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9 Great Internship Opportunities for Students in 2019

Across colleges all over the world, students are encouraged to take educational transfers to other schools or gain work experience through a number of programs. All geared towards building new skills, meeting new people and improving on coursework. Doing an internship serves many purposes, including giving you real-world experience that will serve you well when you finish college and enter the workforce. [bctt tweet=”Are you a student looking for internship opportunities in 2019? Here are 9 options to consider … ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] While considering the right place for your internship, you should ensure to examine all opportunities available to students which can make up their Internship semester. Below are 9 options and opportunities for IT students and for parents looking to recommend these upcoming opportunities below to recommend to your college kids for their Educational exchange or IT semester. Use a Job Board Job boards and forums like Indeed and NGCareers list opportunities available by companies looking for interns. These are easy to apply to and provide a slew of opportunities from all over the country and the world. Residency opportunities Every year platforms like Chimamanda Adichie writing Farafina workshop. Art noise residency programs also offer a number of programs for students graduate and postgraduate alike throughout the year. You can sign up to either of these to get alerts on new residency opportunities. Online Experience/working from home Websites like and provide opportunities for people who want to earn money from home. While these tend to give more freelance options, they also serve as great options for IT students. Volunteer writing Platforms like The Sole Adventurer and She Leads Africa have regular openings for volunteer writers.  Having such brands on your resume can help boost your CV and give you the opportunity to publish your thoughts and hone your writing skills. You can also intern at She Leads Africa, and gain hands-on experience on how to work with a diverse team and navigate the training period in a fast-paced company. Short Practical Courses Another option for your IT semester is to take a short-term course in a practical course like baking, catering or fashion design that not only allows you an opportunity to learn practical skills, but also a great opportunity for you to earn an additional skill that can make you money immediately. International Volunteering You can become a United Nations volunteer through the UN Volunteers platform which provides a slew of opportunities for students and graduates alike to volunteer and gain work experience as well as meet new people from different parts of the world. Entrepreneurship With business registration now easier than ever, your holiday period presents a good opportunity for you to try your hand at entrepreneurship! Look into setting up a small scale business and creating an opportunity not only for you but for others. Cryptocurrency Trading Cryptocurrency is currently at an all-time high, with bitcoin getting to over $30,000 = B1 during the end of 2017. Try your hand at trading in this new way for little to nothing and explore the opportunity of making more. There are varying classes on meetup offering free bitcoin classes and meetings to get you started. Investment Investing is also another opportunity to learn and earn money. While this is significantly more difficult and requires some money on hand, there are investment options that anyone can hop on. Pork money which is a great way to invest in agriculture, gain new experience in investment as well as make more money.Not to mention pork agriculture investment runs a fairly short cycle. These are a number of options that would ensure that students do not miss out on or waste their Internship Training opportunity as the skills, knowledge, and experience you gain through an internship are fast becoming one of the most important things that employers consider when they hire. You’d be doing yourself a real disservice by not seeking out an internship opportunity before you graduate.   Interested in contributing for She Leads Africa? Click here.

