She Leads Africa

They call me a dreamer as I live in the world of fantasy, devoid of impossibilities. Several ideas that constantly run in my mind have not always matured to fruition, and for this reason, they have constantly reminded me to re-evaluate my view regarding the dreams and come back to what they consider as reality.

They laugh at me and talk behind my back that one day I will get tired of dreaming and stick to the fact that I can never make it out. With all these hindrances trying to make me give up. 

I never stopped dreaming. So I decided to do something about it. Here is my strategy…

List down my dreams

I will come up with a table that will contain my dreams, how I intend to work towards accomplishing them, the benefits and the challenges that I would face and how am going to overcome them.

I stand to derive from doing them, complete with the targeted start and end time for each of them.

Tell my friends how I feel

My friends are not going to stop me from achieving my dreams. I will tell them this in no uncertain terms that I am tired of their mimics and nothing will stop me from dreaming big.

I wouldn’t care if I lose them as friends or not because I believe real friends are supposed to give you support or encourage you in what you do.  

I’d rather walk alone believing in myself than walking with people who discourage and see failure you in whatever you do or want to do.

Attribute myself

Going forward, I will put more emphasis on the below attributes as the guiding principles towards achieving my dreams:

  • Believe – I’ve to make the decision to start believing in myself that my dreams will come true no matter how long it will take all I need is to give out my best with full of optimism.


  • Trust – It’s written in the good book of life that we need to trust in the Lord with all your heart and soul and He shall make our paths straight!  I have to always put lots of trust in Him and include him in each and every step that I take knowing that God helps those who help themselves.


  • Focused – I am going to remain focused on the task at hand towards achieving my dreams and take each step with positivism without wavering. Am never going to stand or turn around and listen to the barking dogs to disrupt my mission to remain focus in what am doing.


  • Competitiveness -The current world is very competitive. I am going to remain a life to the challenges that come with it while at the same time be ready to be challenged. The need to rise with every fall, learn from my mistakes and those of others and be ready to change in doing good is also going to be key to ensure my dreams succeed.


  • Perseverance – Success does not come overnight and neither is the road to it straight. I need to be able to withstand each storm that comes my way and overcomes it with full of confidence and never accepts to remain down since every successful person has a story to tell.


Constant research on the subject of my dreams is now going to become an integral part of what I do towards achieving my dreams.

[bctt tweet=”The current world is very competitive.” username=”Diana Mgeni”]

Reading how the people who had the same dreams as mine how they were able to manage to get through their storm and be able to succeed in what they do. I will seek to find out the best way to actualize my dream and build an understanding of the same with the interested parties.

Ask for help

This help can take the shape of; financial, knowledge base and social input. I wouldn’t be shy to try to ask for any assistance from the people around me or my role model.

This is from the realization that there are other interested parties to the success of my dreams whose input will always remain valuable to me.

A step in the dark

As I embark on the tasks towards achieving my dreams, I need not to be scared of the outcome provided that it has come from my very best of input.

I must be prepared to showcase to everyone my work and be ready to accept both the critics and compliments from them full of positivism bearing in mind that you need them to grow since not everyone will like or support you in whatever you need.

Even if my crowd is small those that will listen to me; it is an achievement and will always appreciate them.

With all these, I believe that I can make my dreams come true!

So let’s keep dreaming!

This article was written by DIANA MGENI.

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