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How to treat yourself on a budget

“If you’re a fan of recent hits like ‘Stranger Things,’ you’ve likely seen characters taking breaks from facing monsters to enjoy some downtime. It’s akin to their version of a ‘treat yo’ self’ day, where they indulge in fun activities just for themselves! Following their lead, we all deserve a break sometimes. Here’s how you can plan your own ‘treat yo’ self’ day without breaking the bank.” 1. You still have to save for it If you could escape saving, I bet you would. But saving is the surest way to avoid over-spending and feeling horrible about those $300 shoes for the whole year. Putting a little aside won’t hurt your bank whilst still setting a tangible goal for something you have been meaning to get yourself. 2. Have fun at home Sometimes going out with friends might leave you feeling all kinds of regret in the morning. Consider alternating your going out to staying home having a games night, cooking dinner and having that be a group activity. You get to enjoy an awesome night in and away from the pesky ATMs and swipe machines. 3. Did someone say flea market? Flea markets and thrift stores are awesome places to find cool looking clothes and items without breaking the budget. You get the benefit of unique, usually quality clothing at way, way less and you can get a whole lot more than you would at a conventional store. Not only that you get a chance to support small entrepreneurs in your locality as well. 4. Try and look for a deal I mean, who does not love a good deal? Most places if you are looking are always offering to get alternative ways to give you value for your money. It could be half priced movies, two for the price of one deals or even service providers who give you packaged deals at cheaper rates for your business. Always try to ask and find out if there are deals around to help you save that extra money. There are also sites that give you comparisons so you can make a more informed choice. 5. Go at it in a group You haven’t been in vacation in awhile, or you want to attend an upcoming conference, well many operators give packaged deals for groups which will most likely cheapen your costs. There is power in bulk buying and so if you can’t do it alone, try find some awesome people to do it with. This way everyone gets the benefit of saving their money for something worthwhile. Now go ahead and TREAT. YO. SELF

6 Tips on How to Attract Investor Interest via Email

Entrepreneurs should always be on the lookout for investors. With Google at your fingertips, finding the contact details of a prospective investor has never been easier. That said, simply reaching out to them is not enough as there are several others like you, seeking their attention. Follow the tips below, and you’ll soon be on your to snagging and keeping an investor. The prep 1. Hun, are you even ready? Before reaching out to investors, ascertain if you require external funding as meeting investors too early may undervalue your company. Also, you would need a business plan to demonstrate the viability and profitability of your business idea. Remember, investors are no fairy godmothers. They’re putting their money in to get money out. 2. Make a list of who you want to meet  Finding an investor goes beyond them cutting you a cheque. You need to research potential investors, how much money they typically invest in new businesses, the kind of ventures they’ve supported in the past, and the sort of industry knowledge they can provide you. For instance, if you’re starting an e-commerce company, it’s a good idea to reach out to e-commerce gurus. 3. Engage with them on social media. This ties into the previous step. Follow the top dogs on Twitter, read and comment on their blogs, watch their speeches for advice. If you know what makes them tick, would inform you on how to approach them. Here’s a tip within in tip: In your email to them, reference a remark they made that gave you an aha moment. They’ll appreciate it, and you’d have gotten edge over your competitors.  #Motherland Mogul Tip: Refrain from sending invitations on Facebook or LinkedIn, because people tend to swerve on the randoms. 4. If you have connections, use them! As competition is stiff, use every tools at your disposal. If someone in your circle, knows someone who knows an investor, tell them to ask their friend for an email introduction on our behalf. Email introductions increase your chances of getting a response. But first, be sure to send your pitch to your friend to ensure your message doesn’t get lost in translation. The Email 1. Identify yourself Start by telling them who you are, what you do, and how you found out about them. If you were connected through a mutual acquaintance, mention it. And remember: use the tip within the tip mentioned above to separate you from the pack. 2. Get straight to the point. Mention the name of your business, it’s aims and objectives. Then summarize your business plan and the stage of your startup. At this point, an investor will decide if your idea is worth pursuing or not, so be sure to be as clear and interesting as possible. 3. Provide additional info Include a link to your business website or attach a pitch deck or essay that elaborates the service or product your business provides. Also, state how your company is solving a teething problem and what sets it apart from its competitors. 4. Why them? Investors want to know why they’re a good match for you and your business. Consider what your business requires to reach the next growth phase, and use it to sell your point. Also, peruse the prep steps above for help. And of course, we’re not done… 5. Get the ball rolling Round up your email by mentioning you’d love to discuss in person, and provide three suitable dates. Also if you have product samples, offer to show them at the meeting. 6. Pique their curiosity a little Finally,if you’ve already met or are meeting a influential person, mention it! This would give you more credibility and make them pay attention to you. But be slick about it because name-dropping is oh tacky. Have you used any of these tips to reach out to investors? Did they help? Have you used others that have been helpful?