6 Ways to Harness and Monetize your Many Passions

Asides the obvious fact that the recent economic downturn has forced several young people to have multiple sources of income, it is quite the norm these days to meet people who have a full-time job and are running small businesses on the side. They are also known as “side hustles”, and even full-fledged companies complete with all the bells and whistles. Sincerely, it is now a reality that a single income cannot sustain a comfortable lifestyle and this has pushed the average young Nigerian to get creative and take a dip in the entrepreneurship pool. Here are six ways to convert your many interests to money in the bank: [bctt tweet=”Take on practices that will not only push you out of your comfort zone but also work on improving your weaknesses – @tolanithomas ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Leave your comfort zone Starting and running a business is not for the fainthearted, it will constantly push you out of your comfort zone. For example, if you have a fear of speaking to strangers, you will have to overcome that when networking and marketing your services to potential customers. Take on practices that will not only push you out of your comfort zone but also work on improving your weaknesses. You don’t have to be an expert, just be comfortable enough to deliver value that people want and need. You need more than passion It’s great to be passionate about your business ideas, but don’t let your enthusiasm blind you from reality. Be honest with yourself! Ensure there is a market to tap into and you are ready to put in the work. Get honest feedback from people around you; even friends and family by offering your services to them. You have to be truly good at what you do. Your passion could be making people’s faces up, but are you skilled enough to train others? Also bear in mind that as a business owner, you’ll be responsible for reporting taxes, marketing your business and sorting out your finances. Are you ready for all the responsibility? Offer Real Value What void can you fill in the market? For example, if you are a makeup artist and there is no makeup studio around you, that could be a viable business opportunity. The goal is to take advantage of the gaps in the market, that way you stand out and enjoy greater returns before the copycats join you in that space. Ask yourself how you can make the industry better? Is this the business that keeps your entrepreneurial juices flowing? Let’s say your passion is making furniture. Why are you better than your competitors? Is it because your materials are sourced locally? Or your products are unique and one of a kind? That would be more appealing to customers as opposed to buying generic mass-produced furniture. When I started my consulting company, I had used several competitors. I knew what made them great, but I also knew what I wanted that they didn’t offer. I knew how to better the services. I started it and here we are! [bctt tweet=”Six ways to convert your many interests to money in the bank: 1. Leave your comfort zone… ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Convert your Passion to Cash There are several ways to make money off your passions: Selling an actual product such as clothing, beauty products online or in a store. Sharing your knowledge about your passion by blogging, writing books or making videos. Between sponsorships, subscribers and selling your own products, you can make a decent living. For example, Arese Ugwu turned her passion for financial literacy into a book – The Smart Money Woman – into a book that is being sold in several countries in Africa and the UK. Offering consulting services by giving advice on anything from law to skincare. Investing in an idea you are willing to financially support. Creating a software or gadget that makes life easier for people. For example, if you were a makeup artist, you could create an app that helps people find the right makeup products for their skin tones. Start an event around your passion, such as a regular meetup, seminar or a festival. Make Fun a Priority Maintaining your passion when starting a legitimate business can be difficult. Some people even forget exactly why they started a business in the first place. To prevent that from happening, always make fun and passion a priority. Your passion should reflect on your company policies, your passion should be communicated to your employees when you are hiring and they have to be equally passionate about your business as well. [bctt tweet=”Don’t wait till you master the craft before you start your business. You can learn as you go – @tolanithomas ‏ ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Improve Your Skills It would be great if you have a lot of experience, however, don’t be too hard on yourself, there’s always room for growth and learning. For example, a furniture maker may be great are creating unique tables, but not so good at creating sofas. You can learn as you go along your journey, don’t wait till you master the craft before you start your business. Malcolm Gladwell says it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in any field. Nonetheless, don’t let the perceived amount of time it would take you to be the best at what you do deter you from moving ahead with your plan. It may not take you that long to master your craft, as you long as you keep looking for ways to improve your skills. Always ask for feedback and track your progress.  If you’d like to get featured on our Facebook page, click here to share your story with us.


