Carol Natasha Motolo is a young dynamic visionary who has a soft heart for young girls who have been raped, molested or assaulted. She is an author, motivational speaker, entrepreneur and a student of life. She is the founder of the Carol Motolo Foundation a non- profit, faith based, community developmental organization. Which aims to create a safe environment where rape, injustice and other societal ills against women will be a thing of the past.
Carol spent years battling depression, abuse, making wrong decisions, and a preference for chaos and disaster. She did not have any tools to help her deal with her own emotions. But, a turning point in her life came when a few years ago she was able to let go of someone she thought she wouldn’t be able to live without.
As a form of catharsis, Carol has been using a journaling technique since she was 10 years old. This inspired her to write a book came after living with the depression, being physically and emotionally abused,homeless, penniless, hopeless and giving birth to a premature baby. This was the ultimate test of her faith, but somehow, she Lived in Faith and overcame her battles, this led her to publish a self-help, personal development and motivational book titled Living in Faith.
[bctt tweet=”It doesn’t matter who you used to be. All that matters is who you are willing to become” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]
Tell us about Carol Motolo
Carol Motolo is an author, mother, photographer, entrepreneur and founder of the Carol Motolo Foundation.
What were you working on before starting your brand?
I was a full time mom and blogger.
What are two breakthroughs that lead you to transform your life?
My son getting out of hospital after being born premature and overcoming the trauma of being raped.
What are three things you gained and lost in the process of creating Living in Faith?
I lost a lot of friends. But i gained God’s love, grace, wisdom and to trust in God at all times.
[bctt tweet=”I will walk by faith even when I can not see.” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]
What lead you to write Living in Faith?
I went through a lot when my son was born premature. At that point I turned to God for help and as a result my faith grew and i was brought closer to God. When my son finally became well I felt it was time to combine all i had written ; including how i overcame being abused and raped.
After these kind of incidents a lot of women struggle to overcome and fully live their lives. I therefore felt that God was using me as a tool to assist those that have walked the same path as I have.
How did your journaling technique begin?
There comes a time in ones life when you just want to let go of the pain and resentment. I had reached that stage . So I began to write my experiences down and gradually found ways to let go and be a better person each day. Thank God because as time went by the process became easier and easier.
What keeps you going every day?
God ‘s presence in my life and my family; their support and faith in me really keeps me going, even in the hardest of times.
What projects are you currently working on under the Carol Motolo Foundation?
We are currently seeking donations and sponsors for our programme: Pens for a girl child. We’re also in talks with the Ministry of Health to assist us with more access to health care practitioners for our rape and abuse victims.
What was your inspiration to empower young girls?
I was born in a country where a girl child is not regarded useful or important. Therefore, I felt the need to change that mentality and educate a girl child; to show her that through education she can be anything and everything she wants to be.We have the power to work hard and prepare for a better future. The girl child needs to know that they can be better, without relying on a man for their needs and a better future.
What are your current career goals?
I want to be one of the best authors and to change lives with my book. In addition to that I want to own a fragrance line. By God’s grace it will be out before end of the year.
[bctt tweet=”Those who live passionately teach us how to love.Those who love passionately teach us how to live” username=”SheLeadsAfrica”]
What’s the creative process like for you? Where do you go, and what do you
Inspiration comes easy for me. My room is mostly the best place for me to go if I want to be in a creative space. My kids are also my inspiration.
In one sentence, how would you like to be remembered?
I want to be remembered as the person who helped others restore their faith in the Lord and themselves.