7 tips to build a successful social media strategy for your brand

social media strategy

[bctt tweet=”Creating a social media strategy just got easier with these tips from @Wildfusion” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] We’ve put seven tips to help you put together a winning social media plan of action for your business. Just the way an architect always has a well-drawn out plan for a house before it is built, putting together a “strategy” before getting on social media should be top on the list for any brand/business. Start with a good strategy Every brand or individual who decides to use the social media platform as a tool for either personal branding or brand management must have a “good strategy” on how they intend to play in that space. The first step is to think through what you intend to achieve and how you intend to go about it. Clear and engaging content Having clear and engaging content will provide brand awareness & daily consumer interaction with your brand. Find content that resonates with your target group. For instance; if your target group is young people, research and discover what most young people are doing online. Then craft your strategy to provide content they would be interested in whether it is music, football, videos, games, etc. Two-way communication Social media is a two-way communication. If your audience/consumers take out time to visit your social media page and interact with your content either by commenting, liking or sharing, please respond to them. No matter how flimsy or irrelevant their suggestions may be, the least you can say is “Thank you for your comment”. You would be amazed how much trust you would gain from your audience. Ask for feedback Always ask your audience/consumers for feedback on your products. This would help the brand position itself in the right direction. Social media gives you the opportunity to reach as many people as possible, through one medium, all at the same time! Find your tone of voice If your brand has a “serious tone of voice” offline and you decide to get on social media, find a “social media tone of voice” to increase your online presence & engagement. Use high-quality images On social media, sometimes images speak louder than words! Use images that are sharp, clear and attractive to the user. Your brand logo must always accompany your images as well. Images would serve as an advertising vehicle for your brand. Always be sincere No matter what you do, be sincere. Sincerity equals believable and credibility for your brand.she 

5 Reasons Why Your Budget Is Not Working

Sis, let’s be real. Since you created that budget, you probably haven’t used it more than once or twice. If you are like me, you sat down when you were extra broke and created that “wonderful” budget that accounted for every single thing- including chewing gum. Once you got a little money, you forgot all about it. I know it is tempting to spend. Most of us have the spending bug somewhere in our systems but we must learn to control it. Here are 5 budget mistakes and tips on how you can fix them. You made it too generic So, remember how you went online to download xyz’s budgeting template and never bothered to make it suit your own spending habits? Yeah, this is a common budget mistake. On a general level, we may have the same basic needs- food, housing, transport- but Akosua from Ghana’s expenses can never be the same as Sheryl’s from Houston.  You have to modify your budget according to your location, lifestyle, and personal needs. Should you be budgeting for a gym membership when you work out at home right now?  You do not have your day planned “What is the connection between planning my day and budgeting my expenses?” You may be wondering.  Planning your day helps you recall those activities that will eventually require you to spend. Create a daily plan around work, chores, cooking, and transport and see if that impacts your budgeting. Your budget is set in stone Ah, this one. I’ve been guilty of this too many times to count. I would piously create the most frugal budget known to man and then wonder why I was so miserable after. See babe, budgeting like every other planning endeavour, ought to make your life simpler. Create a realistic budget that factors in enjoyment. That aspect of your life is hella essential too! The danger of creating a frugal budget is that at 2 AM one day, you may snap and treat yourself to natural hair products you don’t even need. At the beginning of each month,  add a treat to your budget- a book you want to read, fancy skincare stuff, bralettes, etc. Pick one thing and treat yo self! You have not adjusted your budget in forever You still have the same budget since last year and you wonder why it is not working for you. If you work from home or you are bored in the house, bored in the house, bored, I am guessing that certain expenses are on pause while others (like grocery expenses) are being incurred.  If this is true for you, then you obviously should not budget the same amount that you did for transportation last year. Evaluate your budget at the beginning of each month to see if it is realistic to your current lifestyle.  You have barely used it since you created it This is another common budget mistake you could be making. What is the use of having a budget if you won’t use it? If you barely use the budget after creating it, consider setting a good ol’ reminder for checking your budget. And girl, when that alarm goes off, make sure you check, okay? Join our community of young, ambitious African women to step up your budgeting AND money game! 

