She Leads Africa

When people consider launching a new business, most imagine quitting their jobs and risking it all. However, aspiring entrepreneurs should stick with traditional jobs, rather than take a complete leap of faith by quitting their jobs. This is to ensure they can take the necessary time to grow their brands whilst earning multiple streams of income.

A side hustle is a business you run in your free time, which allows you to pursue what you are most interested in. It is a chance to delve into different areas such as  fashion, food, hair ,the not- for- profit world  or whatever you are passionate about- whilst keeping your day job.

Yes we love working our 9-5’s! But, extra cash from something we really love is vital. The good thing about having a side hustle is that you can make extra money and use talents that are dormant in your 9-5 day job.

Starting a business whilst employed gives you the opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the world, doing work that you love on your own terms. It is not easy as you’ll have to share and balance your time between your day job and business. However, it is possible.

Here are some tips for starting a side hustle:

Pinpoint your passionchoose something you are really enjoy, which people need and are willing to pay for. E.g. Event planning, logo illustrator etc.

Use your network – don’t be afraid to let your contacts know that you are open for business. Post it on social media, send emails, make phone calls get the word out!

Stick to the schedule – set time aside for your business periodically, like an appointment. Have a specific time during the day to work on your side hustle. It is important.

Collaborate/Network – the bigger your community, the more potential opportunities you have. Also, always make time to meet with new people.

Hire an assistant – remember, you have a day job, and most of the time you won’t be able to have meetings with clients or customers. Hire someone who can help with the work while you’re at your job.

Starting a side hustle is not easy and you probably won’t get it right the first time. Just be patient, focus and plan and it will happen!

Do you have side hustle? How do you balance your side hustle and 9-5?

If you’d like to share your story with She Leads Africa, let us know more about you and your story here.

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