Building a successful brand can be risky business and quite a challenge, especially in this forever evolving digital space!  FYI – that’s all about to change…keep reading! While you should tailor your brand’s strategy to its specific goals, how can you ensure that your brand stays ahead of the game, amidst the disruption, through digital marketing? Allow us to school you!… [bctt tweet=”Join @HodanTV for a webinar on April 5th, to learn about building a digital community.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Some of the topics we’ll cover Building a community with the power of storytelling Tips for innovative storytelling using YouTube Building your confidence as a digital entrepreneur and African woman Register below to get access to this opportunity and submit questions that you would like Supriya to answer. Webinar Details: Date: Thursday, April 19th, 2018 Time: Lagos 11am // Johannesburg 12pm // Nairobi 1pm Register for this webinar with Supriya below: [ninja_forms id=170] About Supriya                               Join Supriya Sharma, on Thursday, 19th April, as she teaches us how to take your brand’s success to the next level with digital marketing. Supriya Sharma is the Managing Director of SAS Business Solutions, a global service provider catering to big business houses, SMEs and educational institutions. She has spoken at some international events of repute on topics that include Leadership & Women, Time Management, Effective Business Communication, Being beautiful, Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace, Digital Marketing (take charge of your business) and Entrepreneurship. [bctt tweet=”Take charge of your business through digital marketing with Supriya Sharma on April 19th. Reg here:” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Some of the topics we’ll cover Steps to choosing the right marketing network Best practices to curating valuable and shareable content Tips for leveraging the right brand influencers A guide to effective content promotion via social campaigns Building a sustainable brand strategy with digital marketing Register below to get access to this opportunity and submit questions you would like Supriya to answer. Facebook Live Details: Date: Thursday, April 19th, 2018 Time: 11AM Lagos // 12PM Johannesburg // 1PM Nairobi Watch here: About Supriya Supriya Sharma, is a certified corporate trainer, coach and motivational speaker who began her academic journey as a scholar (gold medalist) in aerospace engineering. She was offered full scholarships at renowned US and UK universities and further developed her skill set to be an astute management professional gaining valuable experience in HR, corporate communications, sales and marketing. Seeing the current status of the world’s economy, Supriya decided to pursue a course in entrepreneurship from one of India’s Ivy League business schools, where the idea of SAS was born. In 2014, Supriya represented Nigeria in the Dreamforce Conference which was held in San Francisco, USA. To add, she has conferred the title of Ms Intelligent – Lagos & Ms Talented – Lagos in the Beauty Pageant organised by ICA in 2017. Supriya strongly believes in giving back to the society as a part of her responsibility. In this view, she actively volunteers her time to develop employability skills among the Nigerian youth and is closely associated with women empowerment missions across Asia and Africa.

Lifelong Learning: 5 Lies You Tell Yourself

What comes to mind when you think of “lifelong learning”? Oh, wait. Did you just roll your eyes and give a defeated sigh? Girl, we know the feeling. Some of your feelings might be valid but here are some thoughts you might have that are definitely wrong. Here are some of the lies you probably tell yourself all year round which eventually hinders your growth: I have a degree. What am I still learning? Big mistake, sister. When did you graduate? 2, 5, 10 years ago? The world is changing fast and we need to evolve.  Standing in one spot only means that others are going to overtake you and take opportunities that should’ve been yours. Look at Nokia. How long did it take for them to lose their position as Number 1 phone maker? To be a successful Motherland Mogul, you need to keep learning the new trends in your industry. I am an expert in my field It’s very easy for us to settle for what we think we know is best. But does learning ever stop? If you have plans to branch out and innovate your brand, you need to prepare yourself! Are there other things you learn from other industries that may be linked to yours? There is so much more to learn about your passions, hobbies, and interests. Ask yourself questions such as ‘how badass is my excel skills’? When was the last time I gave a presentation that was wowed my audience? Take the time to improve and build on what you already have and what you need to make yourself better. I don’t have money for courses. In this day and age, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to learn! With a stable internet connection and time, you can access so many free resources online. From Coursera, Udemy, Skillshare, YouTube and the many blogs and articles out there; the options are endless. But once you choose to make this investment, you start the journey towards a successful and educated life. I don’t have time to learn. Let’s rephrase that as “I don’t make out time for learning new things because it’s not a priority.” Doesn’t sound nice, does it? Well, it’s true. We all make time for things that we consider priorities. Catching up on social media, binging on Netflix, attending owambe parties. But if we think about it, we spend many hours every week on things that aren’t really adding to our bottom line. If you’re one of those superwomen who resists all such temptations and still can’t find the time to learn, what about the time you spend in traffic? With the developments of education and technology, you can learn anywhere and everywhere! So, don’t make excuses for wanting to learn. If you believe in investing in yourself, then you will make the time to learn more. I’m too old to learn Lol! Did you know the oldest person to graduate college was 95 years old? We’re never too old to learn. Even if you have started a family and gotten 7 children, it’s never too late! It’s all about prioritizing. We can always learn new tricks! You’ve probably run out of excuses now. But don’t let this daunt you. The trick is to start small. Pick one skill and set yourself a target of one hour a week to develop it. If you don’t know where to start, Google resources and create a learning calendar.   Once you set milestones and give yourself small treats every now and then, you’ll be surprised by what you learn in a few months. If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.

