She Leads Africa

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Imagine two people being interviewed for the position of customer support team manager.

Both candidates have what it takes to deliver on a professional level, however one is more apt in relating with people based on his past behavior and the assessment of the interviewer. That is to say, he possesses excellent interpersonal and communication skills.

Who do you think will get the job?

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A LinkedIn survey revealed that hiring managers look for candidates who in addition to skills and experience have the potential in performing the role. By potential, they mean the candidate’s own perspective and soft skill set that enables him to do the job effectively.

They ranked the following six soft skills in order of their importance.


In today’s world, the business environment is continuously changing and so are highly effective organizations because any organization who does not or cannot adapt to the constant changes in the environment will either be left behind or fizzle out.

As such, effective organizations seek candidates who can easily adapt to changes so they can remain competitive. According to the survey report, the most popular question hiring managers ask in this regard is:

‘Tell me about a time when you were asked to do something you had never done before. How did you react? What did you learn?’

Culture Add

Hiring managers have been advised to seek candidates who are not only like them (culture fit) but also bring a different perspective to the table.


Candidates who can work well with and in teams are what hiring managers are looking for according to the survey. No one can achieve much working alone. Do you get along well with others?The survey says one question to expect from this area is:

’Tell me about a time when you were communicating with someone and they did not understand you. What did you do?’


Not only are leaders born, leaders can be made. Hone your ability to inspire, motivate and unleash the potential in others.

One popular question according to the survey report hiring managers ask pertaining to leadership is:

‘Tell me about the last time something significant didn’t go according to plan at work. What was your role? What was the outcome?’

Growth Potential

It is the ability of a candidate not only to perform on the current job but also in future and more prominent roles within the organization.

Hiring managers have been told to look out for candidates who are goal oriented and self-motivated. Such candidates are said to have the ability for growth potential.


Candidates who can demonstrate that they know what task comes first and what task should be put to a later date have gotten their prioritization and time management skills right. This will help you meet deadlines and also increase your productivity.

Besides the aforementioned soft skills, some hiring managers clearly spell out the soft skills they expect candidates to have for the role they are applying for.

Assess your ability in terms of those skills and prepare ahead before going for the interview.

Do you have some special skills you use for your business and career?

Share it with us here.

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