She Leads Africa

I’ve called 2019 the year of global distinction, and I believe we are in the most exciting period in recent history. In fact, I’ve called this the era of creative distinction knowing to birth and leading with your innovation is a key to global distinction.

One of the things which distinguish the likes of Apple, Amazon, and Facebook is their local influence and global impact. So, as an entrepreneur, leader or employee who now has to be entrepreneurial minded, how can your distinction be felt locally as well as globally?

[bctt tweet=”Dear entrepreneur, start local, think global and constantly raise the bar of excellence – @Onyianyado777″ username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]

From my message of Cutting Edge Distinction, I combined excellence and branding then created my 3 V’s of branding. So from now, anytime you see the word excellence, it actually represents your vision, your values, and your voice.

What are you going to do in the next seven days that will cause your vision to be recognized, respected and regarded locally and globally?

“Dear Entrepreneur. With the growth of social media and the global market now local, now is the time to grow your leadership brand. ~ Onyi Anyado”

In this era of creative distinction, social media now represents your personal brand, your CV, your business card, your website, and résumé too. So, with this truth, if I went to your Twitter account, do your last 20 tweets represent cutting edge leadership or blunt ended leaderSLIP?

One of the things which distinguish the likes of Apple, Amazon, and Facebook is the constant sharing of their vision, values and voice across social media knowing if they’re not doing that, their competitors definitely are.

It is estimated that there are 7.7 billion people on planet earth. The components include different races, languages, cultures, and religions.

But, isn’t it fascinating that an entrepreneur in Madagascar and an employee in Malawi both have to use their iPhone to login to Facebook to discuss why there’s such an issue of ordering products from Amazon. (Did you catch the irony?)

[bctt tweet=”Dear entrepreneur, the world is now a global village, and your vision has to transcend different races with different faces in different places around the world – @Onyianyado777″ username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]

So there you have it, we are now in the era of creative distinction, the global market is now local so, with this truth, how are you going to serve your vision, values, and voice with a global perspective? As a leadership speaker and workshop facilitator, there’s no way I’m not going to practice what I preach, speak and teach.

“Dear Entrepreneur, it’s time to wave goodbye to average and say hello to a new wave of distinction. ~ Onyi Anyado”.

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