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[bctt tweet=”You can save money even after you treat yourself if you follow these 5 steps” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]

“If you’re a fan of recent hits like ‘Stranger Things,’ you’ve likely seen characters taking breaks from facing monsters to enjoy some downtime. It’s akin to their version of a ‘treat yo’ self’ day, where they indulge in fun activities just for themselves!

Following their lead, we all deserve a break sometimes. Here’s how you can plan your own ‘treat yo’ self’ day without breaking the bank.”

1. You still have to save for it

If you could escape saving, I bet you would. But saving is the surest way to avoid over-spending and feeling horrible about those $300 shoes for the whole year.

Putting a little aside won’t hurt your bank whilst still setting a tangible goal for something you have been meaning to get yourself.

[bctt tweet=”You can choose to have fun at home to save while treating yourself” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]

2. Have fun at home

Sometimes going out with friends might leave you feeling all kinds of regret in the morning.

Consider alternating your going out to staying home having a games night, cooking dinner and having that be a group activity. You get to enjoy an awesome night in and away from the pesky ATMs and swipe machines.

3. Did someone say flea market?

Flea markets and thrift stores are awesome places to find cool looking clothes and items without breaking the budget.

You get the benefit of unique, usually quality clothing at way, way less and you can get a whole lot more than you would at a conventional store. Not only that you get a chance to support small entrepreneurs in your locality as well.

[bctt tweet=”Always ask to find out if there are deals when you want to treat yourself on a budget” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]

4. Try and look for a deal

I mean, who does not love a good deal? Most places if you are looking are always offering to get alternative ways to give you value for your money. It could be half priced movies, two for the price of one deals or even service providers who give you packaged deals at cheaper rates for your business.

Always try to ask and find out if there are deals around to help you save that extra money. There are also sites that give you comparisons so you can make a more informed choice.

5. Go at it in a group

You haven’t been in vacation in awhile, or you want to attend an upcoming conference, well many operators give packaged deals for groups which will most likely cheapen your costs.

There is power in bulk buying and so if you can’t do it alone, try find some awesome people to do it with. This way everyone gets the benefit of saving their money for something worthwhile.

Now go ahead and TREAT. YO. SELF

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