I’ve never met anyone who wants some motivational hype on how to watch TV, how to procrastinate, or how to eat something they love.
Most people want real strategies to help them succeed with goals linked to health, wealth, work-life balance, career success, business visibility, confidence and public speaking, or finding joy.
[bctt tweet=”If you could change one thing to maximize your time and optimize your life, what would it be?” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]
What is procrastination and why is it crucial to discuss it?
Procrastination is the act of putting off or delaying or deferring an action to a later time. Have you ever found yourself so close to achieving a goal, only to throw it all away at the last moment?
Sometimes we have very good excuses for postponing actions. It could be looking for the perfect moment, the right timing, the exact atmosphere etc. Let’s face it, this perfect moment may never come and before you know it, time is gone.
[bctt tweet=”Procrastination is the mother of stagnation and it can lead to a life of frustration” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]
We all procrastinate, and we’re all capable of procrastinating. You know that feeling when you wake up feeling super energized and ready to finish that project but barely one hour later you decide you’re going to do it tomorrow. Then, the cycle repeats itself till life events take over and the dream gets swept under the carpet.
Yet, we all are capable to beat procrastination. Procrastination is the mother of stagnation and not mastering it can lead to a life of frustration and insignificance.
What makes you procrastinate when instead of getting the right things done at the right time could make you happy and multiply the time you have?
Is it a matter of habitual laziness? Is it that you don’t realize what’s really at stake? Could it be that you give yourself the permission to carry things over or let others decide for you?
Understanding the root cause of your behavior is the first step to finding the solution. To make the shift from procrastinating to taking action, you must raise your self-awareness about whats going on around you, then be honest about what is really working for you and what is not working for you.
You make commitments every day and these commitments either inspire or expire you. Watching TV instead of studying is a commitment. Sleeping instead of working on your business plan is a commitment.
Every action you have committed has consequences, whether good or bad.
Commitment —————> Action —————> Results
When bad things happen to you, blaming others for every is a choice you have chosen to manifest. The same way, if you decide right now to begin to make small changes to turn your life around in the direction you really desire, that’s a commitment I encourage.
The more risk-averse and fearful you are, the more likely you are to procrastinate and delay the happiness you could enjoy in your life.
If you could change one thing, today, to maximize your time and optimize your life, what would it be? For a simple 5-step guide, download my free Ebook – Stop Wishing, Start Doing.
Do you have any productivity tips that have worked for you?
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