Facebook Live with Jamila Lawal: Starting a talk show to tackle social issues (July 26).

When it comes to tackling social and economic issues, starting a talk show and getting your voice on air could be the way to go. Did we hear you say talk shows are only for people in the media? It doesn’t matter what your career is, or your major source of income, if you know how to use social media to your advantage, then you can also start your own talk show or TV series. Join us for a Facebook Live on Wednesday, July, 26th, with Jamila Lawal, a nutritionist, culinary expert, and the producer and host of the TV series, Mila’s Diaries. She’ll be sharing with us how talk shows are so not outdated, and what it takes to start your own talk show. Jamila started her talk show, Mila’s Diaries to be of service to the economically disadvantaged and address issues affecting northern Nigeria such as divorce, child abandonment, early marriage, education etc. She also uses this medium to showcase success stories of the people within the region. [bctt tweet=”Jamila Lawal wants to teach you how to start your own talk show. Facebook Live( July 26)” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Register below for this session and ask Jamila any questions you might have on this topic. Some of the topics we’ll cover Why TV and talk shows are not yet outdated Best approaches to addressing social and economic problems What it takes to start a talk show Tackling the issue of divorce in Nigeria Facebook Live Details: Date: Wednesday, July 26th Time: Lagos 5pm // Joburg 6pm // Nairobi 7pm Where: facebook.com/sheleadsafrica/ Watch here: https://www.facebook.com/sheleadsafrica/videos/1917891998434111/ About Jamila Jamila Lawal is a qualified Biochemist with advanced degrees in nutrition. She was recently on the Maggi Ramadan campaign trail offering nutrition advice to women in different communities. She advocates living a balanced and healthy lifestyle in fun and exciting ways without compromising the enjoyment and quality of meals, culture, and most of all your relationship with God. Jamila considers herself progressively multi-lingual with current fluency in English, French, Arabic, Ebira, Hausa and with a more than average understanding of Yoruba. Her TV Show, “Mila’s Diaries” debuted recently and it encapsulates all her interests and the values that she holds dear to heart. Jamila loves music and flowers. When she isn’t trying out new recipes, you can catch her baking cupcakes with her 6-year-old son.
Girls Talk London: Rebranding what it means to be a young woman in the UK

All across the world girls and young women are looking for spaces to express themselves and have their voices heard. While the issues may be different, digital media is providing the platform for young women to create what they wish they could see. Vanessa Sanyauke and Remel London, diaspora women based in London, have come together to create Girls Talk London and talk about the issues facing young women in the UK. Vanessa and Remel shared with us how they’ve gotten corporate leaders to see the value in their organisation, the networking tips they’ve used to connect with high profile guests like Adele’s stylist and the best African restaurant in London. Why is Girls Talk important to young women in the UK? Vanessa: At present in the UK there is not one single talk show that targets young women. We do not have a platform to talk about trending topics that affect us or hear from guests that are of interest to our everyday lives. Girls Talk is made for the everyday young woman in the UK and the hosts have open and honest conversation about current social media trends and have special guests and experts on fashion, beauty, work, relationships & life who give the viewer life hacks and tips to implement in their lives. This show rebrands what it means to be a girl in the UK and the hosts are non-judgemental advocates for women’s issues and rights. Remel: Young women need positive role models and I think that we showcase exceptional talented women from different walks of life and industries that they can aspire to be like. How did you build the business case for corporate partners to see the value in Girls Talk? Girls Talk London the organisation, connects FTSE 100 businesses with female talent-young girls and professional women. The business case is that a great deal of our corporate partners have less than 20% of staff who are women and even less at executive board level. We are the middle-woman and bring talent to them and help them to increase diversity. The UK government has introduced reporting measures which starting this year that requires any business with over 250 employees to report the salary and bonuses of male and female staff. This is another incentive for businesses to really address the gender pay which is currently at 19%. The fact that the government is putting pressure on businesses to treat their female staff better helps businesses see the benefit of working with us. How have you gotten high profile people to serve as guests on Girls Talk? We have built a reputation of professionalism and excellence in all that we do so most speakers can see that we are organised and they will be looked after when they speak at an event. Also, most high profile women are tired of being the only women in the roof and are actually passionate about doing all they can to get more women in their sector so selling the benefits of speaking at our events is not always that hard for us. What networking and relationship building tips can you share with our audience looking to connect with high profile people? You need to show that you are professional and organised so we’d encourage having a website or information packs which provide detail about your work and mission. For speakers and sponsors always show your gratitude for their time and be able to explain what you can do for them. Be confident and concise-high profile people always have limited time so try and avoid long emails and conversations by being clear and straight to the point. What are the hardest parts of getting Girls Talk off the ground and how are you looking to fill in the gaps? The hardest part in getting the talk show off the ground is building an audience. It takes time to grow so we are focusing on our mission, content and produce a show to the highest quality. We fill a gap in the market because we cater to all young women in the UK as our hosts come from all backgrounds including African, British and Asian as well as having a Dean as a host we are able to reach out to male viewers too. In addition, our show helps improve the lives of our viewers because interview guests who are experts in business, careers, fashion and beauty. It is not just about a group of women gossiping! If you had the choice between a powerful mentor and significant business funding, which one would you choose and why? Vanessa: Oh this is a tough one! I would say a powerful mentor because knowledge is priceless and if you have a powerful mentor the money will surely follow with their direction and support. Remel: I personally have a lot of plans and ideas of how I would like to continue to support young women and create opportunities for young people so I would choose business funding. What’s your vision for Girls Talk and what can we expect to see in the next 12-18 months? Remel: I would love to see Girls Talk go on an international tour visiting different countries to inspire girls all over the world but also interview inspirational women from all over the world. Vanessa: My vision for the show is for us to expand our audience —we want an international audience and we are looking at partnerships and sponsorships already for series 3 so watch this space! Fast Five with Vanessa Favorite Afrobeat singer? Tiwa Savage Best African restaurant in London? Wazobia on Old Kent Road Makeup must have? Blusher Favorite woman in business? Oprah Topic you’re most excited to talk about on this season of Girls Talk? I am really excited about the interview with Adele’s stylist and also our show on Kim Kardashian and Amber Rose and the sexualisation of women on social media. Fast Five with Remel Favorite Afrobeat singer? Moelogo Best African restaurant in London? Sweet Hands Makeup must have? Concealer!!! Favorite woman in business? Oprah