Meet the women taking their place as CEO’s in Kenya

A lot has been said about women entrepreneurs in Kenya. Women have distinguished themselves and we have trailblazers like Tabitha Karanja of Keroche Industries, Flora Mutahi of Melvin’s Tea, Gina Din Kariuki of Gina Din Communications, Judith Owingar of AkiraChix, Lorna Rutto of Eco posts, Ruth Mwanzia of Koola Waters, Shikha Vincent of Shikazuri and Michelle Ntalami of Marini Naturals to name a few. Entrepreneurship is mainly about business skills, determination, resilience, networking, and social impact. Women are working their way into this area and are slowly but surely making headway. A lot of focus and support has been given to women entrepreneurs through grants, training, access to finance and favorable government policies like Access to Government Procurement (AGPO) to name a few. More women are encouraged to participate in this sector. Women in the corporate world have an uphill task to get their place and break all the glass ceilings. Sheryl Sandberg – COO of Facebook, in her book LEAN IN, gives insights into what the life of a woman in corporate America is and how to maneuver it. According to, there were 27 women at the helm of Fortune 500 companies as at January 2018. How about corporate Kenya? I admire women in the corporate world because apart from the normal barriers they encounter and overcome, boys club mentality, patriarchy, high technical skills, experience, glass ceiling mentality (Gender stereotyping), sexual harassment, inflexible working conditions and integrity. The corporate world is harsh and cutthroat. The impact is mostly measured in terms of PROFITS and PROFITS. Only recently have corporates embraced a wider scale to measure the impact of CEO’s to include social impact, teamwork, employee innovation and customer retention to name a few. This shift gives women a chance to shine as their natural skills of collaboration and teamwork are an asset. Entrepreneurship is forgiving on the requirements of higher education and experience. A person with a basic education can quickly become a business mogul. However, in the corporate world, experience and education have a lot of weight. The current trend to consider leadership, softer skills and strategic leadership has made it more accessible for women. Due to gender roles and social pressure, many women in the past were not in a position to access higher education and therefore did not get promotions to enable them to rise up. Currently, women are taking up chances to improve their education hence giving them more edge to compete in the corporate world. Experience is a matter of time; men had an advantage of this. In the last 20 years, women have proved that given a fair chance they too climb the corporate ladder right up to the top. Why do we need women in CEO positions?   People in the corporate world manage a large amount of money and direct how it is used. Gender diversity has also been proven over the years to increase profits and performance of corporations. Therefore, further inclusion of women has been proved to attract talent in the boardrooms where innovative solutions are created. Invariably more women-friendly products and policies emerge from companies that are managed by women. After all, women are 50% of the consumers of products and services. The simple fundamental reason why women should be in the corporate world is that it’s fair and inclusive to do so. In Kenya, we have many distinguished ladies at the helm of corporates and organizations. This has increased recently, but to date, only 2 women lead corporations listed on the Nairobi Stock Exchange i.e. Maria Msiska of BOC  (until 2016) and Nasim Devji of DTB Bank. We can do better. Here are examples of Women CEO’s in Kenya: Jennifer Riria is a pioneer of women in CEO position and has been holding this and similar positions in the microfinance and banking industry for 20 years. She is the CEO of Kenya Women Holdings that has a subsidiary Kenya Women microfinance Bank which is a leading bank for women entrepreneurs. She is a Ph.D. holder and has a Degree and Master degree as well.   Stella Njunge: CEO of Sanlam Life, part of Sanlam Kenya Group. She has over 15 years’ experience in the insurance industry,  a CPA(K), CPS(K), and holds a degree and masters. Stella also has over 16 years’ experience in Insurance.   Catherine Karimi: CEO of APA Life part of Apollo Group a leading insurer in Kenya. She has 18 years’ experience in Insurance industry, a degree, postgraduate certificate in Actuarial Studies, and is a member of Chartered Insurers (UK).   Rita Kavashe: is the CEO of General Motors East Africa, Kenya with 35 years’ experience working at GM. She has a degree and postgraduate certificates and rose through the ranks.   Phyllis Wakiaga: is the CEO of Kenya Association of Manufacturers. She has a law degree, Higher Diploma in Law and Human Resource Management, Master Degrees in International Trade and Investment Law and Business Administration. There are many more female CEO’s in Kenya. The common items in their profiles are EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE.  This is a true testament that education is an equalizer. Given equal opportunity and based on merit, women can excel and are excelling in the corporate world. Girls need to be encouraged to plan their career path early to help them reach the top CEO positions to bridge the current gap. I look forward to more women taking up the CEO roles and reducing the barriers to getting there. Got an article you’d like to share with us? Share your story with us here.

