She Leads Africa

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Common business challenges…and how to overcome them

You’ve started a business, probably one that’s 6 months old. You’ve achieved the significant part of your dreams but what to do when your business becomes a stubborn child? Whatever you do, don’t look it in the eyes or try to confront directly. We’ve got ways to overcome some common challenges associated with start-ups to […]

“Be realistically audacious” : Teniola Adejuwon on the 500 StartUps accelerator experience

Teniola Adejuwon of Podozi at 500 Start Ups is a beauty ecommerce platform that gives African women access to both local and international beauty brands. Co-founders, Teniola Adejuwon and Wale Babatunde, recently completed a 4-month accelerator programme with 500 StartUps, a leading venture capital fund in Silicon Valley. To date, 500 StartUps has invested in over 1,500 businesses across 50 countries worldwide. […]

Kah Walla: Starting a business in Cameroon is easier than before

Kah Walla is one of Cameroon’s most successful female entrepreneurs. When she started her consulting firm 20 years ago, she says she never stopped to consider how unusual, and challenging, it would be for a woman in her 20s to begin a business in Cameroon. Despite being a woman and facing the hurdles of the […]

10 Startups Selected For The Inaugural SLA Accelerator


Earlier this year we kicked off the first ever She Leads Africa Accelerator Program. In partnership with the Work in Progress! Alliance (VC4Africa and Oxfam) and Guaranty Trust Bank we set out to create a 3-month accelerator program designed to identify, support and fund the next generation of Nigeria’s brightest female entrepreneurs. The SLA Accelerator received […]

5 skills your new team needs right away

Team work at She Hive NYC

So, you’ve got a new team on your hands. As a savvy manager, you’ve studied your team and decided that they need to work on some new skills. But you’re having a tough time making a choice on which skills are the most useful to ensure your team operates smoothly. Don’t worry, we have your […]

3 ways to connect with your dreams as a young African

When I first talked to Khadijah Oyerinde, a 14-year-old high school student in Osun, southwestern Nigeria, I was able to see her dreams clearly. This was because of the confidence and passion with which she conveyed them to me. Within the first two minutes of our conversation, the young and inspiring Khadijah had mesmerized me. […]

Why Motherland Moguls need to master the marketplace

One speaker at the recently concluded TEDxAccra 2016 spoke passionately about the ills of the entrepreneurial journey. This is an aspect of entrepreneurship that we often don’t like to talk about, or don’t want to admit. He spoke about the uncertainty that is associated with being an entrepreneur, as well as the depression that comes […]

7 steps to starting your business with a full time job

she hive nyc business job

I had at least 3 failed attempts at running a business with a full time job before I got things right. I often wondered how other people managed to do it. But now I finally got it right, I can let you know how to start right. For the last 4 years, I’ve combined my […]

You don’t have to see the whole staircase – just take the first step


It was apparently Dr Martin Luther King who said you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. And as I sat with a group of 70 odd women global leaders at a meeting convened by Vital Voices in Johannesburg, I completely understood Dr King’s words more so than ever before. […]