4 Simple Things You Can Do Every Day To Upgrade Your Leadership Skills

Leadership is one of those concepts that everyone loves to talk about but can’t quite define. You know what it is when you see it. As a young woman entering the workforce, you will have opportunities to lead over the course of your career. When that time comes, we want you to be ready. Here are four tips that will help you to become an effective leader. 1. Listen to others’ ideas Great listeners make outstanding leaders. Listening will help you understand the pains and opportunities in your company. The people that you work with are there for a reason. They have expertise and talents that are valuable. Listen to and value their perspectives. Having open conversations with them will spark invaluable ideas and teach you a thing or two. Don’t be too quick to dismiss their recommendations. Yes, you are the boss, but that doesn’t mean you have a monopoly on positive contributions. Listen to advice from other leaders even if they are not in the same industry that you are in. This Forbes read provides even more insight on effective listening and leadership.  2. Hold yourself accountable As a leader, you are accountable not just to yourself but to your team and client base. The decisions you make have consequences that don’t just affect you. If you fail to communicate effectively with your team, for example, business operations are negatively impacted. When you stop being accountable, inefficiencies arise. This will greatly hinder the fulfillment of the company’s vision. 3. Respect those who work with you This is a basic concept that we all learned as children. Treat others exactly how you would want to be treated. Talk to your team members like the smart adults that they are. There is absolutely no need to be condescending, dismissive and rude to them. Trust me, being an aggressive leader doesn’t scare employees into respecting you. It certainly doesn’t do their morale any favours. If you want them to do their best work, then you simply have to respect them. Remember that arrogance has never looked attractive on anyone. It only prevents people from helping you. This read on How to Earn Respect as a Leader provides more insight.  4. Get your hands dirty Working with your team is important. You can’t build a brand by eating, sleeping, and breathing delegation. Monitor the company’s social media channels. Respond to inquiries. Do the work that your team typically does on a daily basis. This will provide you with an opportunity to experience firsthand the challenges that they deal with. Understanding this will give you valuable insight and inform your strategic decisions. It will also show your team that you are not afraid to roll up your sleeves and get the work done. Try these 5 Tips For New Team Leaders. Your personal leadership style will undoubtedly evolve over time. However, having strong principles and knowing the type of leader you’d like to be can help get you started on the right path.

