I had at least 3 failed attempts at running a business with a full time job before I got things right. I often wondered how other people managed to do it. But now I finally got it right, I can let you know how to start right. For the last 4 years, I’ve combined my 9-5 job with starting and growing my business Deluxe Childbirth Services. Today I’ll share 7 simple steps with you that have helped me effectively manage this leap of ‘craze’.
Be clear on how much you really want your new business
Why exactly do you want to start your business? Is it because everyone your age has one? Or is it because you don’t mind having multiple streams of income? Do you want to exit the rat race? Or do you want to provide solutions to challenges around you?
There really is no right or wrong answer. The important thing here is to know your real motivation and write it down. Write down why you want to start your new business, your first year goals and what you are willing to give to see it become a success. You’ll need it to keep you going when the tough times come calling.
Take a break to clear your head for action
Your current job might leave you working long hours. If you add in the long commute to work and back home, it’ll leave you totally drained. This is why when you want to start any new business while working, you may need some time off to clear your head!
My idea of time-off is at least three full days with no distractions. You’ll spend the first day resting to refresh your body and brain cells. Then you start thinking up your launch plans from the second day. At the end of this much-need timeout, you should have a list of the key actions to launch and sustain your business. These actions should cover the first 1 year, at least. It should answer when these actions need to be completed by, which of the actions you will complete yourself and those you will delegate to others, and who you’ll outsource to when necessary.
Understand your fears and destroy them
Dreaming about an idea and how it will blossom into a successful big business can be a pleasurable experience. Sometimes I wish that’s all we needed to do to make money from our hustles. Sadly, when it’s time to start, reality sets in and some people get scared. I know I did when I was about to start my current business. Most of the women I speak to also get super scared!
But guess what? It’s okay to get scared. It’s even okay if the fear sounds flimsy, I was scared of my name being out there. What is not okay is letting your fears rule you. To move ahead with your new business idea, you owe it to yourself to understand why you might be afraid and conquer that fear immediately.
Turn the needed actions into small tasks; pace yourself and celebrate success
I know you might be tempted to take your new business launch on like you take on projects at work. You know, with that ready to bulldoze it attitude. But when it comes to your business, you might need to go a bit slowly. Remember that you’ll most likely work on your business after your regular work hours. By that time, your body and head will most likely be tired.
So pace yourself, give yourself more than usual time to complete a task. And, once the task is completed be sure to give yourself a small treat.
Be ready to work HARD
My friend, there is no escaping this! To be a success at both your job and business, you need to work hard and be disciplined. While at work, focus on your job and deliver your agreed priorities with as much excellence as you can afford. And when you get home, focus on your business full-time.
You may need to tweak your work schedule to include working on your business on Saturdays. This may mean sacrificing a lot of time, sleep and outings to work your business but you can be sure you’ll be off on a great start.
Get an accountability partner/coach and have regular reviews with her
An accountability partner is someone with whom you can share your dreams and plans. This person will constantly remind you on agreed deliverables. She is someone you really would not like to see upset when your regular reviews reveal that you are behind on agreed actions.
Your accountability coach must be someone who is genuinely concerned about you. She is someone who wants to see living your dreams, not someone who will kill those dreams.
Recognize His grace and ask for help
I believe we are nothing without God’s grace. As such, I always advice acknowledging this and asking for His help because really what you are about to go into is not an easy task. Once you are clear on your business ‘goals, it’s a good idea to ask God for the strength and capacity to do more. You want an environment free of obstacles and stumbling blocks so you can close out tasks faster. Most importantly ask for opportunities at work and in your business where you can shine brightly with little effort.
So there you have them! Start out today and keep me posted on how it goes. If your job is flexible and not as demanding as most jobs…count your blessings and make it work in your favour!
I love this article. I am also in the same scenario, as an African I have to have a job as there is no trust fund waiting in the economy. I also advise one studies a business thing night school as well and balance that. I changed dept and was open to my boss about my schedules and SME free training program
I can’t help smiling at the line ‘no trust fund waiting in the economy’. Love the idea of business classes…good thing there are so many especially online. I actually use udemy.com alot. For me the courses are simpler to handle per time and complete; so I take a topic, start with any free course that has best reviews and then graduate to a paid course on same subject if needed. BTW best of luck girl and may God bless your hustle!
Thank you.
You are most welcome. Thanks for stopping by!
This is great advice, thanks for sharing. I have my 9-5 job and I want another source of income, but the motivation is that I believe there is a need my business can fill. I’m in search of a coach..
Hi me Afrolady (*smiling). Good starting point…at least need and motivation articulated. On your search….what exactly do you need help with when it comes to starting your business? Pls feel free to drop me a message at info@sheervirtuosity.com; and let’s see how I can help. Hope to hear from you soon. Cheers!