Are your expenses greater than your revenue? You may have all the designer cloths and bags right now, but if your bank account balance is flashing red, then now is the time for you to start investing and planning towards your future.
Join us for a Facebook Live session on Tuesday 28th March, with one of South Africa’s finance experts – Mapalo Makhu, founder of Woman & Finance. She’ll be talking extensively about planning your personal finance and investments.
[bctt tweet=”Join @WomanAndFinance to discuss personal finance and investments on Facebook Live (28 Mar)” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]
Some of the the topics we’ll cover:
- What you need to understand about investments
- 3 financial questions every woman should ask herself
- Planning a budget
- Top 3 things to look out for when selecting an investment advisor
- Identifying your investment goals (safety, income and growth)
Date: Tuesday 28th March 2017
Time: 1pm Lagos// 2pm Joburg// 3pm Nairobi
About Mapalo
Mapalo is a financial planner, wealth coach and founder of Woman&Finance , a platform that empowers and educates women to make the best financial decisions for their current and future selves.
Having completed a Bcom finance degree from the University of Johannesburg and recently obtaining her post graduate diploma in financial planning, Mapalo created Woman&Finance to educate and inspire women to take charge of their finances and make the best financial decisions for their current and future selves.
Woman&Finance was established with the goal of giving power back to women and showing them how to have control when it comes to managing their personal finances.