The Aspire story: Showcasing the beauty of mentorship and power women in Sierra Leone

Africa has a growing population of girls who need constant support in terms of guidance and counseling. They need to be handed on the blueprint for leadership, confidence and self -esteem mostly through role modeling. Our societies need to share our stories of our successes and failures so that our girls would be challenged to lead better lives. We are looking at changing the narrative to create a scene were girls will seek to accomplish their goals and aspire to be like the leading women in Africa, this can only be achieved through mentorship. [bctt tweet=”The Aspire story showcases the beauty of mentorship and inspires women around the world to work together.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] In 2016/2017 a powerful collaboration between Power Women 232 and Girls Empowerment Sierra Leone was established. Power Women 232 is a network for women professionals in Sierra Leone. The network aims to bring professional women and entrepreneurs together to promote career advancement and development in all fields, through networking, leadership development, social events and community service  On the other hand Girls Empowerment Sierra Leone nurtures and enhances the leadership skills of young girls to become effective advocates and social change agents in their communities. In August 2016, they launched ‘ASPIRE’ to mentor secondary school girls from various schools in Freetown. The program was in the form of large group workshops, small group mentorship and experiential field trips focusing on 3 C’s – Communication, Community Development, and Career Exploration. The aim was to directly impact the lives of 30 young Sierra Leonean girls by providing them with the skills, resources, and networks to become leaders and change agents in their communities. All 14 Power Women mentors were assigned to 3-4 girls each; they were matched by specialized questionnaires in hope to create best-fit relationships; each power woman played a big sister role spanning a yearlong of camaraderie. Field trips to tourist monuments, spending the day at office and centers that were their career of choice. Trips to the bank, the airport, hairdressing saloon and early learning centers. The girls had an opportunity to catch a glimpse of their real-life sheroes in their most vulnerable states behind closed doors, in the comfort of their homes and the rigidity of their corner offices. The women shared their daily life struggles such as multi-tasking, fighting to succeed in male-dominated careers, handling a full day’s job when on their period. The discussions ranged from discussing boys, dancing, cooking, to books and music. Most importantly the program allowed them the chance to learn new skills, ranging from topics such as: Utilizing journaling and writing as a means of telling our stories Utilizing resources to effect and change our future Budgeting & Fundraising Savings and investing for our future Conflict Resolution and effective communication   Building and maintaining peer positive relationships The focus on teambuilding, communication, and self-esteem helped develop positive behavior within the group of girls that were mentored. Mentor mentee relationships encouraged some of the girls to aspire to remain dedicated to their academics as well as seek further mentor relationships due to some of the strong relationships that were cultivated. The partnership between Power Women232 and GESSL is a reminder of how powerful women are when they work together. This relationship has garnered more interest in girls and Power Women 232 has taken on education, health and empowerment for young girls as their community service project for 2017/2018. The project was launched with a donation of 200 power hygiene packs and hygiene information booklets to adolescent girls at The Beheshti Islamic Secondary School in Freetown. Their aim is to provide 500 more packs to young girls across Sierra Leone and introduce sustainable hygiene practices. The group did their first fundraiser hosted by Ms. Anita Erskine on  Saturday 18th November 2017 during their 2nd Annual Networth Ball an event that attracted the movers and shakers in Sierra Leone’s business environment with a  good media coverage which includes been featured on Bella Naija. One cannot deny that the Aspire story showcases the beauty of mentorship and inspire women around the world to work together.   If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here