What Every Career Woman Can Learn from These Black Iconic Women

It can be challenging to navigate the professional world. Especially while trying to find yourself in your career journey.  However, there are many black women who have come before us and blazed trails. They prove that anything is possible with hard work and determination.  Mo Abudu highlights the importance of pursuing a career you love, while Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma emphasizes the importance of self-confidence. Lupita Nyong’o encourages women to stay true to themselves and never let anyone dim their light. Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka motivates women to believe in their abilities and not let anyone tell them they can’t do something. Finally, Wangari Maathai inspires women to stand up for their rights and encourage others to do the same. Here are six quotes from some of the most renowned black women in Africa. Wise words that every career woman can learn from. “Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Mo Abudu, Nigeria Mo Abudu is a Nigerian media mogul and philanthropist. She has made a name for herself in the media industry. Her quote emphasizes the importance of loving what you do in order to achieve success. Pursue a career that you’re passionate about.This will keep you motivated to work hard and achieve your goals.   “You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.” – Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, South Africa Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma is a South African politician. She is also the first woman to lead the African Union Commission. Her quote emphasizes the importance of self-confidence and believing in your own abilities. Trust yourself and your abilities in order to achieve your goals. “Stay true to who you are, and never let anyone dim your light.” – Lupita Nyong’o, Kenyan-Mexican actress and producer Lupita Nyong’o is a Kenyan-Mexican actress and producer who has made a name for herself in Hollywood. She has won numerous awards for her acting, including an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. Nyong’o’s message is to stay true to who you are and never let anyone dim your light. Embrace your uniqueness and let your light shine bright. “Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.” – Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, South African politician and UN Under-Secretary-General, South Africa Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka is a South African politician and activist who has been a strong advocate for women’s rights throughout her career. She served as the Deputy President of South Africa and is currently the United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN Women. Mlambo-Ngcuka’s message is clear: don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do something. With hard work and determination, anything is possible. “The beauty of standing up for your rights is that others see you standing and stand up as well.” – Wangari Maathai, Kenya This quote by Wangari Maathai, a Kenyan environmental and political activist, can inspire career women to be confident and vocal in advocating for their rights and the rights of others. By standing up for themselves, they can encourage others to do the same and create positive change in their workplaces and communities. The professional world can be challenging, but these six quotes from renowned black women in Africa provide guidance and inspiration for every career woman. These wise words remind us that with hard work, determination, and self-confidence, anything is possible in the professional world.

New Year starter-pack for every business owner

For the umpteenth time – Happy new year all! We are still super excited about 2023, and all the dopeness its about to bring all of us! Before business activities get into full gear, It’s important to decide how you will be doing business this year. [bctt tweet=”Look back at where you have been, where you are and on to where you want to be. ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Choose what to improve, continue or probably stop doing, it’s important to go through the year consciously. Here’s a routine to help you get your business off to a good start… 1. Review your financials to determine how well your business is doing or not doing…Take a close look at your financial records and ask yourself these questions. Is my business making profit or loss? Is my cash flow positive or negative? Do I have loans from the business to repay?   2. Review your business operations How have you been delivering goods/services to your customers/clients? What can you do to improve on that? How will your business serve customers/clients better this year? These are questions you need to ask yourself and provide answers to, before moving forward. 3.  Review your customer base, profile your existing customers, determine the ones that bring in the most income and the ones that can potentially bring in more.  With this information, you can get more out of the market, and you’ll be able to know what kind of customers you should be advertising more too, how you can provide more value and sell more to them.   4. Service your most vital equipment(s), put them in order. This can be a good way to reduce sudden breakdowns during the year.   5. Sort out your personal/ company taxes; so many opportunities these days are tied to taxes, its best to have it sorted so you don’t miss out on great opportunities.   6. If you did not already do this at the end of the previous year, create your vision for the year ahead (you can do this using a vision board); based on your vision, set goals, write down your action plan and ways you intend to implement these plans as you go through the year In all, stay positive, keep an open mind and don’t start the year without a plan. Cheers to a great business year! Got a business experience to share with us? Share your experience with us here.

