got. Find that dream. Water it. You would be glad you did.” @Chigozie18: “Take all the risks you want now. Don’t wait till you are 30.” @Vianniey: “Explore the opportunities right before you first… you can’t choose to look outside much later!” [bctt tweet=”Now in your early 20s is the time to throw your heart and energy into what you do” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Work ethic Dreams and ideas are great, but you have to be willing and able to put in the work! Make sure you focus on the task at hand and work hard on your priorities. @Lonitagram: “I’m 21, will be 22 next week Saturday…so it’s “never stop dreaming, never stop believing, it’s only a matter of time, never stop planning, she who works her ass off wins, stay in your magic, eventually all things fall into place and let God be God.” @Berugubydeezah: “Stop dreaming and start working.” @Theskinapothecary: “Go harder, stop procrastinating, you can do it.” Your studies & beyond Your studies are very important, but also one day you will graduate. Make sure you are thinking of that end goal. What are you in school for? Don’t just go through the motions and make sure you are also finding ways to skill build outside the classroom. @Tolulopefunsho: “School and studying isn’t everything!! Think entrepreneurship!” @Marymangeni: “Explore and learn as much as you can” @Lululingerieng: “Age 17-21 are foundation years. “Suffer then enjoy later,” compromise, have multiple jobs, DON’T just be a student.” Perseverance We all know why the tortoise whooped the hare in their super famous race. Don’t get lazy. Stay focused and keep working on your goals: every month, every week, and every day. @Bisolaatiba: “You’re almost there, keep moving.” @Alorhhs_chayil: “Keep trusting God, keep working hard, don’t give up your dreams and be consistent.” @Chicest_elle: “You’re on the right path girl. Keep it up!” [bctt tweet=”Stay focused and keep working on your goals: every month, every week, and every day” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Well-Being Life is not a sprint. It’s a marathon. So make sure you are taking care of yourself and doing all the things that will ensure you are able to enjoy the fruits of your labour for a long time. Keep yourself physically, mentally, spiritually & emotionally well. @Curlynewbie: “Eat well, sleep well, run and most your issues will be easy to solve with a clear mind and healthy bod.” @Aadidako: “Comparison is the thief of all joy.” @So_samiama: “Don’t sweat it girl.” Everything has its time While you are busy chasing your dreams and taking care of yourself, also realize that some things are out of your control. As long as you are giving your all, and striving to be the best at what you do, everything else will fall into place. @If.e.oma: “Do it…Push through the pain. It’s ok to not get it at a particular time, it will come at the right time.” @Gift_angela_ : “Let tomorrow worry about itself” @Battousai_h: “Relax it’s going to be alright” @Nnigdini: “To my own self, I would’ve said “self take your time, marriage wasn’t the remedy of your tears, pain, sparrow, disappointments, life was just beginning, there is more to life than compromising your life to marriage.” @Mz_danielzzz: “Insecurity isn’t pretty. Be patient and find your own path. Being in a hurry to accelerate your career like your elder ones can ruin you. Enjoy the journey.” [bctt tweet=”As long as you are giving your all, everything else