A critical step to beating procrastination and strengthening your focus

I’ve never met anyone who wants some motivational hype on how to watch TV, how to procrastinate, or how to eat something they love. Most people want real strategies to help them succeed with goals linked to health, wealth, work-life balance, career success, business visibility, confidence and public speaking, or finding joy. [bctt tweet=”If you could change one thing to maximize your time and optimize your life, what would it be?” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   What is procrastination and why is it crucial to discuss it? Procrastination is the act of putting off or delaying or deferring an action to a later time. Have you ever found yourself so close to achieving a goal, only to throw it all away at the last moment? Sometimes we have very good excuses for postponing actions. It could be looking for the perfect moment, the right timing, the exact atmosphere etc. Let’s face it, this perfect moment may never come and before you know it, time is gone. [bctt tweet=”Procrastination is the mother of stagnation and it can lead to a life of frustration” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] We all procrastinate, and we’re all capable of procrastinating. You know that feeling when you wake up feeling super energized and ready to finish that project but barely one hour later you decide you’re going to do it tomorrow. Then, the cycle repeats itself till life events take over and the dream gets swept under the carpet. Yet, we all are capable to beat procrastination. Procrastination is the mother of stagnation and not mastering it can lead to a life of frustration and insignificance. What makes you procrastinate when instead of getting the right things done at the right time could make you happy and multiply the time you have? Is it a matter of habitual laziness? Is it that you don’t realize what’s really at stake? Could it be that you give yourself the permission to carry things over or let others decide for you? Understanding the root cause of your behavior is the first step to finding the solution. To make the shift from procrastinating to taking action, you must raise your self-awareness about whats going on around you, then be honest about what is really working for you and what is not working for you. You make commitments every day and these commitments either inspire or expire you. Watching TV instead of studying is a commitment. Sleeping instead of working on your business plan is a commitment. Every action you have committed has consequences, whether good or bad. Commitment —————> Action —————> Results When bad things happen to you, blaming others for every is a choice you have chosen to manifest. The same way, if you decide right now to begin to make small changes to turn your life around in the direction you really desire, that’s a commitment I encourage. The more risk-averse and fearful you are, the more likely you are to procrastinate and delay the happiness you could enjoy in your life. If you could change one thing, today, to maximize your time and optimize your life, what would it be? For a simple 5-step guide, download my free Ebook – Stop Wishing, Start Doing. Do you have any productivity tips that have worked for you?  Let us know more about you and your story here.