Traits to Consider Before Settling on a Business Partner for your startup

You have been working for five years, in this time you have set out a plan to help you become a Motherland Mogul. The plan is getting into the business. You have gone as far as saving up for a couple of years to finance your to be start-up. Recently, you have been toying around with various business ideas, the idea that encompasses both your passion and need to make some extra cash on the side wins. You have looked at the various ways you can implement this business idea and realised you need a partner to do so. This could be because you are a good accountant but for the business to be a success you need a partner who will be the face of the business. Or you are the sassy lady who is good at communication and drawing in the customers, and a manager is needed to make sure all that money you are raking in is properly managed. So currently the idea and the money are in place the only thing that remains undone is getting a business partner on board. What are the things that you should consider to ensure you end up with the right person as a partner in your business? Sharing the Vision of the business. At the beginning, the business is usually just an idea. If implemented correctly, it could impact your lives and those of your clients tremendously in a positive way. The person or people you choose to work with as partners in the business must own the vision of the business as much as you do. If your partner does not agree with you on the levels to which you want to take the business. They will always have negative vibes on the job that will result in your business losing money. A partner is part of management, and if they are pessimistic with regards to the business, the employees will notice and get demoralised. The vision is the business. It’s what positions you strategically against competitors. It is thus a prerequisite that before you decide to partner with someone on a business, be in sync on where you see the business going to in three months’ time or in five years’ time. Honesty and Transparency Honesty is a virtue that is a must-have in business. Individuals who are shrewd and unscrupulous ruin your business. You could have been saving for a really long time to start off this business or you got a loan from your bank to get it running. Therefore, you cannot afford to lose the money or destroy your business name. It is therefore necessary to vet the person you intend to partner with. Inquire into the person’s character from others who have worked with them prior to you considering to partner with them. If the feedback is positive you have a partner. If not, find your business train another station to disembark, as this one is a definite NO! Hard work and Resilience Start-ups are a mountain to climb on their own. The faint-hearted cannot survive this climb. Setting up a business from scratch is not a walk in the park. A partner will share in the business profits. This means they have to put in the work and the time needed to get the business to the top in your chosen field. There are qualities that you will compensate for each other but working hard and smart is not one of them. One could be unquestionably talented but if they never take time to create and get their skills or work to the market no one will ever know of their talent. Moreover, if you partner with a lazy person you will shoulder the whole burden of the business which beats the logic of having a partner in the first place. Resilience is also key in your partner. Quitters run at the first sight of trouble. With new businesses, you will meet challenges that you never anticipated at the start of your journey. This will not mean that you quit. Overcoming this challenges is exactly what you will need to do to solidify your position in the market.

Your ultimate guide to starting and ending the year strong in 2023!

It’s 2023! Whoo hoo… It is not a year to rest on your oars, not a year to be complacent because of the level of success you have achieved so far, it is a year for doing more. There is still much work to be done no matter what your life vocation is. This year is bringing you a new opportunity to start (if you are yet to join the moving train of achievers), and to get better at what we do for our best is yet to come. The following steps will set you on the path of getting more done this year.   If you know what you want, you will get it easily: Brain Tracy quote aptly puts it this way, “People with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them could ever imagine”. I will put the emphasis here on “clear”-you are very sure what it is you want to achieve, you are not indecisive, thus, when you spot an opportunity that links to what you desire, you grab it with your two hands. Focus: You might have given yourself a pat on the back for the various feats you accomplished last year and this year you have so many ideas and you just want to execute them all at once. This might not turn out well and will slow down your productivity. It is important to balance your creativity with wisdom. Not all your beautiful ideas will fly so focus on your competitive advantage (that which you do so well or makes you stand out). See Success as a journey rather than a destination: When you see success as a destination, not only will you be tempted to wait for it to happen instead of working towards its achievement, but there is also the danger of being complacent. After the achievement of one goal, there should be the desire to get another. So don’t spend all your time trying to achieve one thing. Get it done and move on. Stop procrastinating Most of us are guilty of this habit. We push off what we are supposed to do now to a later time, and before you know it, it’s the year 2024. You don’t want to wake up tomorrow and you are a 105 years old; that dream you had when you were fifteen is still in your heart unaccomplished and you will know you have not lived because you will not feel fulfilled. Start working on that dream now so you don’t have regrets tomorrow. Be accountable: Arese Ugwu the author of the smart money woman in the acknowledgment page of the book mentioned that Steve Harris played a huge part in helping her finish the book in time-he kept checking up on her to make sure she was committed to writing her book. I believe if she hadn’t been accountable to him, she would not have finished the book at the time she did. There is this thing about the right time. If the book had not been published at the time it was perhaps the doors she said the book opened for her would not have happened. Find someone you can be accountable to especially if you are not naturally self-motivated or goal-oriented.   Stay close to your inspiration: Life is not a walk in the park so are your dreams or things you desire to achieve. You need to stay inspired to reach the finishing line. Read articles regularly here on SLA, you will find stories that will help you learn from other people’s experiences so you can navigate your world better. Attend seminars and conferences aimed at making you improve the way you do things, watch movies that will motivate you, and surround yourself with people who can talk you up just when you need it.   Be flexible: You don’t have to stick to one thing or one strategy if things are not working as expected. This year is for getting things done so don’t get stuck, find a new way for life is full of options. Oprah Winfrey puts it this way “Do what you have to do until you can do what you want to do.” I look forward to a greater you this year 2023!