5 ways to Enjoy Your Wack Contract Job

[bctt tweet=”Quit thinking the reason you’re not doing well right now is that you don’t get so much pay” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] The most common jobs in Nigeria right now are ones gotten from a third-party company that is signed to provide employees for various employers. While I worked at one, I found that the reason employer companies choose the option of contract staffs is to reduce its expenses and improve profitability. A full-time employee may get a 50% raise from your salary, including HMO(Health) benefits. This is even more annoying for contract staffs because they do more of the work but have fewer benefits, up until the length of days to go on leave. However, there’s always a way to have the life you want regardless of the situation presented to you. [bctt tweet=”The vision you have for yourself should drive your passion for what you do now” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Know who you are This is nothing about your desires or visions  – at least not for the purpose of this article. What makes you tick? Deep down your heart, what’s the core of your strength? The real test to enjoying your job, and your life, is to know who you are. Although the search of identity may be an ongoing process, there’s a core of you that reveals your truth in whatever situation you find yourself. Everything you believe yourself to be should not be dependent on anything else but you. Once you can identify who you are, it would facilitate the emergence of what you’d like to experience. [bctt tweet=”The true value of your job is not dependent on your position, but your personality.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Change your cognitive experience The natural cognitive of man is attracted to negative situations that appeal to his senses. So for example, you get to find out the extra benefits due to full-time staffs in your company and it freaks you out (it should), it is only normal that you begin to take it out on your daily routine, colleagues and even your line managers. Two years after my experience as a contract staff in a financial institution, I was appraised and suggested to be converted into a full-time staff. I was excited when my line manager hinted me on this new development and was waiting for the big announcement. To my greatest disappointment, when my appraisal form got to the office in charge, my group head was summoned and asked, “Who would you like to be retrenched in order to approve Adesewa’s conversion?” Confused, she responded, “nobody”. “Well, because the company cannot afford the cost for another full-time employee,” they disclosed. It was a great consolation to have known that the reason for the default was a lack of the company’s capacity, not mine. If this happened to you, I know you would freak out, and probably drop your resignation notice to go somewhere you’ll be ‘celebrated, not tolerated’. Just calm down! LOL! The quality of the delivery of your duties should be influenced by positivity. Contract jobs hardly come with motivations. Thus, you must always find a way around it. While you have a plan to quit, be deliberately positive about your daily dealings. The more positivity you exude, the greater the attraction for more. If it doesn’t happen for you in this job, it would somewhere else. Create value for your personality One of the many reasons people want to be in the full-staff cadre is so that the company can place value on them. The true value of your job is not dependent on your position, but your personality. Quit thinking the reason you’re not doing well right now is that you don’t get so much pay. Your pay may not equal your plan, but it does not necessarily influence the core of you, except you want it to. So, during a knowledge sharing session at your company or a proposal pitch, you have the platform to ‘show yourself’. Yes! Flaunt the stuff you’re made of! This is not PRIDE; it is PURPOSE-ON-DELIVERY. Always look for opportunities to reveal who you are asides from being the “front desk officer” or “cashier”. Profer solutions to problems. That’s what employers want to see. Even though it may likely not buy your conversion as a staff, it would increase your value as a person. You are first a person before being someone’s staff. Work at it! Work experience is in phases, enjoy this one A young entrepreneur who also works as an employee reached out to me one day. She shared all her frustrations as to how she was not getting fulfilments with her job. She mentioned how she knew this was not what she signed up for her life and all. The truth is, at every point in life, we get bored. This is not just a contract thing, stop blaming it on the job. Because guess what, even if you were full time, you would still get bored. All days are not the same, and all work experiences are in phases. You have to learn the art of enjoying the phases by creating systems that work for you. At the financial job experience I told you about, every week became annoying because there had to be something new to do – things that were way out of the initial job description(JD). Whichever way I felt did not matter to the company, the job had to be done anyway. And the only way to be happy with your job is to be happy with you, knowing that this is only a phase. You would get involved in better things and greater opportunities, so if you want to make your life count, you have to do it right. Always work with the end in view You know, many times, we are motivated in the present by having a vision of what’s to come. Doing your job with the end in mind is one sure way to enjoy what you’re doing currently. So, pending the time you

Lebogang Motlalekgosi: You need these qualities to start a crocheting business

Its evident that nowadays, our young moguls are doing what they are passionate about, rather than what the status quo dictates to them. After completing her BA in Humanities, with a major in sociology and environmental science, Lebogang Motlalekgosi struggled to find a job, but that did not break her spirit as she decided to use her crocheting skills and follow her passion. She became a mogul at 27 years old when she started a crocheting business, and she seems to be doing quite well. “Being able to crochet things people can use in their daily lives is what gets me falling in love with it every day”, she confesses. Ms. Motlalekgosi states that she does not limit herself when it comes to her crocheting business. She makes a variety of product that suit a wide range of audience, from baby booties, blankets, as well as wearables for kids and adults. Motlalekgosi says she draws inspiration from everywhere, but she started this business because of her sister who is one of the people who believe in her. [bctt tweet=”“I learned how to crochet when I was about 9 years old” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”] Which four qualities does one need, in order to venture into this unusual business?   1. Patience: Crochet is about math which may mean counting tons of stitches and it can be quiet exhausting especially when numbers are not your friend like me. 2. Creativity: Possibilities are endless with crochet. There is so much one can make from clothing to décor items. You just have to be willing to keep re-inventing and learning. 3. Determination: Like with any other business, you need to be determined to make it a success through research, investing your time, and energy. 4. Love: I believe by pouring your heart into everything, fall in love with your craft and others eventually will.   Where do you draw your inspiration from? Inspiration is everywhere but I started this business because of my sister Johannah, who is one of the people who really believed in me sometimes more than I believed in myself. I am also inspired every time I finish a product because it not only boosts my confidence but it inspires me to want to learn more and make more products. [bctt tweet=”Work hard and work some more: Believe in your craft more than anyone else. ” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]   What are the four tips you can give to someone who wants to venture into the crocheting business? Research: Buy books and find other resources that will help you improve your craft. Experiment: don’t limit yourself to just one product, try other things as well, it will do wonders for your confidence. Don’t give up even when you feel like it: Especially when the math doesn’t add up, as it usually does when making a new product. Work hard and work some more: Believe in your craft more than anyone else.   How do you overcome challenges? Some of the materials are not easily accessible, but I overcome that by working with what I have and making the most of it.   What is your most outstanding achievement so far? For me, every single order is an outstanding achievement. Nothing is more fulfilling to me than watching a customer smile when trying out a product I made and telling me how much they love it because I pour my energy, love and time into every product.   Describe your typical Monday morning. Haha, my Monday mornings are random in terms of activities. On one Monday I could wake up and head straight to the couch and start crocheting while others begin with a little workout. My evenings are usually characterized by preparing supper for my family, watching my favorite series while crocheting. Do you know of any entrepreneur with an unusual business idea? Share their story here.

It’s okay, being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone

You know how some women profess to never having felt that maternal urge or instinct and they just know being a mum isn’t for them? Well, not everyone should be an entrepreneur either. I believe more women need to hear this. In this day and age, it almost seems like if you’re not thinking of running your own business, with the whole uncertainty in the job market bit, then something is off with you. Maybe not. At the end of the day, if you see yourself as more of a technocrat for instance, that’s fine. There are certainly other ways to make your mark in the world. [bctt tweet=”So don’t stress, and don’t get pressured if building your own business is just not your cup of tea.” username=”MercedesAlfa”] Let’s be real. Being an entrepreneur is a lot. It starts with having a clearly-defined vision of what you are looking to accomplish, and then requires working tirelessly to achieve that. It really is okay if you are one to help others build their dreams. Some people are leaders, some are builders, some are followers, some are supporters. Being able to identify who you are at all the different stages of your life is gold. Besides all that, there actually is a difference between being self-employed and being an entrepreneur. Think about it. Some people prefer to work for themselves because of benefits such as flexibility and independence. However, it does not necessarily mean you are cut out for taking on huge risks that come with starting a business. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s focus on what you can do to continue Slaying: Discover Your Strengths If you’re not entirely sure what you’re good at, you could ask people who work closely with you to point out some of your strengths. What are those things that come naturally to you? It could be things like negotiating or communicating, or maybe you’re good with numbers or mediating issues. As soon as you discover your strengths, you should capitalize on them to help you stand out and propel yourself in your career. Acquire the hottest skills on the job market  Keep on top of your game by updating your work skills. Make sure you’re marketable and an asset in whatever capacity you operate in. Make wise investments   Your youthful years are a great time to make investments that you can fall back on in the future. We know Instagram and Snapchat are brimming with what might seem like the good life, but remember it’s more important to spend your income wisely rather than try to keep up with the Kardashians. Look out for a great savings plan which offers good returns. You could begin looking at taking out a mortgage or investing in real estate, stocks, bonds and so on. Be sure to do your research and speak to a financial adviser before you get your feet wet. Moral of this story? You’re a hot commodity all on your own, so don’t let people tell you any different. It’s so okay, being an entrepreneur isn’t for everyone. Do you have an interesting career story to share with us? Let us know more here.